Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Article Marketing - Target Specific Niches With Large Quantities of High Quality Articles

Some people get stuck on the quantity of articles required to drive highly targeted traffic to a website, when they attempt to beat out high-quality. The secret is in perspective.

A young man asked Santa for Parts to a Mustang GT, and on Christmas morning, he opened a muffler, an engine, and a steering wheel. Santa gave him what he asked for. But, the young man wanted more. He actually wanted ALL the parts for a Mustang GT so he could build his own car.

A business niche can be very similar to a Mustang GT. When you write articles within a specific niche, you may only think the reader is interested in specific details, but there are many details required to make a whole niche. Broaden your perspective.

By opening up your perspective to the whole niche, you can find many topics to write about. In the case of the Mustang GT, you might want to write about brake systems, a wide variety of tires available for the Mustang GT, or even all the different brands of oil available for the vehicle? Perhaps you'll want to write about colors, or different paint jobs? You might even want to discuss variables in driving techniques in different weather.

Once you've targeted your audience, broaden your perspectives to include all aspects of your topic. Using a simple 5 Step approach to Article Content can increase valuable content in your article.

Step 1: Tell your reader the importance of what you're writing about and give them valuable information. Explain the WHY of your article in this step. This portion of your article shares why they should read your article and can be used as the Introduction to your article.

Step 2: Tell your reader what you're talking about in the article. This is the WHAT of your article. Give them something valuable to digest here. Some call it meat, I prefer to call it spark.

Step 3: Tell them HOW to do what your article suggests. This is important. Without the HOW you're liable to have an article that doesn't have valuable content, with a stamp of REJECTED. This is easy to fix. Go back and add the HOW.

Step 4: This is often the filler space where you reiterate all the other information in your article, summarizing the viewpoints you've shared and offering substance for the content. When you read an article that lacks substance, it's often because the writer hasn't reiterated the concepts in a manner you understand.

The intro to this article offers a simile of concepts, diversely describing the difference between parts and ALL parts of a Mustang GT. When the request was for Parts for a Mustang GT, the giver didn't bring enough. But when ALL parts were provided, the receiver was happy. The same symbolism works with articles. Sometimes you have to give more detail - the whole banana, instead of symbolic concepts in order for the reader to comprehend your purpose.

Step 5: This is the Resource Box of your article where you give them the WHERE. Where do they go for more information, how do they find what you're talking about in earlier parts of your article? Give them something in this portion of your article that will bring them running for more information.

Are you looking for ways to maintain your Ford Truck? Visit for more information and a FREE Special Report on Ford Truck Maintenance. Article Marketing can drive traffic to any site depending on relevant topic matter.

If you're interested in marketing your website, visit and receive your TWO FREE article marketing templates.

Jan Verhoeff continues to promote article marketing for online niche and business development. For more information visit to gain insight and ideas for marketing your business.


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