Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Targeted Article Marketing - Announcing 3 Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you currently using article marketing to augment your traffic and profit but can't seem to achieve your desired numbers? Do you often wonder if you are doing something wrong that is why your strategy is not yielding favorable results? Have you tried numerous techniques but they simply don't work? Well, fret no more. This article will teach you the 3 secrets to energize your article marketing campaign. These are:

1. Make sure your articles are posted online. After you submit your articles, make sure that they are posted by checking your account on article submission sites at least 3 days after you have submitted them. Too often, articles are declined due to broken link, inappropriate content, and blatant advertising.

2. Make sure that the articles submission site where you post your articles allows HTML codes. While majority of article submission sites allow you to use HTML codes on your resource box, there are some that does not allow outgoing links. Avoid these sites as they will not do well on your article marketing campaign.

3. Analyze the performance of your articles. By logging to your accounts on various article submission sites, you will get an idea on how often your articles are clicked by online users. If your articles are not being clicked at all, I'd say improve your titles. Make them bolder and more intriguing. It would also help if you can incorporate relevant keywords on your titles so they can easily be found by your potential audience. If however, your articles are frequently viewed but no traffic is directed to your site, consider revising your content or your resource box. It's either that your contents are not useful to your target market or your resource box is very lame.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Write Articles to Promote Your Online Business

Business owners employ all kinds of strategies to get desired results in the highly-competitive world of online marketing. The key is to drive in targeted traffic to your website and then get the visitors converted into customers. For this to happen, you need an appealing website along with competent brand promotion strategies.

Most businesses today are aiming at optimising their websites for encouraging search engine optimisation results. Paid advertising, affiliate marketing and email marketing are some of the other most commonly used techniques by marketers. However, it is imperative to note here that most of these techniques involve the use of money in some or the other way.

Here lies the importance of article writing as a means of promoting a site. Highly effective, inexpensive and easily manageable, this strategy can truly take your business to new heights. The greatest advantage of writing articles is that you get to reach out to a targeted segment that comprises your potential buyers.

Produce good write-ups and then share or post them on online platforms like article directories and e-zines. By doing so, you ensure that your website is well-exposed in the online marketplace. You can get a link back from the directory where you submit your articles, or else, give information about your company in the resource box. Since link exchange strengthens off-page SEO, this tactic will do a world of good for your site.

More than anything else, these articles are free advertising tools for your website. If you write relevant and informative stuff, you are bound to get noticed, and that too by targeted customers who are looking for related topics. However, a writer has to ensure that his write-ups do not have a marketing touch, because many directories refuse to accept such articles.

One of the most effective means of website promotion is marketing through search engines. Writing articles can help you in this regard. Incorporate important keywords and write search engine friendly articles so as to attract search engine spiders and get your site crawled.

Once you have posted articles and shared them on online forums, you will start getting comments, references and testimonials from web users and webmasters. This will stand your site and business in good stead and further get you high-value traffic.

Lalita negi is currently working in epurplemedia an Internet Advertising & Marketing Company specialize in a wide variety of marketing services. It delivers effective solution in Website Promotion, PPC, web site development, email marketing etc to boost traffic to your business.

Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 3 Remarkable Secrets to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best internet marketing techniques that is proven to augment a website's traffic. It's success largely depend on the quality and quantity of articles submitted to publishing sites. So, if you have the knack for writing and you have enough time to submit your articles, this technique is the best for you. Here are the 3 remarkable secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Use interesting, attention-grabbing titles. Your title is one of the elements in article marketing that plays a very crucial role. The quality of your titles can either make or break your marketing campaign. If your titles are lousy, there is a slim chance that your articles will be read by online users. Thus, it is very important that you know how to create titles that will pique the curiosity of your potential readers. Communicate the summary and benefits of your articles through your headline and make it brief, concise, and keyword-rich.

2. Specific vs. general topics. To make your articles more targeted, I suggest that you go with specific topics where your article can focus on one central theme. Discussing one broad topic in your article can cause confusion among your readers because of the amount of information they have to digest. Learn how to break down broad topics to more specific ones so you can get your message across easier.

3. Create your own template. If you have been using article marketing for quite sometime, you probably have an idea which of your articles that are generating interest. Make use of these articles when you draft a template. Take note of the elements that make them appealing to your potential clients and apply those on your template. This will make your writing easier and more effective.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing Tips - The Correct Way To Promote An Affiliate Product

I have no doubts that I am going to get a lot of slack for this article, but that's okay. I live in Jersey and I'm used to the heat. What I am about to share, as an opinion, is going to be met with many growls and snarls. If you want to know why, you'll understand as soon as you're finished reading. I make no apologies for my views on this subject.

Promoting an affiliate product means promoting a product that isn't yours. Somebody else created it. Now, think about this for a second. You're telling other people to go buy this product that you didn't create. You're essentially recommending it to these people. What do you base this on? If your answer is, "Because I got the product myself" then give yourself a cookie and a gold star. THAT is the correct answer.

I can hear all the affiliate marketers out there screaming at me right now. "Oh come on Steve, I can't possibly buy every product out there that I want to sell. I'll go broke."

Will you? Think about how stupid that statement really is. If you buy a product for $97 and you get 60% commission on it, all you have to do is sell two copies to make a profit. Are you telling me that you can't sell two copies of something that you have used, think is great, and rave about to others? If that's the case, then maybe you should be in another line of work.

The truth is, the most effective way to sell any product online is from the perspective of the buyer. Think about when you go and see a movie and you tell your best friend that you just saw this really great movie. How many times have you done that and your friend went to see the movie? Well, why not do the same thing and actually get paid for it?

However, if you're dead set against buying the product, try this. It does work. Contact the creator of the product and ask them if they would send you a copy to review because you want to promote the product for them. Many merchants will be happy to give you an advance copy if they know they can get a few sales. Ultimately, the same goal is accomplished...you have the product, know what it's about and can write about it intelligently.

All my affiliate marketing is done this way, which is why I am one of the top 20 affiliates for many of the products that I sell.

Nothing beats the personal approach.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to earn a 6 figure income like I do but get there in half the time? Please visit my blog at http://work-at-home-based-business.com/2007/12/06/review-of-nitro-marketing/ and read my review of the greatest info product ever to come out online in the 4 years I've been doing this.

How To Write An Effective Article Title For Top Search Rankings

Article marketing is one of the most effective Internet marketing strategies that you can implement for massive free targeted web traffic. So much is written on the importance of good article content. While this is true, the importance of writing effective article titles is greatly overlooked.

One of the most important factors in achieving a high ranking in the search engines is developing a good article title. The search engines take great consideration as to what text is written in the title link. Just like when you optimize your web pages on your website, articles work in the same manner. There are a few differences however.

When you write your article's title never ever use less than four words in any title. For Example: For illustration, let us say you have a fishing web site and want to promote the keyword phrase "bass fishing." This keyword is extremely competitive and almost impossible to obtain a top 10 ranking on Google. It is a very broad phrase, in which over 8 million sites are listed. The chances of a keyword phrase like this appearing in the top of the search engines with an article would be very slim.

How would you get this keyword phrase to stay at the top of the search engines? Well the answer to this question is we would use adjectives and filler words before and or after the keyword phrase that we are looking to rank.

Let's say you are promoting a site that sells bass fishing lures. If we use a rifle approach rather than a shotgun the search term that your readers are looking for will be more focused. So let's target in this example, "Bass Fishing With Plastic Worms". There are 377,000 sites instead of over 8 million.

The keyword phrase "Bass Fishing" would be way to competitive and you would most likely be wasting your time and energy to get ranked. The second aspect of a "rifle" approach is that your article objective is to get the sale or more traffic. Most anyone that is using a more targeted keyword search rather than a broad search would be more receptive to buy from you.

The reason that you would want to write a title of over 4 words is that you will go right to the top of the Google rankings for that targeted keyword. To be sure, there would not be as many searches for the term "Bass Fishing With Plastic Worms" as opposed to "Bass Fishing". But, you will rank at the top for that keyword rather than being listed on page 38 or something. Additionally, you would also have more focused buyers.

The last benefit of a title of 4 plus words is that in some cases you may also rank for other keywords such as, "Fishing With Plastic Worms", "Fishing With Plastic", or even "Bass Fishing". When your articles are submitted to high quality article directories, the web traffic for your site can grow exponentially.

A good article title will always include your targeted keywords. When you include your targeted keywords throughout a well-written article you will be well on your way to cashing in on a successful marketing campaign of ongoing web traffic.

Learn how article leverage will let you achieve the most article marketing visibility for your articles. Submit your articles TopRank Article Directory to maximize your web traffic.

Targeted Article Marketing - 5 Interesting Methods to Advance with Article Marketing

Article marketing has gained popularity because of one good reason: It delivers! That is why, it is a must that you take advantage of it to experience great benefits like improved traffic and better ranking on various search engines.

Here are the 5 interesting methods to advance with article marketing:

1. Master the art of creating powerful, effective titles. When online users search publishing sites for specific content, they will be presented with numerous articles. This is where the competition of getting the interest of online users begins. To give your articles an edge and to increase their chances of being opened, make sure that you give them irresistible headlines that will pique the curiosity of online users.

2. Sustain the interest of your readers by supporting your great title with equally attention-grabbing introductory paragraph. In this section, you must be able to answer the typical what, why, who, where, how, and when questions of your readers.

3. Bank on your content. Your articles must offer online users with valuable content that is not only useful but also highly relevant to your target niche. In addition, your articles must also be related to the products or services that you offer so you can easily pitch in your business' offerings on your resource box.

4. Call to action. Write a compelling resource box and use powerful words to move your readers to click the URL and visit your website. This is one important element in article marketing. When you master the art of creating an effective resource box, you will easily increase your page views and your sales potential in no time.

5. Submit your articles regularly. Few submissions will not make a huge difference on your traffic and page ranking. To maximize the benefits that you can get from this method, submit at least 5 articles everyday so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Basics Of Article Marketing Tor Traffic

With the arrival of e-zines, content-rich materials, etc, their publishers are desperately looking for resources that can provide them with articles having caliber content at minimum cost. Today, Article marketing is an effectual method of diverting traffic especially to their site.

Some fundamentals on which article marketing are based are as follows:

Consecrating importance to the reader

The most significant point that needs to be considered while writing an article is consecrating importance to the reader. We should write keeping the readers in mind what they want to read. While writing an article, you should be able to perceive what the reader expects from the article and try to deliver it. This process initiates with choosing the topic. Topic or the subject of the should be such that it should have a blend of both the current issues as well as contents that are already published on the net. However, the ratio should be maintained that the readers get more of the new details. The past reference is only given to let the reader relate the article with the past ones. The second thing needed is that the article should have a relation to with the site it is formulated. The motif of the article should not divert from the notion delivered by the site. If importance is given to the readers on these issues and values, trafficking is bound to increase in your website.

Articles related to the website

One of the most important concepts to be kept in mind in Article Marketing is to make your article available on the web by linking it to several search engines, if not all. This helps your article to be noticed by readers when they give the key word related to your article while browsing on the web. Today, Articles can easily be linked manually with the advent of technology. Today we have submitting and linking soft wares available in the market and on the web at reasonable prices. Again, there are sites with subscription facilities for submitting articles to article directories. These facilities help in buying time from publishing these articles. One thing to be considered for making the articles of some use, before submitting them to the directories, is that they should always relate to the theme of the website of which they are a part.

Formulating a Resource file

After finishing the article, we should always remember to form a resource file for the same. It should contain all the information related to your article. It should have the copyright information for barring any somewhat copying. It should contain that special feature or the uniqueness of the article. It helps the publisher to make his decision easily. At the same time, reader also gets impressed seeing its values. It should also contain the links related to the website in which you publish your article. You can even mention any special offers related to your article (if any). In general, that resource file should be a data bank of all the information related to your article. This resource file should always be there with your article appended either to the title of the article or after the closing of the article.

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