Monday, May 5, 2008

Clickbank Success With Article Marketing

When I first started promoting Clickbank products, I set up several Google AdWords campaigns. I can still remember the excitement, as I saw people were clicking my ads. Never mind that it's costing me $10 a day, I thought, I will easily make that back. I also remember the strange disappointment when I checked my Clickbank account and saw that not one single sale had gone through. Does that sound familiar?

Google AdWords just didn't work for me. I spent way more money than I ever made. The way forward, my friend, is article marketing. Here are some reasons why it beats AdWords into the ground:

  1. Writing articles will cost you no money, unless you want to pay someone else to do it for you. It will cost you some time, but you will find you get faster the more you write and there are tools to help you be even faster.
  2. Article Marketing works! OK, so it may still take a little while to see results, but it certainly is possible to make a better than full time income off of article marketing alone.
  3. You gain a portfolio of information that you can use later to create ebooks for your customers. It is great practice for this and will save you loads of time later.
  4. You are viewed as an expert in your field. The more you write on a subject the more your customers will respect you and the more likely they are to buy from you.
  5. It survives the competition. It's true there are many people doing article marketing right now, but unlike Google AdWords it is still highly possible to succeed.
  6. You don't have to know anything about the topic. With new software you can get your article written at the touch of a button.
  7. It's so much better than buying and following up leads that never get anywhere. If you hate selling,article marketing is for you.

Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out


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