Saturday, June 28, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You have a web site or a web page and you want that people go, look at them for different purposes, generally to sell something. So your site must be known and visible. Different possibilities are available for you:

1. You can use ads in the search engines where people go (example: adwords for google). There are different ads : sponsored links, PPC (pay per click), etc... The cost is different between the search engines, the traffic societies... but it always costs as long as you keep your campaign "active".

2. You can write in different blogs, without telling directly your link. Blogs are not supposed to do your ads for you, but to be a link between people who speak on same subjects. But it can help, if you write interested things without telling all, some people can ask you more and then, up to you ...

3. But all this will not surely place your web site on a good place for a long time and be visible for specific keywords representing your web site. The main point to be well positioned is a professional job. The experts on submitting and positioning will surely do it. Of course, this place has a price, but if your web site is visible at any time somebody types the keywords or expressions keywords, the price will be nothing because you will have a lot of specific and real traffic. It will not be people who are paid to click, your visitors will come because your site comes on these keywords which represent what your site is or gives. And one of the main points of an expert's job is the link popularity.

The link popularity depends on different things : the number of in and out-going links within your site versus your competitors and the page ranks of these links. If your competitors have around 1200 links, you must have at least 1200 links. But if the majority of your links are bought to some directories. The robots of the search engines will not take care of them because they know the link addresses (URL's) of the societies who sell links by package of 100, 1000 or 10000. They have no value. Before they could have a small value by the quantity but now, this is the marketing war on internet. So the robots look at more and more things every months, and forget the sites with a big number of links if they have no added value.

What is an added value for a link?

It could be the fact it comes from another web site building on the same subject, or from web sites of education centers or governmental centers. And the popularity of the others is represented mainly by the page rank. If you only have a few links going to your web site with a high page rank, you will be more lucky than a website with 15000 links without any page rank and no specific value.

And higher is the page rank, better your website will take points for the robots. I do not say that if you succeed to get a link from a site with a page rank of 7 or 8 !!! , that your site will get a similar page rank. Not at all ! But it will be a plus, for example if you have already a page rank, even if it is zero, with a few links of page ranks of 4 and 5, you can be sure your site will upgrade.

I know, you are going to tell me : how can I get links from web sites with good page ranks or even small ones ? I will answer, this is the job of the experts in Submitting and Positioning Sites in Internet. They know which sites to look at, same theme or subject as your site, then look at the page ranks, and then obtain a link with or without a back-link. Question of expertise ! Because, a professional site is not a shop window full of links, a professional site is a site speaking on your subject, your products and your partners if your have some.

I would say that to obtain a good place, for example within the 3 first places on the first page of Google, on specific keywords, the optimization of your web site and the popularity link work are the main keys of the success and the success of the traffic for your site.

Michele PORRETTA - 25 years in IBM Product Manager in EMEA (Europe Middle East & Africa). Now Referencing & Positionning Internet Expert in POSITIONNEMENT 1er Society - Success University Director - Motivational Club Member - Success University "USA/UK/MALTA/CANADA/FRANCE Success Team" Leader


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