Thursday, May 8, 2008

Article Marketing Exposed - The Plain Truth

In this article I would like to address many myths about article marketing. I am going to go through some of the mistakes that I have made and what has benefited me in my internet business. Hopefully you will take some value from these lessons that I have learnt.

Initially if you have started writing articles it will be very difficult as I think it is because it is something that you are not used to. So just start off writing one or two articles a week till you get used to it. Gradually you will become more consistent and be able to write many articles a day. If you force the issue too soon it is likely that your articles will not be of a high enough quality and be rejected by the article directories.

You need to do some keyword research for your article. Use popular tools like Wordtracker to find low competition keywords that receive traffic. Include these once in your title and once or twice in the body. This will help you receive traffic from search engines for your articles. If you miss this step you will be losing out on a lot of traffic.

You need to create a squeeze page for your web site with a free report. The main purpose for this is to capture your visitor's name and email address when they visit your web site. It usually takes at least 7 email contacts from you before you can make a sale. Also this will allow you to market over and over again to your prospect using an autoresponder.

Then you need a very good email follow up system to monetize your subscribers. So start off slowly until you gain momentum which will make it easier to write. Now the search engines regard link popularity as the primary factor in determining your search engine rankings. Now usually the hardest part of writing articles is coming up with ideas.

The last topic that I want to touch is that you need to write consistently to see results. If you are not willing to put in effort writing articles every day then it is unlikely that you will succeed with article marketing.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


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