Saturday, May 24, 2008

Keyword Density And The Role It Plays - SEO

Keyword density is a calculation of the number of times the selected keyword appears on the web page. Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage of the total word content on a given web page. Generally speaking, keyword density is the ratio of the word that is being searched for (the keyword) against the total number of words appearing on your web page.

Suppose you have 100 words on your webpage (not including HMTL code used for writing the web page), and you use a certain keyword five times in the content. The keyword density on that page is got by simply dividing the total number of keywords, by the total number of words that appear on your web page.

If a particular keyword has a higher density on your web page, then the likelihood of your page obtaining better search engine ranking increases. For example, a visitor who is looking for information on "Search Engine Ranking" may search for things like "search engine positioning, search engine ranking", "search engine placement", "keyword density", "top ranking", and the like. After you have collected your list of keywords, do NOT simply dump those keywords into a senseless list on your web page.

Simple steps to check the density:

Copy and paste the content from an individual web page into a word-processing software program like Word or Word Perfect. In addition to keyword density calculations, it verifies that your site is not overloaded and that it has the correct distribution of profitable keywords in the most critical locations. Using the total word count for the page and the total number of keywords you can now calculate the keyword density. Once your page closely matches the keyword density in all categories/tags you have likely designed a page that will most probably score in the top of the search engines.

Some search engine marketers weights deemed as "negative". I found many of these documents belonging to search engine marketing and optimization (SEM, SEO) specialists. There is also a different level of tolerance between the different search engines as to the degree of density permitted before a penalty is imposed.

Keep in mind that the search engines are constantly changing their relevancy criteria when scoring pages for keyword relevancy. This information can sometimes be found

in information bases pertaining to each search engine.

Every Search Engine has its own techniques for scoring pages and you must first learn what analysis options are important for your selected Search Engine before designing your page and get a successful scoring.

The various search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search consider keyword density as part of their search algorithm. Search engines today are measuring keyword density as a factor in assigning relevancy ratings to web pages. On the other hand, if your keyword density is too high then the search engine may penalize you for "keyword stuffing".

LSI is changing many of the the search engines ranking factors these days, so in reality

there is not much knowledge on how long a ranking factor like keyword density will be an issue.

Davin Ogden has various websites on the internet. provides you with all the tools and proper learning information on LSI, serious seo strategies, and improving your search engine ranking to give you the results your after in the search engines.

For information on keyword density and other quick tips please visit If you would like to download FREE rebrandable ebook from the website to help with your SEO needs please visit


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