Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Building Your List - How To Use Short Articles To Build Your Highly Responsive List

Internet marketing is a way to reach people all over the world and let them know who you are and what you do. You need to build a list of the people you will stay in contact with.

List building is the process of adding more people to your list who want to know more about what you have to offer. There are many ways to build your list, but article marketing is probably the best way.

When people read your articles they get to know exactly what you have to offer. These people are highly qualified because they have taken the time to read your article. When they decide to join your list and to receive information and offers from you it is more likely that they will be very interested in what you are selling. This list is called a highly responsive list.

Over time your list is worth quite a bit of money to you. It is said that your list is your gold. If you lost everything on your computer, including everything you had ever written, but still had your list, you would be able to start over easily.

The more articles you write, the higher your opportunity to add people to your list. Your articles become workers for you, working around the clock to reach potential new clients 24 hours a day. And writing articles is free.

Keep your articles under 500 words. These shorter articles are better because there is more chance that people will read them all the way to the end and go to your resource box. Your link back to your website or offer page is in your resource box and you want to make sure people get there.

Write your articles like you talk. Make them conversational and not academic. People will get to know, like, and trust you when you talk to them like a friend. Offer good information in your articles. You don't have to give away the store, but you nee to give people information they will be able to use. They will want to find out more and will click on your links.

Learn more about writing short articles to build your list by visiting


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