Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Article Marketing - How To Make Money

Selling articles is a type of advertising that is now universal and trendy among online businesses. Firms have been created solely to provide unique articles with unique content for web pages as a method for their promotion.

Article marketing has encouraged the writers by providing them to display their articles for free. Due to this, we find article directories having long lists of free articles which may be helpful to the viewers to get information they want and to the website by increasing its viewers. Some sites offer their own articles only so as to keep their content in limit.

An important feature of article marketing is SEO targeting by using specific key words. Articles will be germane to the overall content of a website but will be loaded with certain words and phrases to make web crawler programs detect them and lead those who search the terms to see the page on a results page and then to visit the site.

Some articles contain misspelled words and poorly-worded phrases to ensure uniqueness and to bring searches who misspell words to the sites. This brings traffic, but many visitors may be unlikely to stay on a page with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. They may assume any product is as bad as the spelling.

Article marketing can provide you with revenue in several ways. The primary source of profit is by linking to sites to generate traffic from visitors, to sell products online, or to provide in some other way for the needs of those who are intrigued by the articles and drawn to the site. You can also offer your articles to other website owners, and tailor the articles to their needs.

Some site owners think that generating traffic is everything, even though they make little money if no one buys their services or clicks on ads. High quality articles are important because they encourage visitors to stay longer when they visit and to make return visits. They generally give your site a professional atmosphere that encourages visitors to purchase your goods or services. Good articles are worth the extra expense.

Those with writing skills can of course create their own copy, but many people prefer ghost written articles commissioned from professional writers. Some recruit individuals and others utilize online sites where articles may be solicited and purchased. These are then placed in directories and sites but will be credited to the purchaser, not the actual author.

S. Montgomery is a lifetime article marketing student who manages a FREE Article Marketing Blog that reveals the secret tricks and techniques the top marketers use to flood their sites with targeted paying traffic!


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