Saturday, June 7, 2008

3 Ways To Make Money Online Without Spending A Dime

I hope this message finds you and your online business in good health.

How is your online empire doing? Are you getting the instant, automated flow of commissions that a lot of products promise to deliver? Can you even remember what you learned from any of the ebooks you bought? If you're like most people, you haven't made a dime online (yet).

Here Are 3 Ways To Make Money Online Without Spending A Dime

The First Way: Article Marketing, or The Bum Marketing Method.

Its called the bum marketing method because even a homeless person with no money can make money doing this. Its a free email course that tells you exactly how to make money writing articles. The link is below, but before you go to that site, remember this:

Theres no need to pay money to join a forum like Wealthy Affiliates.

You can get the same kind of valuable feedback from the Warrior Forum. Heres how this works, in a nutshell.

  • You write articles, and lots of them (at least 5 a day)
  • The articles you write are based on LOW-competition keywords
  • You submit these articles to article directories
  • Your keyword rich articles get top ranking in the search engines
  • This means your articles get a lot of page views
  • You make money when people read your article and click your affiliate link
  • If you write good articles with unique content, your articles can get picked up by ezine owners and they publish your article in their ezine
  • Your article remains unchanged when its published, therefore your affiliate link is the same, too, and thats how your article can have a viral effect This may sound easy, but isnt at first. Keyword research and writing articles can be a pain in the butt,and theres no immediate gratification to this, either. Plus, theres a learning curve on how to deal with the article directory sites and article submission issues. But it absolutely does work. Use this method to get Page Rank for your site, to build your list, or to make sales.
Do a search for the free bum marketing method The Second Way Promoting affiliate programs like 7 Dollar offers and Clickbank Products via Traffic Exchanges, forums, email signatures, classified ads sites like Craigs List, US Free Ads, and about 100 other good ones. 7 dollar Offers give you 100% commissions every time you make a sale and it pays directly into your PayPal account. There are some 7 Dollar offers that are good products with sales pages that that convert REALLY well.

OK so how do you promote these products? How do you create your affiliate link?

OK, here's how it works with this, and all other 7 dollar offers that use this method:

Domain name of product's website (example:

PLUS /?e=

PLUS your paypal email address


Domain name= Your IM Toolkit

PLUS /?e=

PLUS Paypal email address=

Now, put them all together to get

< a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank">< a href="" mce_href="" target="_blank" >

There is immediate gratification when you promote 7 Dollar offers because they pay Instantly. Now that you know how to create your affiliate links, promote those affiliate links using easy methods like Traffic Exchanges. Start surfing those traffic exchanges at night when you're too tired to do anything constructive like write articles, and watch the sales pop in once in a while.

I don't use Traffic Exchanges because it's not the most targeted traffic, but if you're watching TV or something, start clicking away for an hour and it could be worth your while. I know marketers that pay their children $5.00/hour to click on websites to earn credits. This is not the best form of advertising, but it will work for you eventually, it's just a number's game.

Please remember, the Second Way promote 7 Dollar Offers and Clickbank products. We already covered the 7 Dollar Offers, so lets move on to Clickbank.

Go to Clickbank and look for products you're interested in promoting and analyze the sales page. If the affiliate program pays at least 50% commission and the sales page is good, then I suggest you promote that product.

When you choose a product with a really good sales page, you'll be rewarded that because that sales page will be doing the work for you. Clickbank doesnt pay right away, though. Youll have to wait at least 30-60 days to get paid

Most marketers tell you to promote the highest converting sales pages when choosing an affiliate program to promote but I think you should find thehighest converting sales pages for GOOD products that you believe in If you believe in what you're promoting, you'll do well...

I hope that making a few sales gives you the motivation to keep moving forward with your online business. Sometimes, you have to prove it to your spouse, your parents, and to yourself that money can actually be made from this "making money online thing".

The best way to use traffics exchanges, however, is to promote squeeze pages to continue building your list. But making sales can change your whole mindset around. A little motivation will go a long way.

Promoting affiliate products via free methods like traffic exchanges is easy money but not the best way to earn an income online, but it serves the purpose of showing you that making money online is NOT for the select few.

Tired of failing at making money online? Get a free email course and report here http:///


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