Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

What is article marketing? It is a question asked by people that have come across the term when seeking ways to promote their website and generate traffic. Many people write articles, or have them professionally written, without understanding their real purpose.

If they do not understand how article marketing can be used to derive massive amounts of traffic to targeted web pages on their site, how can they possibly be prepared to write an article intended to achieve that?

That raises a question. The term is quite common in the world of internet marketing yet it appears that there are many people who have no idea what it actually means. Probably that is due to the misuse of the word by many article companies, so the intention here is to put the matter straight.

For a start, there are far too many writers supplying article services who have no idea what they are doing, and have obviously no interest in the needs of the person for whom they are writing. Websites offering freelance writing services are full of them. It is full of people who can neither write grammatical and well spelled English, nor understand the needs of their customers.

There is a difference in writing style and vocabulary between writing to persuade a reader to click on a link offering further information, and actually providing that information in the article itself. A teasing article, containing excellent information but not quite enough, and that compels a reader to click for the rest, is more difficult to write than 1000 words about a topic in general. It takes planning, and it is easy for a professional writer to spot an article that has not been planned properly.

Article marketing is, in fact, the art of marketing through the use of articles, in the same way that internet marketing is the art of marketing through the use of the internet. There is no other possible definition. Therefore, what that defines is that those who write articles intended of the purpose of article marketing should not only understand what the term means, but should fully understand how articles can be used to market a product.

Perhaps that product is a tangible product, such as a flat screen TV, perhaps it is something less tangible such as a concept involved in search engine optimization, or perhaps it is a website. Whatever it is that is marketed, if it is done so by the means of articles, then that infers strongly that the articles involved must not only be read, but must be well enough written as to maintain the interest of the reader to the extent that they visit the writers website. Otherwise, the marketing technique will fail.

That is what article marketing is in terms of the concept. In practice, it involves the writing of articles that readers will find interesting enough to want to know more. Such article services should provide a compelling reason for reader to click for more information. They must want to click on the link provided by the writer to his or her website to find out more about the topic.

If the article is written badly, this will not happen. The reader will leave the website or directory that contains the article. Sometimes it will be better to have an article professionally written so that it grabs the attention of the reader, but how do you know who is professional enough to do that. It takes us back to the beginning of this article, whereby you do not know the standard of writing you will get if you hire someone online to write for you.

Although a well written article will attract the readers attention, you should also have a well designed bio or authors resource box to attract the click to your website. If the article is written well enough, and is easily read and understood, then you can use the resource box to direct readers to your website. But not only that: the power of article marketing is that you can send visitors to any page on your website that you want. Simply write an article relevant to that web page.

The way to make the best use of articles is to make sure that they are well written, whether you write them yourself or not, are relevant to the topic and interest anybody who is reading them. Then, you will attract visitors to the page on your resource box, and also might just persuade someone to copy your article for their own website.

What is article marketing able to do for you? If you make sure that your articles are written well enough it can provide you with traffic to your website and one way links back to the page of your choice from each article directory that accepts it. You should also make sure that any site that provides article services intended to promote your product or website has a good record in doing so, and understands fully the meaning of the term article marketing.

More information on how to use Article Marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase your sales can be obtained from Pete's web page Article Marketing

He can be contacted from his article services website.


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