Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Almost every business owner knows the 80-20 rule and how it applies to their business. In addition to applying this rule for business, almost everyone else can find a fit for this amazing split to their own personal lives.

There have been studies done to prove or disprove this rule. In the end, the results do speak for themselves. As a general rule, the 80-20 split does work. Sure, there may be subtle differences. When analyzed the split may work out to be 85-15 or 75-25. But the reality of the rule always comes back to prove that as a general rule this 80-20 rule seems to apply to a great many things.

In general, you will find:

  • 80% of a business' profits come from only 20% of the customers.
  • 80% of sales come from 20% of the items in inventory.
  • 80% of your problems come from 20% of the people.

80% of Optimized Pages Bring only 20% of the Traffic

If you don't believe this then you should look at your analytics program more closely. It is a fact that the majority of the pages on your site will only have a limited number of page views. Some hardly ever get a look.

Then why are these pages important to have on your site? If you think that a page that hardly ever gets a view is unimportant to Search Engine Optimization then you are so very wrong.

Those obscure, unread and lonely pages are vital to your overall SEO plan. As long as they are optimized for your keyword phrases for your site and do get updated from time to time then they do help give gravity to your site in the search engine rankings.

80% of Sales come from 20% of Items

On an E-commerce site where you are selling items you will find that 80% of your sales will come from only 20% of the items. Then why have those other items in inventory and on your site?

It is the 80% of your inventory that helps drive your ranking on the search engines. Even items with 0 items in stock will help drive your rankings higher.

On an E-commerce site with 1,000 items this 80-20 rule will mean that your overall sales will be generated by 200 items. The other 800 items will have very little traffic if any. It is not uncommon for an item to not have a visitor in a 90 day time period.

On our E-commerce sites we even load items that do not have a quantity in stock at this time. We create a page and optimize the page with page title, meta tags, descriptions and continue to update the inventory along with all the other items on the site. What this item does for us is give gravity to our site as an authority on our keyword phrases even though it does not add to our overall sales volume.

80% of Ranking Well Comes From 80% of Your Unread Pages

Understanding and applying the 80-20 rule to SEO it is our experience that:

  • 80% of pages are not high in visitor counts
  • 80% of items on an E-commerce site will not have any sales
  • 80% of ranking well in search engines comes from 80% of items and pages that hardly ever get seen.
Size does matter. Having quality optimized pages on your site does matter. Having a lot of quality optimized pages on your site will help rank it higher in the search engines and allow you to compete with the mega sites and even surpass their rankings.

Search engines are looking for quality content and lots of it. Give the search engines what they want and you will get what you want. It is as simple as that.

Nathan Lewis has earned a solid reputation helping small to medium sized businesses expand their reach through niche market websites such as My POS Printer. New receipt printers from Epson Receipt Printers and Star Micronics Receipt Printers.


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