Thursday, May 22, 2008

Authors and Authorities - How Can the Reader Know?

In the online article authoring world there are many different types of folks who write articles and although most of them write in order to use informational marketing to attract customers on the Internet to partake in their goods or services, the total number of reasons that people write articles is truly astounding.

Indeed, I think that anyone who makes this connection is correct in considering that authors write on different subjects for different reason and their points about the author being an expert in one or more fields but not in others also makes sense. For instance for me, I have expertise in Franchising, Small Business, Marketing, Branding, Car Washing, Trucking, Aviation, Technology, Sports Competition, Winning, Philosophy, Humanities, Politics, Economics, Innovation and various related fields. But I write about all sorts of stuff and I would say that those areas I am not so good at, it is a challenge to write a strong article, I am happy with and thus I would not obviously be any kind of expert in those areas.

Many authors believe and I concur that an author can be an expert in some domains, but not all. But how would the reader know this? Should a panel be set up at the top online article submission sites to grade author status as experts? Well, if that is feasible considering the resources involved to look over the articles and considering the "primate politics of panels" then this would solve a problem.

On one of the top online article submission sites, I noticed that there are only 3 pages of authors who have over 100 articles, then starting with only those authors of over 100 articles, it could be done fairly easy. A panel could look at those authors to find out if they were truly experts in various subjects and when they submitted articles to those categories they might be accompanied by a star?

There is a company called "Topix" which has local panels rating news, all volunteers even, and it works fine. If there were only 300 authors to rate, this is easily feasible and eventually maybe it could be taken down to 75 or 50 articles and thus someone to get to the rating system level would have to pony up and write some articles, thus also stretching them to prove they could perform and "SHOW ME" type proof of expert status.

Also remember that the author could submit which categories they feel most qualified in and the group could choose these categories based on their accomplishments in the real world and then "+" their articles? I am a firm believer in real world experience and doing over merely someone who is a "great writer" and can spin a phrase.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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