Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's All About Building Back Links

If you have a website, it's crucial that you get it noticed so that people can find it and thus buy your product or service. Now, of course, you can pay for advertising, but the best way to get traffic to come to your site is to have the search engines recognize you and rank you highly in search results. One of the ways you can do this is to build backlinks. One of the best ways to build backlinks organically is to use Web 2.0, or social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking is basically the web redefined, organized by users. The most popular sites are "bookmarked" online, which means they get many more visitors because they're so much more visible both in the search engines and on the bookmarking sites themselves. With social bookmarking, you can go online to sites such as and not only save your favorite bookmarks there (similar to saving bookmarks on your own computer, but this is a website), but you can swap, share, and see what other users are marking is their favorite places, so you can visit, too.

This means that social bookmarking is a great way to get your site noticed. How do you use social bookmarking to increase the number of backlinks to your site and therefore increase traffic to your own site, though?

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your site through social bookmarking and therefore get backlinks is to write articles. In the article itself, of course, you include a link to your website at the end. That way, when readers finish reading your article, they'll also likely click on your website to go see what it's all about.

Then, you post those articles to social bookmarking sites such as,, and, as well as the aforementioned Technorati. These articles should have several things in common. With them, you should:

Write something readers really want to read, and make it fresh and original

Simply "spinning" articles really doesn't do it, nor does posting old articles from other sites. You need to write your own fresh, original content that readers really want to read, on a subject you are really knowledgeable about. If you play your cards right, this will fit right in with your website content and product or service, because of course, you should be an expert about that, too.

Have catchy headlines, so that readers are sure to click on your article because your headline caught their attention

This is pretty self-explanatory, but if your title doesn't catch someone's attention, they'll never read your article.

Your first paragraph should be killer

Again, similar to the headline, you want to catch and hold the reader's interest, so that he or she will want to read the rest of the article, too.

Make the entire article count

Your reputation is going to go downhill fast if people associate you with articles that have catchy headlines and great first paragraphs, but then have just "filler" content for the rest. Again, you can't skimp here. You have to write articles that people will really want to read and find valuable. If they like what you have to say, they'll not only bookmark it for themselves, but they'll pass it on to friends as well, which in turn will create more backlinks to your site.

Make it easy for people to bookmark you

Include a way for people to bookmark your article as a favorite, so that it shows up on the front pages of all of the social bookmarking sites. In just a little bit of time, you can have literally 20,000 hits or better to your website a day, which of course increases traffic and therefore sales for you.

Another thing that may happen is that if your articles truly are fresh content and a good read, sometimes even bloggers can start blogging about your articles, which in turn mentions your website and creates more backlinks.

In short, getting backlinks is pretty easy to do, as long as you do so honestly and truly want to provide good content and a good product or service as well. Of course, your products or services, too, will create backlinks as long as what you provide is quality. First, you have to get people to go to your website, and the articles will do this for you. Then, your products or services can create their own buzz, which in turn creates more backlinks, which in turn creates more traffic, which in turn creates more sales.

You see? Social bookmarking is relatively simple, as long as you keep it honest and work to provide a good product and service, as well as good articles, which will help keep you on top of the search engines' favorites list.

Building back links to your site is the most important thing you need to do to get traffic. For more information visit Internet Marketing Bytes.


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