Saturday, June 7, 2008

Article Marketing - How to Handle the Duplicate Content Danger When Marketing Your Articles

Q: I wrote an article awhile back -- my first one, actually -- and published it in EzineArticles. I could have submitted to more but everybody around me was talking about that "duplicate content" issue and I got scared that maybe if I submitted it to too many directories I would get "penalized" for that. How are you handling that issue?

A: Duplicate content is a MUCH over rated issue - it is only one small component of what Google uses to rate a site. The "duplicate content terror" as I like to call it,was greatly over blown by some internet marketers who then wanted to provide you with their solution. Typical over the top marketing.

The reality is simply these two things

1. If you have an article on an article directory with links in the resource box back to your web site and on that web site (that you own) you have the same article, then those two versions of the same article need to be about 20% different. So what you do it take one of the articles and shift around the tips, add or subtract some text, change the intro or conclusion. Any of the above or other changes in the article to just make it about 20% different. 2. The good news is you can then post your article to as many article directories as your little heart desires. That's the whole entire point of submitting your articles to the directories, to get them on as many as you can to get the most play for your article.

Hope this has been helpful - you can learn more at join our weekly free teleseminars by going to and pick up two free article writing templates now at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy


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