Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sifting Thru the Fog to Find the Expert Writers of Our Time

The question at hand is - How can you determine if the author who wrote a particular article is an expert or not? And how on Earth can you go through 10 Billion web pages to find all the experts? Well in my estimation an online article submission site with over half-a-million articles and 50,000 or more article authors could indeed do this.

Does this mean that they should apply to the Department of Defense, NSA, Google Research or the National Archives for a grant to do the research? Yes, I believe they should. What about the information overload at half-a-million articles or the massive amount of garbage on the Internet these days - ah, precisely why such a system to determine expert status is truly needed in my opinion.

Yes, there is information overload, data smog or feature fatigue to consider in all of this and any online article submission site who decides to design such a system on their own accord with their own financing must only implement such a system that makes sense from a user standpoint, profit standpoint because whatever is implemented will need to have a decent ROI, otherwise why do it?

Indeed, presently whatever is done by an online article submission site must take advantage of the future, but also realize if semantic searching and Web 2.0 comes into the picture soon, Everything changes over night, thus it is best to be ready and be first to market, not be bogged down with all sorts of projects that may never turn a profit.

Can an Artificial Intelligent Search Feature sift through all this and only give results of the experts? Some say that it would be impossible to design such a searching tool. Well, I disagree to say it cannot be done now with current technology and AI theories of our day. I believe no one has thought it out. I am sure I or we could come up with something fairly easy if for instance we studied all my articles or let's say 10,000 of them.

We know what subject I am an expert in and which subjects I ain't and so we could play around with a program until which time it matched that reality, so therefore I believe it can be done, in fact, I am quite certain of it. I think giving up or quitting or concluding it is impossible is pre-mature, but in looking at the various ideas on how it could be done so far, I would say, based on this, none of these ideas presented thus far will work by themselves although a few might be a component of the total answer to the question.

Currently, we know that all too often Google or other major search engines do not bring back the desired results needed. Perhaps you have had this problem, I know I have and not just with Google either. Indeed, in frustration of this problem I have had long in depth conversations on the issues of false positives in looking for geniuses on the Internet with some experts in the field who have written 200 research papers on the subject at a major University. They have stories about this.

The Search Engines we have today are not good enough and most people are only semi-satisfied with them. Can a small online article submission site succeed where major search engines have failed us? Yes, because these smaller sites have incredible data bases and hands on experience dealing with these issues and determining who is an expert.

Incidentally, I know that our Online Think Tank could come up with the answer if we choose to take this on as a project, because, we have everything we need if we use the top online article submission site statistics. Since, I am a writer and I know "me" and my abilities; we should be able to play around with something and WIN, that is to say come up with the solution to the challenge - No Problem, it just takes a little time and availability to the data, it can be done, I know it can.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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