Friday, June 6, 2008

"Marketing Multi Level" - If You Don't Read This, FORGET IT!

Okay, Okay...The heading "Marketing Multi Level"..If You Don;t Read This..Forget It.. was just a little bit dramatic....I will admit that but I needed to get your attention because to me marketing is the big missing link from the three keys to success in multi level marketing.

Just to quickly review I have already discussed in other articles the other two key areas required...

1. Personal Development

2. System Duplication

But is necessary and not just any type of marketing. It's marketing about you! That's right..You!! It's not about marketing the products or services. It's not about marketing your leaders or your system. No...great "marketing multi level" style is to get people attracted to YOU first. Did I say you? Yep!

That system of "marketing multi level" is called Attraction Marketing. And it's powerful because it's all about the person only you control...YOU! And there is no one else like you. The other great thing about attraction marketing is that people stick with other words they will be less unlikely to switch companies after they follow you to the company in the first place.

Now that we understand the strategy... the next step is to determine "HOW?." Well that includes creating a brand for you as being an expert in the industry. Whether you are an expert or not ..isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not people perceive you as the expert. Perception is reality. And here's the real neat trick...if you aren't an expert...borrow someone else's expertise. In other words...convince your prospects because you are associated with an industry expert in some regard, then you have the perceived expertise you need..

That's "marketing multi level" style. That's success!

Here's to you!


Co-founder MLM OUTLAWS

"Network Marketing Industry. Rivers Corbett is a six figure income earner in the MLM industry and Expert in training people how to build a massive organization using the power of the internet. Sign up for his FREE 7 Day Boot Camp. Click Here


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