Sunday, June 8, 2008

Truths of Automatic Article Submission Software

By now, you probably have come across automatic article submission software like Article Post Robot and Instant Article Submitter. Perhaps you could even be using them now to generate consistent traffic to your websites. Otherwise, you might be interested to find out more about the uses, benefits and even possible inadequacies of using article submission software for your article marketing efforts. This article will disclose never-revealed truths about automatic article submission software from the very word of a veteran article marketer, the author of this article.

Automatic article submission software essentially is a tool used to submit your articles to article directories. Not one or two article directories but hundreds of article directories. Why would anyone submit an article to hundreds of article directories? The only simple reason is Traffic. Posting your articles with automatic article submission software to many article directories dramatically improves your chance of getting your articles read by visitors. Not only so, some article directories may even circulate your articles among their network of publishers. Concurrently, many Ezine publishers and webmasters constantly hunt for good, unique content at article directories.

But every article marketer knows that submitting an article without the help of an automatic article submission software to dozens and hundreds of article directories is a real pain. Hours can be spent before the computer, login into article directories, copy and pasting article content, titles, resource boxes and so on. By the time you are done, you would be left bored and dry. I can understand that because that was what I did when I started article marketing. During that period, many online authors including myself wished that there was an easier and painless method that could do the job.

There are article submission services like Article Marketer and iSnare. And I too used these services to submit my articles and distribute them as much as possible. But article marketers like myself soon felt that it would be great if we could do away with the monthly bills of using these services to submit articles. We wanted something just as powerful but without the monthly price tag. Then automatic article submission software emerged to fill the role.

Not only can automatic article submission software quickly post my articles to hundreds of article directories, I soon realize another hidden power of this secret weapon. My websites were starting to occupy top spots in the search engines. With each posting, each individual website was getting high Page Rank one-way backlinks. And the best part is they are all FREE. I was getting Page 1 search engine rankings for several of my websites after a few weeks of posting articles to all those free article directories. And I was only posting one article a day. Wow! It was like a revelation to me. And with my automatic article submission software, I was able to post an article to hundreds of article directories within a day.

The rest is history. More of my websites get onto top search engine placements resulting in an avalanche of targeted traffic. Good sales followed. While the whole idea of using automatic article submission software is fantastic, such tools are not meant to help you in your article writing. In other words, you still have to be good at writing or hire a writer to create unique quality content.

Perhaps one day, someone will create the perfect article marketing tool one with functions of automatic article submission software and a real author. But for now, automatic article submission software is the favorite tool of every article marketer. Gain more article marketing tips from my article marketing blog as I disclose a review of the top automatic article submission software.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author who makes serious income with article marketing. Learn more as he shares about effective article marketing and the top article submission software internet marketing experts use to drive instant and continuous traffic to their websites at


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