Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sizzling Idea Hangouts For Article Marketers

No matter what kind of article writer you are, finding new ideas for articles is always a challenge. Well, here are some resources to help you accelerate your topic research:

Authority sites

Think Entrepreneur for the business niche, About for all topics, and the Warrior forum for the Internet marketing niche! There's always authority sites, no matter what topic you are writing about. So go use that wonderful tool called Google to find these sites if you are writing about a totally new 'alien' topic.


Find some cool ideas from niche blogs and run with them. Respected authors and Internet gurus often post some informative content on their blogs. I'm not asking you to plagiarize their content, not at all! But find some ideas you can spin article topics out of.

Yahoo Answers

This is an absolutely great tool for finding out your target market's problems. Just imagine, people are asking questions to their problems here! They actually took the time to type out a question in this site because they want a solution fast. Take a look at what kind of burning questions are being asked and write articles on them. If you go through Yahoo Answers for just 15 minutes, I'd bet you can come up with half a dozen article ideas right there.

And of course the article directories themselves. How could we forget them? These directories are a goldmine for quality articles. Don't copy the topics, but perhaps find some ways to create your own article topics just by browsing through the categories.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


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