Thursday, May 22, 2008

Article Content Sources For Article Writers - 7 Quick Strategies You Can Use Immediately

As an article author, sometimes you can only pull so much out of your head before you need to turn to a system or a strategy for how to produce more original content.

The following are (7) types of great content sources to help you produce your next batch of 100+ quality and original articles:

Article Content Source #1: Old Ezine Articles

This includes your archives for articles that you sent your ezine from the past 10+ years. If you've created multiple articles for each email newsletter issue, I recommend that you break your old ezine articles into single article chunks rather than multi-topic articles. If you have large ezine articles from your email newsletter archive, consider breaking them down into 250-500 word chunks rather than 1,000-3,000 word articles.

Article Content Source #2: Old Original Forum Posts

If you've been on the Internet for some time, there is a good chance you belong to a few forums that you might call yourself a "resident expert" on. All of your old forum posts that are greater than 250 words in length will make great new articles that you can put into distribution to create more traffic and sales for your business, if not to enhance your credibility alone.

Article Content Source #3: Old Blog Posts

The whole point of blogging, besides posting frequently, is that you can easily syndicate your blog for others to read via the RSS reader of their choice. Because of the syndication orientation of blogging, your blog posts that are greater than 250 words make great articles that you can slap on a longer title, add a resource box that pitches your blog website and put a fast 250-100+ articles into immediate distribution.

Article Content Source #4: Out of Date Books

Are you an author that has a book that is no longer in print? If you own the copyrights to it, this is an excellent place to create hundreds of quality articles with just a few days or a week of editing.

Article Content Source #5: Your Current e-Books

Grab 10%-20% of your hottest selling ebook and flip it into articles designed to introduce your reader into wanting the whole ebook from you. You still need to deliver real content value here and not get skimpy or tease them with what they could learn if they bought your ebook.' Just keep the articles short, with bullets or small numbered lists.

Article Content Source #6: Top 10 or Top 7 Articles

Everyone likes content they can read very fast. Why not create top 10 lists (or any number of "Top" things) related to your niche or area of expertise. To begin, just create a headline such as "Top 7 Leaders Strategies For Newbie Managers" and then number the list from 1-7. Come up with a sub-headline for each tip and then do (1) paragraph describing the tip. You'll find these are easy to produce and crank out 5-10 of them per day.

Article Content Source #7: Keyword Research

Using Google Suggest ( ) or any keyword research tool, you can enter in keyword relating to your niche and discover topics that people are currently searching for that are related to your expertise. Use this as a springboard to launch another 25 articles that are 250-450 words each related to answering or providing short tips on how to solve or get more out of the keywords they searched for. Example: "Yoga" when entered into Google Suggest tells me that I should write articles about "Yoga Journals or Journaling" and about proper form or different types of "Yoga Poses."

ps: Would it surprise you if I told you that this very article was created from a compilation of blog entries that I created over the past 2 months? I just stitched together relevant blog posts until I had a brand new article that delivered a single themed message...and YOU CAN DO IT TOO! :-)

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Maximizing Clicks In Your Resource Box

Building article directories is all the rage now. Practically every time I submit an article I get a pop-up asking me if I'd like to build an article directory like the one I'm visiting. But I have no interest in that. I like to write and submit articles.

Is article marketing just a phase? I don't think so, look at where television was just 50 years ago and see how it has grown. The Internet is the television of future. Millions of people worldwide are entertained and informed by it every day. And one thing that is an absolute necessity for the Internet to continue growing is the need for fresh content. Just like television, both mediums need a constant source of fresh material to present to the public. That is very good news for those of us in the article business, and for that reason, I believe that article marketing is here to stay. The question is, as article writers, how can we capitalize on that? The answer is; write and submit targeted articles and add a well thought out resource box to each article.

By designing a good, well-conceived resource box, you can maximize the number of clicks each article generates. For each article I write, I design a different resource box. It is targeted specifically to the content of that article. In the first line, I add a link to your main site's opt-in page. In the sentence or two that follows, give a short description of what your site offers. Make sure you tell viewers the benefits of visiting your site. If they click through to your website, give them good reasons to sign-in. Promise free downloads. On my website, I offer them the opportunity to view and download numerous articles, pdf's and information on a number of techniques to generate money by writing articles.

Following that information, skip a line to start a new paragraph. In that section of the resource box, offer either one of your own products or an affiliate item. Follow that with a short sentence on how it would benefit the reader to through to that item.

Again, you should skip a line here and start a third paragraph. In this final section, provide a link on an additional product you are promoting. Try to vary the products and the order of their appearance.

Maximize viewer response by using three separate paragraphs. Using these techniques, your links will stand out more prominently, and you will dramatically increase the number of clicks.

Start your own affiliate program!
Let others make money for you!

Free Downloads! FREE Ebooks!

Article Marketing Traffic Tips and Techniques Part II

Once your articles are listed in the directories, web site and blog publishers will choose them up from the directories and publish them. There is no extra endeavor required from your side. There is no more requirement of pleading others to swap links with you and there is no need of waiting for web sites to link to you. Article marketing is the best way that will generate traffic to your web site. When you submit an article to a directory you are usually giving other site owners consent to re publish the article on their website, as long as the link to your web site remains in place.

Article marketing can serve as a source of online traffic only when the submission of articles to the directories s made judiciously. Probably the most admired technique among marketers on a budget is to submit your articles manually to the best 5 article directories that have good traffic. Also the articles that you write should be rich in keywords and targeted to the present and prospective consumers of your product. Understand what the people search and what keywords they use to reach a product such that of yours. Article marketing proves helpful only when the prospective consumers are able to find your articles relevant to their searches.

Article marketing is regarded as an important means to drive traffic to web sites. All that is required to write intellectually and submit your articles judiciously. It can work wonders to your business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Internet Marketing Strategy For Your Home Business - Know Your Competition

One of the biggest challenges any new business owner will face is dealing with the threat of new competitors who want to get a piece of your market.

This is something that you cannot get away from when in business so forming a powerful strategy even before you start up is very important in order for your business to be successful in the long term.

Additionally it is not only very important to know and understand your direct competition but you also need to now about indirect competitors in your market. Using the internet to spy on your competition is a very powerful marketing strategy.

Nearly all the goods that are available on the market have substitutes and compliments. An example is if someone wanted to purchase some powered detergent if she or he could not find any in the supermarket they can then probably decide to buy liquid detergent instead. This is also true for any type of industry because customers will always be able to find substitutes for services and products that they can't find. We also need to consider having a very effective distribution system that will allow you to reach targeted customers where they are located; this will greatly increase your money earning potential. It is also a very good idea to always check out the features of your competitors' products, the quality and price range that they offer.

Being aware of the weaknesses and strength of you competition and comparing it with your own will give you the opportunity to put in place strategies that will allow you to effectively compete in your marketplace. You would want to concentrate on your good points and try to take advantage of your competitors' weak points. Remember your competition would be doing the same to you, they would try to point out your weak points to your customers to try to improve there market share.

In addition to your present competition, you should also consider future competition because it is very possible that new competitors will try to enter your market in a couple of years. You can visit blogs, forums and chatrooms that are related to your particular market to keep up with new trends, technologies and potential threats to your business. Having a very strong strategy and a loyal customer base will enable your online home business to survive all these potential challenges. Most new businesses put there emphasis on a low price range and this could either be a good or a bad for your business.

An example of this is that it can be great if the product that new competition is offering has a lower price but if it is of a poor quality this will establish your product as a superior good or product.

But, if they are offering better good and services at a much lower price, then you might need to get involved in a price war. Never forget that your strategy should always depend on the particular situation and perception of your market. If you would like to know more on this topic check out Dotcomology the art of making money with your home business.

Andy The Home Biz Wiz recommends for more information subscribe to my FREE Internet Home Business tips newsletter and get hundreds of money making tips and tricks along with FREE Software delivered to your inbox. A $147 value, yours FREE:

Authors and Authorities - How Can the Reader Know?

In the online article authoring world there are many different types of folks who write articles and although most of them write in order to use informational marketing to attract customers on the Internet to partake in their goods or services, the total number of reasons that people write articles is truly astounding.

Indeed, I think that anyone who makes this connection is correct in considering that authors write on different subjects for different reason and their points about the author being an expert in one or more fields but not in others also makes sense. For instance for me, I have expertise in Franchising, Small Business, Marketing, Branding, Car Washing, Trucking, Aviation, Technology, Sports Competition, Winning, Philosophy, Humanities, Politics, Economics, Innovation and various related fields. But I write about all sorts of stuff and I would say that those areas I am not so good at, it is a challenge to write a strong article, I am happy with and thus I would not obviously be any kind of expert in those areas.

Many authors believe and I concur that an author can be an expert in some domains, but not all. But how would the reader know this? Should a panel be set up at the top online article submission sites to grade author status as experts? Well, if that is feasible considering the resources involved to look over the articles and considering the "primate politics of panels" then this would solve a problem.

On one of the top online article submission sites, I noticed that there are only 3 pages of authors who have over 100 articles, then starting with only those authors of over 100 articles, it could be done fairly easy. A panel could look at those authors to find out if they were truly experts in various subjects and when they submitted articles to those categories they might be accompanied by a star?

There is a company called "Topix" which has local panels rating news, all volunteers even, and it works fine. If there were only 300 authors to rate, this is easily feasible and eventually maybe it could be taken down to 75 or 50 articles and thus someone to get to the rating system level would have to pony up and write some articles, thus also stretching them to prove they could perform and "SHOW ME" type proof of expert status.

Also remember that the author could submit which categories they feel most qualified in and the group could choose these categories based on their accomplishments in the real world and then "+" their articles? I am a firm believer in real world experience and doing over merely someone who is a "great writer" and can spin a phrase.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Submit Your Articles To Niche Directories For Targeted Web Site Traffic

Article marketing can be time consuming and challenging. Many folks, when using this marketing technique, tend to just write articles and post them to the biggest directories and hope for the best. What I would like to suggest today is a little change in strategy.

Generally speaking, when you are writing an article, you are addressing a certain subject. Let's take golf for example. Now let's say you write an article on golf and at the end of your article you have a resource bio box which directs the customer to a golf site. To a certain point, this article may be successful but let me show you where it falls short.

First, when your article is listed on a big directory, it is there amongst thousands of other articles and as a result, it gets buried pretty quickly as there are thousands of articles coming in every day. Second, because your article is on the general subject of golf, it may fail to address a specific need to a specific targeted audience.

Let's say, on the other hand, your article talks about the newest driver on the market and basically goes over the pros and cons so as to help the reader make an informed decision before purchasing - then in your bio box you have links going back to a specific page on that driver where you have listings of customer reviews.

Then let's say you submit this article to a smaller article directory that just covers sports and has various categories under golf which enables you to put your article exactly where you need it to be and those who visit this directory can specifically seek out an article on golf drivers.

Beyond that, there are not thousand of articles coming in everyday covering a general topic and as a consequence, your article holds its position longer. Additionally, publishers who specifically want to publish articles relative to golf drivers will be able to find and publish your article far easier.

I think you would agree that this article will by and far generate more sales and get published on multiple sites faster than if you were just submitting it to the big general directories. You know when it comes to Internet marketing you have to think outside the box. Don't just follow the herd, get more return on your time by being smart.

When it comes to making sales online you need to be specific and submitting to smaller article directories that are more targeted enables you to reach a specific market and as a result you can address their specific needs. Even when it comes to your article title you can be more specific and as a consequence get more people reading your article. In addition you also expand your market share.

To conclude, niche marketing can make you a lot of money online and that is why if you choose to write articles as a marketing technique you need to submit your article to niche directories which will help you to get targeted readers and get a higher return on your investment of time and money.

Stephen Long is an author for Sportsmans Article Resource Directory, providing you the latest fishing and hunting tips and techniques for the outdoorsman. Learn how article leverage will give you the most article marketing visibility for your articles.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 4 Reliable Steps to Increase Your Article Marketing

Almost all webmasters today are trying with all their might to improve their article marketing to get ahead of the pack. If you are one of them, these 4 reliable steps will help you improve your article marketing campaign:

1. Make your articles worth reading. The content of your articles is one of the most essential elements that can determine the success of your marketing efforts. If your articles are lousy, no matter how many you submit to publishing sites, you will surely fail on this technique. Instead of focusing your efforts on multiplying the number of your articles, concentrate on giving your readers content-rich, useful articles. As article marketer experts will put it, it's better to have 10 quality articles than have 1,000 lousy articles, because quality articles will be surely be republished and can result to numerous inbound links.

2. Optimize your content. Before you write your articles, identify the keywords that you are targeting. Then run these keywords on keyword analyzer tool so you can get relevant, long tail keywords that you can use on your content. By doing so, you can avoid using your main keyword over and over again and not make your article sound redundant.

3. Adhere to the rules set forth by publishing sites. You would want your articles to be published the first time you submit them, right? You do not want to waste your precious time revising your articles later on just so they will meet the standards of major article submission sites. To save you from this dilemma, learn and understand the various terms of article submission sites even before you start writing.

4. Master the art of writing killer resource box. Of course you would like to have an amazing clickthrough rates so you can convert readers to online visitors. You can easily do so by learning how to write powerful resource box.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How A Former Body Guard, SEO Dummy Got Top 10 Rankings For All His Websites!

Writing articles is an amazing and powerful way to increase the number of backlinks to your websites. However, there are many elements that you need to get right to make the whole process work. If you don't follow the exact steps I am going to show you right now, you will waste your time or get your website banned by the search engines.

Please understand that your website is not going to be on Google's first page tomorrow. The strategy you are going to learn work, but the nature of the search engines is such that you will see results after a couple of weeks if your website is brand new.

While many so called SEO experts claim that you need to learn a bunch of very complicated strategies to get top rankings, my websites do very well in the search engines and I am going to show you the right way to do this.

First, you need to submit your articles gradually. You don't want to alert the search engines and "tell" them that you are launching an aggressive backlink campaign. Remember, they don't like to be forced.

I have a couple of websites, and I noticed something truly amazing by accident. Listen up... It seems bizarre, but the more great and original content you have on your site, regardless of the number of links, the highest rankings you will get.

Another fact is that you don't need to do mass submission with or to get top rankings. I just submit to the 5 top article submission sites with the right anchor links:


There is another thing that I wanted to tell you today. Don't focus on getting a top ten ranking. Focus on building the number one website in your niche. Build an authority. The search engines will reward you overtime.

In conclusion, I would say that you must always go for quality in whatever you do. Write quality articles instead of hundreds of junk articles stuffed with keywords. Submit to the best directories instead of mass submission. And lastly, think long term strategy.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Free Internet Marketing Classes - How To Quickly Become an Internet Marketing Expert

Free Internet marketing classes I thought was a pipe dream, why would anyone share their knowledge with total strangers? So I bought e-books, I joined programs, I bought leads, I did what 99% of people before and after me have done, and unfortunately will continue to do, and which for the most part will be totally in vane. You know I keep hearing that up to 98% of what is offered as online income opportunities are scams, schemes and ripoffs and I must say, after almost 8 years at this I must agree. So how does the average person find a legitimate online business and discover how to become an Internet Marketing expert?

A few years back I was fortunate enough to meet a group of Internet marketing experts that were willing to share their knowledge and expertise with me. I started to realize you don't need to spend money on programs that require a monthly autoship to succeed online. These free Internet marketing classes that I attended taught me that most of the tools that are needed to learn how to become an Internet Marketing expert are free, you just have to know where to look for them.

I was so fortunate to have this knowledge because it started to open many doors of opportunity for me that I never thought I would have. I am and will remain forever grateful to those special individuals for their unselfish and giving attitudes, that are what has made me the success I am today. True success takes effort, commitment and a never give up attitude.

Roxanne Jenkins is an Internet Marketing Consultant. She writes on a wide variety of topics that interest her.
Discover How You Can Become An Internet Marketing Expert! - Register Today - Lessons Are 100% Free - Step By Step Instructions Provided

Feel free to use this article in your blogs, newsletters or websites but please leave the resource box and links in place.

Is Writing Articles and Submitting Them To Directories Going To Help Your Online Business?

Well, the title of this article is a question that I have once asked, "Is writing articles and submitting them to directories going to help your Online business?" and I am sure many others are also asking. How in the world can writing articles going to help in our online business? Good question. It certainly helps, this is my honest answer.

I have since written a few articles and got used a article submission company to submit it for me. You can also submit manually if you wish to, but it can be quite tedious and time consuming, plus you can only submit your article to one directory at one time. I am glad I used a article submission company like to do it for me, because when I submit one article, it is being distributed to hundreds of article directories in a short time. Not only did I save so much time, I have also learned many tips from the article submission company and get more exposure too. Let me tell you, when submitting your articles, you need to have some basic knowledge and tips to avoid having your article being rejected from article directories, especially those of very good standing.

Due to the professionalism of some articles directories, they will reject your article if your articles do not meet their standard. By using a article submission company and also due to their strict and professional handling of articles submission for their clients, they will proof read your articles by a computer first, and then follow by a human to vet through your articles again before they submit it for you. If they feel that you need to change certain things on your article, they will not hesitate to hold your article, write and inform you of your mistakes again and again until it is finally good, then they will submit for you. I think this is real good, because your article is going to be sent to hundreds of directories and it will also be indexed by Google if it is good enough. Thousands of people will be reading your article, so it better be readable.

Coming back to my answer, will it help you in your Online Business, yes, because subscribers for my newsletters have since increased, and the number of visitors to my website and blog too. In my bio box where I write a little information about myself, and have put my website and blog address there, so that when people read my articles, they may just wish to visit my website and blog. But please be advised that you do not write an article which is too much sales pitch in it and also in your bio box too. Be natural, be yourself, speak the truth and speak with integrity and conviction in whatever you are writing about.

If you have not tried writing any articles yet, or even asked a ghost writer to write for you yet, I suggest that you do so soon. When I first started my article writing, I did not know what and how to write, so I bought some articles from one article writer, from there I learned how to write articles. Hope this article will motivate you to start writing articles and submitting them to directories if you have not started yet.

Gamy Rachel is an Online Homebased Business entrepreneur. In the financial industry for many years, now does Online Business. Find out more on Online Homebased Business visit my website which is at and my blogs and

Is Writing Articles and Submitting Them To Directories Going To Help Your Online Business?

Well, the title of this article is a question that I have once asked, "Is writing articles and submitting them to directories going to help your Online business?" and I am sure many others are also asking. How in the world can writing articles going to help in our online business? Good question. It certainly helps, this is my honest answer.

I have since written a few articles and got used a article submission company to submit it for me. You can also submit manually if you wish to, but it can be quite tedious and time consuming, plus you can only submit your article to one directory at one time. I am glad I used a article submission company like to do it for me, because when I submit one article, it is being distributed to hundreds of article directories in a short time. Not only did I save so much time, I have also learned many tips from the article submission company and get more exposure too. Let me tell you, when submitting your articles, you need to have some basic knowledge and tips to avoid having your article being rejected from article directories, especially those of very good standing.

Due to the professionalism of some articles directories, they will reject your article if your articles do not meet their standard. By using a article submission company and also due to their strict and professional handling of articles submission for their clients, they will proof read your articles by a computer first, and then follow by a human to vet through your articles again before they submit it for you. If they feel that you need to change certain things on your article, they will not hesitate to hold your article, write and inform you of your mistakes again and again until it is finally good, then they will submit for you. I think this is real good, because your article is going to be sent to hundreds of directories and it will also be indexed by Google if it is good enough. Thousands of people will be reading your article, so it better be readable.

Coming back to my answer, will it help you in your Online Business, yes, because subscribers for my newsletters have since increased, and the number of visitors to my website and blog too. In my bio box where I write a little information about myself, and have put my website and blog address there, so that when people read my articles, they may just wish to visit my website and blog. But please be advised that you do not write an article which is too much sales pitch in it and also in your bio box too. Be natural, be yourself, speak the truth and speak with integrity and conviction in whatever you are writing about.

If you have not tried writing any articles yet, or even asked a ghost writer to write for you yet, I suggest that you do so soon. When I first started my article writing, I did not know what and how to write, so I bought some articles from one article writer, from there I learned how to write articles. Hope this article will motivate you to start writing articles and submitting them to directories if you have not started yet.

Gamy Rachel is an Online Homebased Business entrepreneur. In the financial industry for many years, now does Online Business. Find out more on Online Homebased Business visit my website which is at and my blogs and

Article Marketing - 3 Ways To Form Lucrative Joint Ventures With Articles

If you have written tons of articles, you'd want to make the most of them by maximizing the amount of traffic and leads you get from each article. Well, did you know that you can use your articles as a joint venture tool?

Here are 3 powerful ways to form lucrative joint ventures with articles:

1. Coregistration

One way you can form a joint venture with your article is to create an arrangment with another website owner in your niche who is also using articles to drive traffic to his website. You can offer to advertise his website on yours, and he does the same! This way, the both of you get more traffic.

2. Ezine Publishing

You can offer your articles to ezine owners and give them permission to reprint your articles, on the condition that the article has a link back to your website. Most ezine owners will take up your offer on this, as they are constantly on the search for new content.

3. Product Creation

You can contact a few marketers in your niche and offer to create an information product together by combining all your best articles into one ebook or report. This ebook or report can be given away or sold (depending on the goal of the product) by all the marketers who contributed articles. This is a quick way to create products fast!

So there you have it, 3 ways to form powerful joint ventures from your articles and maximize them for the most profits for your Internet marketing business.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - A Powerful Tool

Article marketing has many benefits which may include establishing yourself as an Author, lead generation, more traffic to your web site, improved search engine position and is becoming a necessary tool for doing business on the World Wide Web. Article marketing has become a proven strategy for raising your link popularity. It can also be a cheap way to compete with larger companies in your field.

It's best to write on topics that are closely related to your business type, while making sure that the article provides good content for the reader, no one wants to read a sales page. Every article that you write will need a resource box section that will contain your sales info including an (anchor text) link or two pointing to your Web site. You could have a terrific product and a wonderful sales strategy, but without the targeted traffic your online business could be going no-where.

You can take advantage of a ton of free article submission sites on the internet, where you can submit your articles for free, some also offer software and services to help in the process. Once approved, the sites will make your articles available for distribution and publication to ezines, webmasters etc... Now there is no more need to beg for reciprocal link exchanges, pay for text links, or spend hours posting free ads to link farms that no one will read anyway. Articles, written yourself, are becoming the fastest and cheapest way to see results from your efforts.

When done properly, article marketing can be a very powerful tool to drive loads of targeted traffic to your web site. Whether your business is brand new or you have been in business for a while, you can gain new customers from marketing your own articles. To be the most effective, article marketing should just be part of a larger, more comprehensive SEO strategy. Remember, the goal of successful marketing is increased business and most importantly profit and this can be achieved with the help of article marketing.

The Author is the owner/operator of several successful article submission service sites. Also offering a completely automatic article submitter More info and resources can be found at

Internet Marketing Strategies For New Owners

Once your site is in place you are faced with several challenges that are going to affect not only how long your business lasts, but also how effectively you will be able to promote and market your product or service to a broad, narrow or specific audience.

The web today is a lot like popular competitions. The owners love their widgets, they dress them up, enhance their skill for the talent competition and travel all over to make sure that their widget is in the running for a really big prize. The key in this phase, probably the phase you are now in, is that it begins with tremendous passion for your product or service. You know what you are selling intimately. You either have been doing it for someone else for years, been working on the idea of starting something that will allow you to make your own hours, or want to share something great. But, what happens when your passion is actually out there and you haven't got a resource bank to put power it.

Think of a sail boat. They are so beautiful. You always see pictures of these beautiful boats and smiling people with a happy guy at the helm. If you love the sun, water, adventure, this is a wonderful picture and makes you really want to be there. But, what happens when there's no wind? Unless sitting in the middle of the ocean sharing the last can of beans is your plan (which we know isn't), you're going to need some gas in your engine to cruise into a port until the wind comes up. So let's talk about the first two steps in making sure you always have some gas.

Product and Service Growth List

You already know that your website is more than loving your product or service and knowing that it will be beneficial to others, or posting some articles about your product on your website, using the marketing features once and then waiting for the multitudes to arrive. The web is a constantly evolving medium so marketing and maintenance must be a continual evolving effort for you to stay alive in this market. If your goal is to have a constant flow of traffic that includes both new and return customers then posting information or updates at unscheduled intervals or not maintaining your site is not going to result in a thriving business. Without a lot of time, effort and some excellent resources to bounce ideas around with, enhance your marketing strategy and provide you with honest feed back, you're going to be in a leaky boat really fast. So first, take a moment to make a growth list.

Your growth list is what you currently have in place-Website, basic marketing package, sort of a contact list and anything else that you know is going to need to be updated on a regular basis, the things that will never go away. Next, list the resources you currently have. This would include any packages or pieces of packages that you have only tried once or not used at all.

The next column of your growth list will be "need but don't have." These are those things (skills, products, software) that you don't have but need. Do you know every detail about your product or service but can't write or present it in a way that excites others? If you have a product, is it one that can be easily shared with others? Does your full-time job keep you from having the time to write articles, create ezines or newsletters, or cultivate and grow your market? In the web culture marketing is one of the biggest factors in growing your business effectively.

Once completed, keep your list in a safe place. Review your list often and add to it whenever you have an idea or see something that you might like to explore later. Don't delete anything. Your growth list is a keystone in creating and growing your marketing strategy.

Marketing Resource List

You want to create a list of the resources that you currently have on hand. This list includes people you know who will provide totally honest and unbiased opinions, mentors and tools that you have (even if you have never used them). Be sure to include contact or purchase information for your resources. As your business grows you will continue adding to this list. I have resource books that I morphed from address books purchased from my local market. This list will grow at an astonishing rate if you stick to your action plan.

Resources come in many forms. When I find an excellent book, article or piece of software or happen upon a great website I always put the title, author and other information in my resource book as well as the reason that I'm putting it there. This is especially important for the long term since you will forget in a year or two why you stuck a particular name, book or site on your list and if you haven't made a little note about it's purpose you may have to re-invent the wheel to get information that you already have.

Don't be afraid to contact authors or website owners when you want more information or have a question. Most of us love to write, chat and share information. The few out there who are just trying to solicit customers are pretty easy to spot and if you happen to wind up on an email list you really don't want to be on, you can always block it. For the most part though, when I contact someone with a question they are more than happy to answer the question. Usually I also get some great information that I didn't know I needed and in some cases I make a really good e-friend. Again, be sure to put these in your resource book as well as why you contacted them and what you learned. (You've probably figured out that I have several resource books).

There are many steps to take in growing your new business but the two items discussed above are by far the most important to ensure that you have a successful and growing internet business.

To find out more about building and maintaining a successful website or marketing strategy send me an email or read my other articles.

Copyright Ellen Jackson and Website Maintenance and Marketing

You have permission to use this article freely in any publication as long as you do not alter or change the content and the byline is included as-is. For more information please email me at

Real Estate Marketing Strategies - Getting Your Clients to Buy Now!

Have you been feeling frustrated at clients who don't seem to be able to make a decision? At the beginning they seem interested in buying, either they've contacted you or you contacted them. Then as they see some homes may begin listening to the news about today's marketplace, they start to get cold feet.

They don't return your phone calls or e-mails, and when you finally reached they say, "I'm not sure this is the best time to buy. I've heard prices may get lower."

At this point you can either get exasperated and give up or you can give them a good reason to buy now, one that they can't refuse.

This is a simple 3 step process:

First, say to them, "Did you know that Donald Trump is buying up as much real estate as he can right now?" Client, "No, really? Why?" You respond with, "Donald Trump is a very smart businessman, wouldn't you say? What he knows that other people don't know is that this is the best time in history to buy. Prices are at an all-time low and so are interest rates. It doesn't get any better than this. So he is getting great deals all over the place." After this, your client will probably say, "Wow I didn't know that." You respond with, "If you're excited about this, then let's get you a deal."

Notice the invitational quality of your last statement. Who can resist a deal? Isn't this an irresistible statement? You are offering to partner up with them to help them make money.

Watch how quickly your previously "indecisive" clients, start taking action. You've done your job to tell them the facts. You've backed that up with an offer to help them make money in the same way that Donald Trump is making money. There may be objections that come up.

Here is the KEY: if you are convinced that this is the best time to buy, then they will be too. People can sense the depth of your conviction, so convince yourself first and then you will be attracting your ideal clients.

About the author: for more information on powerful marketing tips and tools, please visit Dr. Maya's website: while you are there, get your Free Audio mentoring session and Free Report, "7 simple strategies to more clients in 90 days" or call Dr. Maya at 707 799-5412.

Do You Know the 3 Key Strategies to Using Lead Capture Pages?

Leads are the Life Blood of any Online Home Based Business. The Best leads are the Leads You Generate Yourself using Lead Capture Pages.

  1. Only Use LCPS Created by others and Hosted on There Site

  2. Only Use your LCPS Hosted on Your Own Web Sites

  3. The Hybrid which is a Combination of Both

The Advantages of Strategy 1 using Other Peoples Pages

  • Quicker Startup

  • Proven and Reliable

  • Use there Bandwidth

The DisAdvantages of Strategy 1 using Other Peoples Pages

  • They Get the Traffic

  • They are in Control

The Advantages of Strategy 2 using your own Pages

  • You are in Control

  • You decide what, Where and How to Promote

  • Much More Flexibility

  • You get all the Traffic

  • You own all the Banner, Text ads and Pop-Ups
The DisAdvantages of Strategy 2 using your own Pages

  • Slower Startup

  • More Work

  • Using Your Bandwidth

Strategy 3 the Hybrid Approach seems to Maximize the benefits while Minimizing the Disadvantages.

The First part of Strategy 3 is deciding which 3rd Party Lead Capture page you are going to Promote.

My All Important Rule 1

Only Promote 3rd Party Lead Capture Pages that Notify you with the E-Mail Address when Someone signs up to your Page.

  • Before I use a Lead Capture Page I sign-up Myself to see what kind of information I am given. If it passed the Rule 1 test then I use it. If it doesn't pass the Test I don't use it.

About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

Lead Capture Resources

Get Mike's Newsletter:

More Articles by Mike:

Copyright 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

Are 1 Up And 2 Up Programs Heading For The Endangered List? Business Review

Lets take a look at the so called 1up and 2up programs that have blown onto the scene the last couple of years and see if they are still a viable option for someone that wants to get involved in the online marketing and generating a substantial income online.

The Concept:

1up and 2up programs come in various packages but the basic premise is still the Same. Upon joining the Program whereby you have paid say $997 to become a member you would have access to all of the amenities of the program, things like digital software, e-books, mindset materials sometimes travel vouchers.

Here is what defines 1up and 2 up programs: You must pass along your 1st or 2nd sale to whomever you joined with, sometimes referred as "your sponsor". Upon doing this you are now ready or qualified to receive income from whoever you sell the program to say $997 in this case. You do not have to pass up sales ever again. This is where the power of the 1up or 2up comes from as you build you downline you are receiving those 2 ups or 1 ups from those who you bring in.

Drawback to these program like Passport to Wealth, EDC Gold, Cruise to Cash is that on Average depending on who you talk to most people are only able to make about 2.3 sales before they give up!! so you can see most people are only able to get in the position to generate income when they throw up there hands in frustration. Here is the other head of the 2 headed monster: since someone joins with you and has passed up their 1 or 2 sales to you there is no benefit for you to help them become successful since they will not be generating income for you. and the same is for your sponsor.

What does all this mean? You can be successful with these programs and people are successful with these opportunities. However there are other alternatives to these kind of programs that have a no up strategy and the key to them is that you are motivated to help your downline because there is an override that you receive whenever they make a sale plus you don't pass any thing up!!

For more information about this subject please contact me.

Stephen K Reynolds is publisher of the LSR Unlimted "Free" newsletter which focuses on assisting others to learn the secrets to online marketing in the ever changing world of the internet! For more information on this e-mail


How To Maximize Every Article You Write By Thinking Outside Of The Box!

It pays to think outside of the box in business. If you utilize every resource you have to its maximum, it only means larger profits! This article will discuss several ways to advertise your articles for maximum exposure all over the World Wide Web.

1) Post your articles to article directories

This is the common one. But do not only post to one article directory like many article writers do. Find three popular directories and post all your articles to them. Thats right, all of them! You want to get as many visitors to your website as possible, dont you?

2) Post them to your blog

A blog needs content, and what better way to add content to it then by using your existing articles? Instead of spending time on the keyboard struggling to come up with new content, simply use the articles you have already written.

3) Post them on forums

Forums are a great way to brand yourself as an expert in your niche. You can start new threads that encourage discussion by using some of your more controversial articles. People will start to pay attention to you if you post interesting content.

4) Create e-reports

You can compile a set of related articles that you have written into an e-report. This is an awesome method to create an instant product! E-reports can be given away or sold and they are great for establishing credibility. In fact, if you have many articles, you can create dozens of these small reports.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Niche Marketing Strategies - Finding A Market Niche To Target

One of the toughest niche marketing strategies to master at first is finding a market niche that is the right level of granularity. If you go too broad, you're likely going to be competing against a lot of other advertisers and, consequently, your advertising budget will have to be massive to compensate for that. On the flip side of the coin, if you go too specific on your niche market, you run the risk of excluding too many potential buyers and limiting your possibility of success.

For example, if you're going to go after the weight loss market, and you decide to target a phrase like "weight loss" or "lose weight", you need to be prepared to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on advertising before you even make a sale. Why? Because the market is huge and highly competitive and major advertisers will pay upwards of $10 per click for the term "weight loss".

An important note is how generic a term like "weight loss" is. Going after a generic term like this is going to get tons of curiosity clicks...people looking for free information on losing weight but not really looking to buy anything. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that that's not what you want as an Internet marketer, especially if you're doing Pay-Per-Click advertising.

So, how do you go about finding a market niche? Let's say we have a great weight-loss information product that we're looking to sell. We've already established that targeting the market as a whole is a bad idea so let's look deeper. Who really, urgently NEEDS your product in this market? Who would be willing to spend money on it RIGHT now? Perhaps people who need to lose weight quickly for an upcoming event.

For example: Women who want to lose weight before their wedding, or men who want to get in shape for spring break at the beach. You will likely be able to target these niches with phrases like: "lose 20 pounds for wedding" or "lose my gut in 30 days".

You see, those are the types of niche markets were looking for. These are people who will be willing to spend money right now, if you can convince them that your product is the solution to their problem. Obviously, finding the right keywords in these markets is critical to success.

Another important note is to not get too granular here. Deciding to go after something like "how can I lose 18 lbs in time for my wedding in Cancun in June" is not going to rake in a lot of profit. There simply won't be enough people searching for it to make it worthwhile. You need to find the right balance of search volume vs. competition in order to realize maximum profits, and that isn't always easy to do.

Now, some of the more experienced marketers have the system and information down to a science and can quickly do this analysis manually, but they are the exception, not the rule. Most, if not all, successful niche marketers use one or more types of niche finder software to help them with finding a market niche and associated keywords that will be profitable.

If you are just starting out, or experienced but are looking to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns, I highly recommend buying a good niche finder software package and using it to maximize your campaigns and develop better niche marketing strategies.

For an in-depth review of the niche finder software I use to quickly expose lucrative niche markets, go to

Secure Better Enhancements With Search Engine Optimization Help

Today, search engine optimization is the most popular choice chosen by business entrepreneurs to introduce their products and advertise through the medium of Internet. It brings a huge slot of customers, augmentation in web traffic and quality response with best results on investment, and best sales. SEO is a uniformed process of several methods that are important for search engine listings. It is an excellent way to satiate the requirements of the clients with various prospects. And if your looking for quality results with the use of optimization in the fastest growing world of competition, you surely on the path of progress. There are few steps that you need to follow in order to secure heavy gains from programs. Therefore, seeking search engine optimization help is an intelligent idea for your business.

Many business organizations and firms are supported by Internet and through search engine optimization help they can draw the new horizons of growth and development. In fact, even the other sort of companies that use online programming for their advertising purposes, earn a lot of profit from its use. Search engine optimization help open the doors of tremendous opportunities to enhance the work ability of your company with greater aspect of communication that is shared by innumerable number of people. This is best way out to procure outstanding website traffic with commendable responses. However, any web site optimization has several factors to depend on; such as the type of the website. Its content, aim and its position to refer the kind of competition it has to face. The simple way to reduce these issues is precise use of keywords, informative content, and exact focus on its target consumers.

A qualitative search engine optimization helps boost the standard and name of a company in the market. It offers latest techniques and measures so that you can gain from both on-page and off-page aspect and thus creating your website to have a successful approach. All you have to do is place your website on the best one including Google, MSN and yahoo, so that more and more consumers can reach to your website by typing in simple keywords. It can be performed on both under construction and already established sites. However, optimization is often consumes a lot of time. Nowadays, it is the most popular mode of carrying out any online marketing campaign.

Search engine optimization helps you in analyzing your website and introduces necessary amendments. It is described as an important feature of Internet marketing which highly economic. You can raise the traffic reaching our website by giving it higher ranks in the results. Through this process you can easily plant our site to the top position in any popular search engine. This optimally provides a service to make customizations to ours along with an awesome marketing strategy to meet our specific requirements. This way you can even find a suitable process for your particular business model seeking appropriate help from a search engine optimization firm.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, SEO New York, Social media optimization and Search engine marketing firm.To get the Search engine optimization help from SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Article Marketing - How To Profit From Publishing Online

If you are an author or a professional who has lately been downsized, you can find loads of ways to earn money by doing article marketing without even leaving your house. Sure you might like to write the traditional way - on an assignment given to you by an editor and with a regular salary - but times have really changed.

Lots of people write articles in their home and them sell them online to web pages or print media outlets. Typically, you should market an article before spending time researching, writing, and editing it. An article proposal and sample writing can be used to market the article to ensure there is a buyer before it is finished.

A hot story idea that grabs audience and editors interest is the key to marketing to traditional print media. Find something topical and timely. Every day there are news stories, breaking trend stories, personal experiences and more, that provide marketable articles. Check the news web sites and portals for the latest items.

The internet also provides a new venue for article marketing. There are several services seeking articles from writers. These services often make money from advertising messages that are associated with the articles. These articles need topics that are of interest to potential web researchers and contain key words that the web searchers are likely to use to locate information. "How-to" articles, holiday themes, guides for beginners, and reviews, are staples of this type of writing.

After you have started your own web log, look into joining an ad affiliate service. Such a company places ads on your page and pays you for the number of unique viewers. If you are an expert in some hobby such as coins, stamps or records, you will have a built-in audience.

Your personal life and work experience may be what gives you that edge to deliver unique content in your articles. With the internet being the first choice of many seeking information for things as varied as a new handbag to news to travel, a well-researched article can provide just what they are looking for. Perhaps your point of view, sense of humor or expertise is exactly what will put you ahead of the game and article marketing will be a cinch for you.

Article marketing is a perfect job weather you are retired labor worker or a writer. This new and revolutionary business is perfect for anyone and everyone. It is simple and easy to do, the main thing to keep your mind one is to have unique articles. This will ensure that you gain your readers interest and entertain them. Furthermore to keep their attention you must have unique content that the readers have not yet read or seen. It is simply and easy to do, this is a great job opportunity for anyone and everyone looking to make money the easy way!

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Huge Ways to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Gone are the days when people need to shell out huge amount of money or launch reciprocal link building campaigns just to popularize their websites and attract quality traffic. Today, thanks to article marketing, anybody can succeed online by just writing and distributing articles to publishing sites.

1. Offer quality information. If you want your articles to be read and widely republished, you have to fill them up with information that are being searched for by online users. Share a slice of your expertise that can help online users in resolving their pressing issues or provide them with the answers to their burning questions. You can also share information that will empower your readers to do certain things on their own.

2. Use simple terms. Write to inform and not to impress. Substitute complicated terms with simple words that can easily be understood by your readers so they can easily grasp the message you are trying to get across. When introducing new concept or discussing a rather complicated topic, elaborate more and give samples whenever appropriate.

3. Use exclamation points and all caps sparingly. Some writers are using these all throughout their content so they can attract attention. What they don't know is these can easily alienate readers as they appear like shouting at online users. The best way to attract the people's attention is to give your articles attention-grabbing titles and content that is well-written and useful.

4. Enjoy writing. You can't write articles just because you have to. You must love what you do so you can always provide your readers with quality articles. If you are just writing to drive traffic to your website and you really don't care about your target market, you will easily fail in this marketing technique.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The Ticket To A Life Long Amount of Traffic

Article marketing is one of the greatest ways to get traffic to your website. With articles, you can truly beat out your competition and dominate your keyword, with just one article that only took about 10 minutes to make. That means that within 10 minutes, you've just created an article that can give you more than 100 visitors to your website a day!

As an example, type in psp download into Google. On the first page, sure enough, there's an article. That article get's clicked on at least 100 times a day. It's URL gets clicked at least 25 times a day. That means that the websites owner gets at least 25 people to get to his website from just one article a day! Just one! Imagine if he has 100! The amount of traffic can be lucrative and it can be all happening to you.

Search engines love articles. They love them so much that they give them really high page rankings. That's why internet marketing gurus use them. They're a great way to beat out their keywords competition, and get their articles out onto the first page of Google. Articles are powerful marketing tools that should be fully taken advantage of. If you were to just create 20 articles a week, by the end of 2 months, you would have at least 160 articles working to get traffic to your website.

Articles do all the work for you. They get all of the traffic, and they direct it to your website, getting you massive amounts of traffic for the rest of your life!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

7 Tips on Internet Marketing for Your Home Based Web Business

When building your home based web businesses in the network marketing or affiliate based opportunity circle you need to have a tried and true method to be constantly adding new members daily. With these 7 strategies I recruit on average 40 new reps per month into my program ...

Pre-conceived strategies must be based on both a particular entrepreneur's personal objective(s) as well as the proper information necessary to move forward. This information may include background data regarding the field in question - for example, online social networks; advertising options and resources; a working knowledge of computers and the Internet, especially hyper link initiation, as well as an advertising budget.

Here are some of the strategies an entrepreneur with a home based web business may employ. Obviously, the list isn't all-inclusive, but they are important to know just the same - at least understand the basics when building your web based business.

1) Networking your internet business versus random approaches. Although the random approach will ensure quick distribution amidst a wide demographic, which is important in regards to advertising and becoming known, however the networking approach is ironically the better way to go for success online.

The reason for this is that networking focuses on those involved in a particular field. With my business for example, it's people who are interested in having fun on the internet, those who use social networks on a daily basis, this is "the" target audience. Speak to the willing and you'll save time; by committing to a target audience it will allow you to pay attention to those who truly want it - it's all about finding the path of least resistance. Can you sell a steak to a vegetarian? I'm sure you could but wouldn't it be easier to sell a steak to a meat lover? Your choice. Below are examples of both random and networking means of approach specifically for marketing a home based web business.

Random Viral Advertising, TV Advertising, Pamplets,Coupon Booklets

Target Business Conventions, Article writing, Pop-Ups, Magazines, Bloging, Classified Ads,eZines, News Letters

2) Target market advertising, Online Classified ads is a great way to hit a specified target market - you can advertise in specific demographics and not pay a dime for it. There are other paid for (very cheap) ad services as well, you need to get to a point where you can invest in such tools for your Yuwie business. With one tool alone I recruited over 40 people in a 30 day period and it took a whole 2 hours. These services will feature your ad in from of millions of people at a time - You have a home based web business so use the webs #1 marketing tool. Classifieds.

3) The Golden Rule, market Yourself. This means sell yourself and NOT your opportunity. Don't use the company website to send your referrals to, setup blogs and market yourself with testimonials and reasons you can help them achieve their goals. People buy and join you. They buy your ability to help them and nothing else. They are looking for a home based web business as well and what to know if you can help them.

5) Online Chat Forms - Be active on myspace and facebook, network in some of the public forms that are on there - there are millions of target market people right there! Go have fun, make friends and invite to your own blog/testimonial page.

6) Articles, article marketing allows you to sell yourself by getting your ideas and information infront of 1000s of people at a time. For example I'll pay 40 dollars to have this article published on 1000s upon 1000s of sites and read by 10s of thousands of people. Am I selling MY business on it? Not a chance. Focus on helping others and it will come back to you 100 times over. I know because your reading this you either have a home based web business or are looking to start one. This is called target market advertising.

7) Honesty and Truthfulness. Honesty is the best policy, as the saying goes. This is truer than a lot of people want to admit. Unfortunately, the desire for money has superseded personal integrity. I see it even in Yuwie, scrupulous entrepreneurs presume the success is easier to have when "taking people for a ride." Don't do it, be true to yourself as well as those you work with - Just help people.

Businesses that deal on the up-and-up and who's philosophies are to serve above and beyond everything else are the ones to succeed. Valued people are the best performers in business and are likely to be the most successful, simply because it's people that will make your home based web business possible; without people, money is non-existent, since the money that businesses create comes from the people involved.

Michael Van-Masters, To learn the ins and outs of internet marketing for your Yuwie Business please refer to Michael's 100% free online yuwie sponsoring course available at the Yuwie scam.