Thursday, June 26, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Have you ever seen Rocky the film? If you haven't, you must have been living under a rock in the last 30 years! Well, Rocky has a lot to do with Internet marketing.

What? What does a boxer have to do with Internet marketing? Watch the movie again, and see how Rocky overcomes the odds to achieve success. He wasn't in the right place at the right time, wasn't born lucky, nor was he even stronger than most of his opponents. But he overcame all of this through the sheer power of his determination. It was his willpower that allowed to achieve his goals, and his focus that 'forced' him to train like a madman in the run-up to his big fights.

There's a lesson to be learned in this. And that is, if you want to succeed in business and in Internet marketing, you have got to treat it seriously. Nothing done half-baked was ever done well. Are you sabotaging yourself with excuses of a lack of time or money?

Rocky started with very little but literally fought his way to the top. He didn't use 'lack of time' as an excuse. He simply told himself he had to achieve his goals no matter what and nothing was going to stop him. And that is how most successful people get what they want.

Is your 'reason to succeed' big enough? Do you really want to achieve your goals? Or are they just passing thoughts? Most people's goals and dreams are unspecific and mere passing thoughts, which is why they never really do anything about it. They waste their weekends and their free time doing stuff that don't relate to their goals or dreams. They lack the motivation to get started, but the truth is, they can live without achieving their dreams.

Make your goals a 'must do'. Tell yourself you will dedicate the necessary time and resources to achieve them. Be like Rocky and be absolutely focused, and you can achieve all your goals that you set your mind to.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

As they all say "Content is King"; when it come to search engine rankings the biggest favor you can do your website is that power it with relevant content. I know you have heard this a zillion times. So what I knew here.

The aim of this post is more than stating the facts, As i will try and educate all those you are already aware of this fact and are still fighting for their rankings on search engines. There are some basic guidelines that i think must be followed while writing content as well as integrating them on the website and if one fails to do that the efforts invested may not deliver.

Guidelines for Writing Content that powers SEO:

  • Before you start to write articles for your website, A strategy needs to developed to use this content in a way that it gives you maximum benefit. Now article can be used in various ways.
    • They can add to the theme relevancy of your website.
    • They can be submitted to various articles directory for link baiting.
    • Having this in mind will help you define a course of action
  • Now that you know what do, you should know how to write articles. Writing articles is no rocket science. I only suggest a couple of things which should be kept in mind while doing article writing.
    1. Choose the right title unique is the buzz word
    2. Ensure that you are not keyword stuffing, but play with the keywords, sprinkle them on the page
    3. Make sure you user a couple of h1, h2 header tags.
    4. Use Bolds and itlaics
    5. Use bullets a/ ordered and unordered lists
    6. Articles should be atleast 250 words to make it worth while.
I think if you have these tips in shape for article writing you will never go wrong.

Managed Article Writing Services offering complete SEO Article Writing

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you want to attract more people to your website, you need to figure out some effective ways on how you can offer them with what they really need - information. The best marketing tool that can help you achieve your goal is article marketing. Through this, you will be able to impart your knowledge to your target market to build rapport and trusting business relationship.

Here are the 4 incredible methods to energize your article marketing:

1. Write from the readers' perspective. To make your articles highly targeted, useful, and focused, you need to keep your potential readers in mind when writing your content. Consider their needs, their demands, their language, and the solution they require to resolve their pressing issues.

2. Choose your topics. The best way to ensure that you will benefit from your article marketing campaign is to write topics that are closely relevant to your products. Simply put, writing articles about clothes when you are selling food supplements will not drive interested parties on your website.

3. Use powerful resource box. In this section, you can make your call to action to move your readers to either visit your site or join your email marketing list. Whatever is your objective in publishing your articles, make sure that your resource box is compelling enough to maximize your chances of realizing your marketing goals. Don't forget to include your name, your photo, your expertise, and the problems you solve to make it more enticing.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Post your articles to all possible avenues that can give them exposure online. Submit to article submission sites, directories, and social bookmarking sites. You can also post them on blogs, forums, and even on your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Making money and bringing in new business and lots of it can be easy if you know the basics of effective marketing. What I have found in my twenty successful years in sales and marketing as both a Sales Executive and Sales Director/Regional Manger is, most people when they start out dont know the fundamentals of successful marketing.

You may not have a sales background although you find yourself in a situation where you are opening your own business and you are the sales and marketing department.

If you're not sure how this happened, since your goal was never to be a sales person, but none the less that is the position you find your self in, dont worry, its not as hard as you think.

Know your potential customer

First and foremost you want to know your potential customer. Who are the people that would hire you or buy your product or service?

What demographics are they in? What are the types of things they do for a living? Are they mostly women or men or both? What is their age range? What type of life style and income do they have? What are some of the things they would enjoy on their day off? What are some of their problems? What would be obstacles standing in their way to solving those problems?

Spend about ten-twenty minutes writing down who you will be marketing to over all. What you want to accomplish here is a good feel for the type of people that would be interested in your business.

If you dont know who they are you wont be able to effectively know how to market to them and that would hinder you in making money. Example, if your target market is mothers in the age range of 25 to 40, that is much different then executives of both men and women age range 35-60. You would not market to both groups the same way.

Search to find out where your target audience is looking for solutions

Second most important factor comes from the first exercise. Once you have a clear picture of who your clients/customers are and what their problems may be, you can move on to the next step. Finding out where these types of people would look for answers.

Its very important at this phase that you do some research on this. You want to make sure you spend at least a day or more on researching where these people would look for answers to their problems.

You may find that they rely on trade magazines. They may spend time on the internet doing searches for what they need. If that is the case you now have an idea of where they look so you can show up there.

Finding out what would grab their attention

Third you need to know what would grab their attention. That is one key to making money. What you would need to write on your web site or in an article or advertisement?

If its a page on your web site you want it to come up when your audience is searching on the internet. By going to Google search:

and typing in keywords for your demographic, this will tell you how many people if any actually search for that word or phrase.

You can then type in other key words to see if they are popular searches. This will give you a great idea if youre on the correct track. You will know what to write about that will interest them and in that writing how to give solutions to their problems. i.e.; your service or product.

No use in advertising in a place where your target market is not looking, or writing an article on your web site that no one finds.

For more tips and ideas on making money visit my web site www.Qualified-LifeCoach.Com as I add new free resources quizzes and articles every few days.

The next Group Coaching will start in a few weeks. If you liked this article and feel you received some value from it, you will want to be a part of one of my Group Coaching programs.

Many money making ideas and much more will be shared and discussed. I also will have guest speakers from time to time that are experts on building your business who will share some of their top secrets to success.

It is a round table type of discussion that builds your confidence and motivation to an all time high. You are encouraged to share the obstacles that are coming up for you in your life or business that stops you from making money.

These groups fill up quickly due to a limited number of people per group.

Heres to wishing all of you success and happiness always!

Our Universe is a mutual support system. We are here to love, support and inspire each other.

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Dawn Abraham /CTACC
Qualified Life Coach
As a Life Coach / Business Coach, I specialize in working with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money.

Partnering with me is a process where we find out whats blocking you from getting what you want. I guide you into awareness and then into action. The magic starts right away. Individual Coaching, Group Coaching and tele-classes are offered. Go to my web site for more information.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

By far the best method to earn money online is through search engine optimisation (SEO). Using this technique correctly allows your site to get indexed highly in the search engines, Your target is to get a page 1 position on each of the popular search engines. If you can get your website to the number 1 spot of Google for a highly searched keyword or phrase then you can see your potential earnings explode... and here's why...

Free Traffic...

Get a high listing in the search engines for a highly searched keyword can get you thousands of free visitors. If one visitor out of every 100 buys a product you can expect to earn good money if your site attracts thousands of visitors a day.

Using SEO is how to earn the big bucks.

To achieve the success you want, your site should contain good web content. Content is king on the Internet and you will want plenty of interesting and informative unique content. When a visitor sees your site you want the content to keep them interested so they click through to your sponsors selling page.

Your job is to warm up the visitor while your affiliate products sales page does the selling.

There are 3 main types of content you can use on your site.

Informational Content - This should be used to pre-sell your product or service

Product Reviews - Compare products on your site and write honest reviews

Articles that show people how to do something.

Optimizing your content and using the correct keyword research will help get your website content listed in the search engines and helps attract those free visitors who will be wanting to spend their money on your products or services.

If you really want to Make Money Online and want a step by step masterclass then visit Http://

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Small business owners are always searching for a way to develop their business into something greater. Its the natural entrepreneur spirit to want to develop our business and succeed, however, in order to do this, we must find low-budget methods in order to market our websites.

Why Low Budget Marketing Strategies?
First off, the obvious reason why low market budget strategies are preferred for small businesses is because they are more cost effective. There are some other reasons as well. Low budget marketing strategies forces your mind to be creative, so when you flex the creative muscle more and more, you know how to market even better. Therefore, when you start bringing in some income, you will have both money, and a creative marketing mind, and at that point the possibilities are endless.

Finding the Best Low Budget Website Marketing Strategies
It is recommended that you start looking around, and start looking at what the successful sites are doing. As you start researching the internet more and more, you will be able to decipher what works and what doesnt simply from looking at it. The best way to find the best low budget marketing strategies is to look at how much income your companys bringing in, and see how much money you can put into imitating the already successful companies.

How to develop your business with website marketing
Lets compare your business to a rocket ship. It starts out as just a thought, then it is slowly built and established. The scariest part can be when its time to launch, because this is when all the disasters happen. If you have ever noticed, when a rocket ship takes off, it starts off, it is very slow in the beginning, in fact, you can probably walk faster than the ship at a certain point. Thats how your business must start, it must be a slow launch, gathering foundation for a strong successful launch. When you finally gain the momentum and speed, there wont be any force that can stop your business!

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Do you want to earn a full-time income online?

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Kyle Everette is an expert of keyword research & Search Engine Optimization, and believes anybody can build a highly successful website with the correct tools & knowledge