Friday, May 23, 2008

5 Killer SEO Article Tips For Home Internet Business Ideas

In this article I present 5 killer SEO article tips, which have worked effectively for my home internet business ideas.

1.Keyword Selection.

As a first SEO article action you have to select the keywords very carefully, which are related to the home internet business ideas. They are in the main role in this strategy. As you may know keywords are the words, which the searchers type into the Google search bar when they find home internet business ideas.

The best way is to use your home internet business ideas website keywords, because they are targeted and the pre-selling of your SEO article happens exactly about the right topic. I would prefer keywords with Overture demand around 1.000 per month to quarantee that your home internet business ideas SEO article will reach the first page position on the Google search results.

2.Research The Competition

You can type the main keyword of your home internet business ideas SEO article into the Google search bar and research whether there are any SEO articles on the first result page. If there is, it means in principally that also a SEO article can rank well with this keyword.. You can also analyze the keywords and their density and also the other SEO factors.

It is also important to analyze the onpage SEO factors of the first 5 sites of the results. If you will find errors in onpage SEO, the chances of your home internet business ideas SEO article will increase dramatically, when you will prepare the article along the decent SEO rules. If there are sub-pages among the top 5 sites, even better.

3.The SEO Rules

Write the selected keywords into the headline, teaser and the bio box of the SEO article plus of course into the body copy so that the keyword density will be around 6 % of all the total words of your home internet business ideas SEO article. You can also use H1 and H2 tags ( sub-headlines ) and write your most important keyword into the H1 tag and the second most important into H2 tag.

You can also write your major keyword once in bold, italic and underlined font. These are the candies for the search engines. If you use weaker keywords, cast them here and there into the body copy.

Because keywords of your home internet business ideas SEO article are normally keyphrases, one working strategy is to build a major keyphrases with 5 words of which you can build several supportive keyphrases and thus find more profitable markets, like: internet home income business opportunity, home income business opportunity, income business opportunity, business opportunity, internet home income business, etc.

Make a list of these keyphrases and use them each with the same density in your home internet business ideas SEO article. Your article has now much better chances to rank high in several search results.

4.The Same Content In The SEO Article, Blog And Webpage

A good idea is to use the same home internet business ideas content in several locations. Some article directories can however penalize you, if you do it in the wrong way. So publish your SEO article first in your blog and webpage, wait for 24 hours, then write around 30 % more and after this submit it to the directories. In this way your home internet business ideas SEO article will be in safe.

5.Use The Submission Software

The marketing of home internet business ideas is a numbers game and that is why the publishing has two targets. To bring targeted visitors and to reach a high search engine ranking. Of course you will get much more visitors, if you will use the submission software, which will publish your SEO article in hundreds or thousands of directories and websites with one click of the mouse.

Juhani Tontti,B.Sc., Over 20 Years In Marketing. Find all the tools and tips for your home internet business ideas

Fast Article Marketing - Discover 5 Creative Secrets to Excel At Article Marketing

One of the easiest ways to get targeted traffic for your website is through article marketing. It may not be the fastest way to see an influx of online visitors to your site, but it is definitely uncomplicated and relatively cost-effective. In addition, it is also proven to work not only in terms of improving your page ranking but also increasing your page views in the long run.

Here are the 5 creative secrets to excel with article marketing:

1. Strive to produce quality articles. When your articles are remotely interesting and content-rich, these will be easily picked up by other webmasters and publishers to use the information in their blogs or website. If you consistently write quality articles, your content will be widely distributed and you will earn numerous back links for your website and increased traffic.

2. Optimize your content. To make sure that your articles will be highly visible to search engines, use long tail keywords and incorporate Latent Semantic Indexing. This is relatively a new process in finding relevant keywords for you content which has gained the nods of major search engines.

3. Make use of interesting, attention-grabbing titles. If you want to improve your clickthrough rates, you must understand the importance of giving your articles great headlines. These act as your frontliners in getting the attention of your prospective readers.

4. Your articles must be content-rich. Articles that offer much valuable information are the ones that get the most attention online. So, if you would like to fare well in article marketing, you must learn how to pack your articles with valuable contents that are useful to your potential readers.

5. Master the art of creating a killer resource box. It is through this that you will be able to convert readers to your online visitor.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful SEO Secrets You Can Start Using Today

If you want to rank on top for Google, Yahoo!, and other major search engines, you'll need more than a basic knowledge of search engine optimization. Those who rank high on natural search results do so because they've been able to effectively manage their on-page and off-page optimization factors.

On-page Optimization

What you do on your web pages can have a positive or negative impact on your search results. However, as we'll discuss later in this article, off-page optimization is even more powerful when it comes to increasing your natural search engine placement.

Some of the most important on-page optimization techniques begin with choosing a key word to optimize your page for. There are a number of free tools available on the Internet that can help you find a keyword that is popular but not overly competitive. Keywords that are highly competitive are often very difficult to place well for.

Once you've selected a keyword, you can take advantage of:

Secret #1: Don't optimize for a single keyword, optimize for a keyword phrase. When you optimize for a single keyword, more often than not, that word is highly competitive and your chances of coming out on top are minimal. Where you gain a significant advantage is by focusing on a keyword phrase. This actually increases your chances of ranking well and ultimately helps you towards ranking well for the single word you originally chose.

Secret #2: Place your keyword phrase within the first 25 words of text, and the last 25 words of the page. The h1 tag can be used for developing a headline on your page and emphasizing your keyword phrase within the beginning of your page text (search engines love h1 tags).

Another suggestion is to use your keyword phrase just after your copyright notice on the bottom of your webpage. This ensures that it is present within the last 25 words of your page.

Secret #3: Place your keyword phrase in your page title and description. Additionally, place the keyword phrase throughout your page - being sure to bold the phrase once, italicize the phrase once, and underline the phrase once. Mention your keyword phrase every paragraph or so. Just make sure that it appears natural. If you stuff the page with your keywords, you'll potentially turn off browsers who would otherwise find your page valuable.

Off-page Optimization Now that you've learned about on-page optimization, it's important that you focus your attention on off-page optimization. Of all the techniques that have been developed for SEO, it still comes down to the popularity of your site.

The ranking of your website in a natural search engine result list is directly correlated to the popularity of your website.

So what do I mean by popularity? Popularity is the number and quality of links to your website. Although I've simplified the explanation here, you should know that links essentially count as votes. If everyone is "voting" for a particular website then the website becomes popular.

Secret #4: Get other sites to link to you. There are a number of ways to improve link popularity. Although I won't recommend a specific link building tool, I will say that there have been a number of good products developed that simplify the process. It still takes time and hard work, but over time, increasing the number of sites linking to your website can pay huge dividends.

Secret #5: Make sure that incoming links are of high quality (sites with a high Google page rank). It's not only important to have other sites link to you, it's also important to have quality sites link to you.

Secret #6: Anchor text must include your keyword phrase. When other sites link to you, make sure the link includes your keyword phrase. Sites that link to your domain can help with overall page rank and popularity, but websites who link to you using your keyword phrase (in the anchor text) are what get you to the top of search engine result lists.

Secret #7: Give people a reason to link to your website. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, white papers, free content or tools, etc., but ultimately it comes down to offering something of value. If you do, other websites will give you their "vote", increasing your link popularity and your search engine results.

Increasing your rank on major search engines isn't complex. But it does take time and effort. If you want to increase your website ranking, begin by implementing what you've learned in this article and stay the course.

* Michael Fleischner is an Internet marketing expert and the President of He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and has appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit MarketingScoop for more free marketing articles.

Sifting Thru the Fog to Find the Expert Writers of Our Time

The question at hand is - How can you determine if the author who wrote a particular article is an expert or not? And how on Earth can you go through 10 Billion web pages to find all the experts? Well in my estimation an online article submission site with over half-a-million articles and 50,000 or more article authors could indeed do this.

Does this mean that they should apply to the Department of Defense, NSA, Google Research or the National Archives for a grant to do the research? Yes, I believe they should. What about the information overload at half-a-million articles or the massive amount of garbage on the Internet these days - ah, precisely why such a system to determine expert status is truly needed in my opinion.

Yes, there is information overload, data smog or feature fatigue to consider in all of this and any online article submission site who decides to design such a system on their own accord with their own financing must only implement such a system that makes sense from a user standpoint, profit standpoint because whatever is implemented will need to have a decent ROI, otherwise why do it?

Indeed, presently whatever is done by an online article submission site must take advantage of the future, but also realize if semantic searching and Web 2.0 comes into the picture soon, Everything changes over night, thus it is best to be ready and be first to market, not be bogged down with all sorts of projects that may never turn a profit.

Can an Artificial Intelligent Search Feature sift through all this and only give results of the experts? Some say that it would be impossible to design such a searching tool. Well, I disagree to say it cannot be done now with current technology and AI theories of our day. I believe no one has thought it out. I am sure I or we could come up with something fairly easy if for instance we studied all my articles or let's say 10,000 of them.

We know what subject I am an expert in and which subjects I ain't and so we could play around with a program until which time it matched that reality, so therefore I believe it can be done, in fact, I am quite certain of it. I think giving up or quitting or concluding it is impossible is pre-mature, but in looking at the various ideas on how it could be done so far, I would say, based on this, none of these ideas presented thus far will work by themselves although a few might be a component of the total answer to the question.

Currently, we know that all too often Google or other major search engines do not bring back the desired results needed. Perhaps you have had this problem, I know I have and not just with Google either. Indeed, in frustration of this problem I have had long in depth conversations on the issues of false positives in looking for geniuses on the Internet with some experts in the field who have written 200 research papers on the subject at a major University. They have stories about this.

The Search Engines we have today are not good enough and most people are only semi-satisfied with them. Can a small online article submission site succeed where major search engines have failed us? Yes, because these smaller sites have incredible data bases and hands on experience dealing with these issues and determining who is an expert.

Incidentally, I know that our Online Think Tank could come up with the answer if we choose to take this on as a project, because, we have everything we need if we use the top online article submission site statistics. Since, I am a writer and I know "me" and my abilities; we should be able to play around with something and WIN, that is to say come up with the solution to the challenge - No Problem, it just takes a little time and availability to the data, it can be done, I know it can.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

6 Don'ts You Should Avoid In Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best strategies to make money online. In fact, you can make a lot of profit just concentrating your online marketing using this method. Just ask any top Internet Marketer, which is the best way to promote our business? They will surely answer "Article Marketing".

However, if you have thousands of articles and you promote it wrongly, it will only waste your time and effort. Below here I list down 6 "Don't"s that you should not do in promoting your articles:

1) Don't forget to craft a relevant and intriguing title. This is essentially the entry point for your article wherever it is listed. If site visitors are not even curious enough to click on your article title to see what it is all about, then you'll automatically cut in half your potential prospects who may have been turned into site visitors through your article.

2) Don't put your article on two different sites because identical copies on these both sites do not count as unique content. For instance, if you put one article on your site and one on a highly-ranked directory, that directory will probably get spider first, which means they will receive the unique content credit - and you will receive nothing other than a one-way link from that site.

3) Don't use a link to your home page as the first or only link in your article resource box. An article should always be geared toward a specific product and landing page, rather than a home page, which will contain links to all of your different offers. Instead, use a landing page link first and your home page link second. It is also best to include an opt-in form in your landing page. By doing this, you can follow up with your customers anytime you wish.

4) Don't forget to draw up some 'terms of use' for your articles. In these terms, you may want to include that you do not allow use on 'splogs' (so-called spam blogs) and sites that could be considered link farms. If search engines find your link in a bad neighborhood, your site could get indexed or penalized heavily.

When you create 'terms of use' for your articles, consider whether or not you want anyone to be able to use your article without specifically soliciting approval from you via email. Additionally, remember to tell all people who re-publish your article that they do not have the right to alter it or the resource box.

5) Don't use an affiliate link as the only link in your article resource box. When creating permanent one-way links, it is always a good idea to point them at Internet real estate you actually own. If you stop promoting that affiliate program - or, if the owner stops selling the product, you will be out of luck. Additionally, you won't get the benefits that come from a one-way link.

6) Don't forget to concentrate and putting your keyword into your article. Spend the time to figure out appropriate keyword tags for your article. Remember that article directories also use a search engine model to determine which articles will be pulled by which searches. If your articles are not appropriately classified, you will find that you get less click-thru traffic from the actual site.

With this information, I hope you re-adjust your strategy on article marketing. Do it wrong and you just throw away your time for nothing. Article marketing is like an art. If you do it correctly, your article will be notice by reader and you have a better chance of succeeding in your business and make more money online.

Izrul Fizal has been marketing online since 2005 and he is using his number one technique to gather hundred thousand of lists for free to promote his business. Get your free report on How To Obtain 1000 Lists In 3 Days For Free at

Buying Articles for the Web

Offering free content on yours or others business Web site is a crucial part of Internet marketing. In fact, thats how Internet marketing got started, which is why everyone wants and expects something for nothing on the World Wide Web. Theyve always been getting it.

The public has come to expect Internet information to be free, and those most-often searched keywords are what will take consumers to your Web site. Once youve determined the most visited keywords in your industry, youll want to write or find articles that incorporate them.

If youre not a good writer, or you dont have the time it takes to write articles, you can use the articles of others. You can offer local writers or industry experts to contribute articles in return for their bio which gives their own site and business credibility, branding and traffic. Or you can buy articles from people you dont know. One way of doing this is through an article membership site. Here youll find articles on just about any subject, with new ones added all the time.

There are many sites that offer articles and memberships to help your Internet marketing. The catch, however, is that each invariably limits its membership ranks so that the Internet marketing articles dont get published too often. You may have to do some searching, or some waiting, to get a membership in the Internet marketing article membership site of your choice.

Once you are a member and you find the articles you want to publish your Internet marketing work is not done, however, You have to do some rewriting, making it not only fresh and unique to your site, but also giving it a little tweak so it talks directly about your industry, and, if possible, about your products or services.

You may find an article or articles that particular fit your Web site and your business but the keywords you need arent found that densely in the article. So youll need to do that. Thats fairly easy to do, and far easier than sitting down and writing your own article.

Never take an article from an article membership site and publish it verbatim. This is destructive to your Internet marketing concept. You want to make it yours your voice, your personality and your products. You might even find a lengthy article that you could use as a tease, publishing the first part and then offering the conclusion next week. You might also publish a newsletter a great Internet marketing tool. You start the article in the newsletter and refer readers to your site for the conclusion.

Whatever you do, make it yours. Your Internet marketing will succeed as a result.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Leonard invites you to submit your articles to Moxie-Drive Expressions, the most exclusive, hand edited internet marketing article directory on the web today. Or just visit and enjoy a good read!

Internet Marketing Articles - This is How to Have Real Influence

Have you ever been able to get something for nothing? Some might say, "Yes, I have received gifts from people and that was something for nothing." Others might say, "I found ten dollars once, and that was something for nothing." Another example that might come to mind is when a person steals something. You might argue that they got something for nothing. I want you to really think about this for a moment. Do you ever really get something for nothing?

I think it is probably a matter of perspective. If you look at a single moment in time, it could appear that it is indeed possible to get something for nothing. But, if you look at it from the perspective of your lifetime, and what brings real value to your life, I think it doesn't take much effort of thought to realize that we don't ever really get anything of value for nothing.

Still have some doubts? Let me add this then: sometimes the price we pay is before we receive something, and sometimes the price is afterwards.

The reason that I write this is because I am often amazed at the endless supply of headlines that promise something for nothing. I guess the thing that amazes me about these headlines is that they would not be so prevalent if they were not successful. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised; the truth is that I have spent most of my own life looking for some magic pill of a sort.

I guess that is why article marketing has such appeal to me now. I hope I have finally given up on the idea of the magic pill. I am more interested in what I can grow and develop. I see article marketing as the type of business opportunity that I can use to not only build and develop my business, but myself.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Multiply Your Email List Size Using An Offline List Broker

One of the big Internet marketing breakthroughs you may hear people talking about is using direct mail.

In other words, getting the postal addresses of your email list and sending them offline offers. Many of the top Internet marketers in the world do this and swear they double, triple even quadruple their sales.

And I believe this to be true from my own tests and observations as well.

But what's even more exciting is that many of these experts are renting lists of offline people and driving them to their websites to capture their email addresses. In other words, expanding their email lists using offline lists.

However, if you decide to do this, you must be careful of who you get your lists from. There is an art to finding a good mailing list and most Internet marketers haven't really had a chance to learn about it.

Which brings me to a recent interview I did with legendary copywriter Bob Bly. Bob gave me a great tip on making the whole list renting issue painless and easy.

What he said was to never, ever rent a list from a list owner. Reason why is because you are obviously not going to be getting an unbiased answer when you inquire as to the quality of the list. A list owner can (and probably will in many cases) tell you whatever you want to hear.

And so Bob said to always go to a good list broker. A list broker being someone who finds lists for you, does all the work and then delivers you the exact list you are looking for.

The way Bob explained it to me was it costs you nothing to use a list broker since he gets paid by the list owner, not you. Plus, it is in the broker's best interest to please you and give you what you want since he wants your repeat business. If he messes around and gives you a non-responsive list, or doesn't actually go the extra mile to make sure you are happy and successful and make money from your mailing, then he knows you probably won't be back.

This may sound like simple advice. But the fact is most Internet marketers have never dealt with offline lists before and it can be a totally different animal than online lists and joint ventures.

And so, if you are going to be expanding your Internet marketing business by going to offline lists and trying to drive them to your online list, make sure you consider the advice Bob gave in the interview.

It could save you a lot of time, money and frustration.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Fact - The More Articles You Write, The More Sales You Will Have

So you want to know why people like Lance Winslow write so many articles, well it is quite simple, article marketing works. Now I would not even attempt to put myself into the same league as Lance, far from it as I have only written about six hundred articles, however I have seen a massive positive impact since I have started writing articles. I am hoping that the people who read this particular article will become inspired to write their own articles as a way of promoting their own websites.

In my humble opinion, 2008 will see an even greater interest in article marketing. 2007 marked a massive change in web promotion and web marketing circles as the search engine giant Google cracked the whip. No longer are webmasters able to just buy a high value link from eBay or off one of the many link brokers as this has now become outlawed. You can of course buy the link however it is likely to be of very little value to you.

Even offering to exchange links with other webmasters is being frowned upon, which leaves article marketing as one of the only routes to attract those all important one way backward links.

My personal aim for 2008 is to write two hundred and fifty articles which I am sure will not impress many of the writers out there, however this will be enough for me.

What I have noticed from my past efforts of writing articles is quite simple to explain - the more articles I write, the more sales I seem to get. I am by no means perfect, just ask my wife, and I have had periods, which have been as long as six months, where I have not even written one article. There is no excuse, I had basically become lazy. I am often quite amazed to notice that these periods always seem to coincide with a reduction in sales. I am therefore determined to not have any more of these lazy periods.

In conclusion article marketing works, therefore if you are looking into the best ways of promoting a website, then writing a few articles will get you off to a great start.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:

Stammering treatment
Cheap web design service in the UK
DVD duplication service

Article Marketing - What Is the Market Telling You?

Most article writers are willing to share their knowledge in return for two things:

  1. so that people click through to their website and possibly make a purchase of something or
  2. so that ezine owners copy the article to their site and the article allows click throughs

So, obviously, the important thing to just about every article writer is the click through to their website. To facilitate that writers need to:

  • write about subjects that people want to read about - that's first and foremost
  • write an intriguing headline that will attract attention
  • construct an interesting teaser or summary to draw readers into the body of the article
  • provide relevant keywords which will allow the article to be found in a search
  • write an article that is interesting enough for the reader to want to know more
  • construct a "Resource Box" for the reader to click on that promises even better information

Now, readers are fickle. They don't spend much time reading anything if it doesn't hook them straight away. The vast majority will skip over a poor headline or a teaser that doesn't promise them a heck of a lot and they will click away from your article faster than turning off a light switch if you do not provide the VERY BEST of all the points listed above. And even if you do provide all of those things then the click-through rate (CTR) is usually very low. That is why so many people write hundreds and even thousands of articles. They know that with such low CTR's they need a vast number of articles to create a trickle of traffic. And so they pump out article after article - many of which are dubious in nature and contain nothing in the way of any value for the reader. Readers therefore become impatient of wading through dozens of useless articles that give them NOTHING.

What can you do?

The market - impatient and skeptical readers - is looking for information. If you fail to provide it then your return for your effort as an article writer will be zero. You need to give in order to get. But so few give their readers anything. Many writers expect to write completely banal and useless articles that contain nothing of value then receive click-throughs. If your click through rate is extremely low then the market is telling you that it does NOT like your work. Get better at what you do. Provide better information. Write about more interesting subjects.

How do you do that?

Actually, it's quite easy. If you have written 10 or 20 or 30 or more articles compare them. Which ones got the best CTR's and which ones were flops? Write more articles like the ones that got the best CTR. Don't write flops. All you are doing is clogging up the internet with useless information that nobody wants to read anyway. You are wasting everybody's time, including your own.

Yeah, I know that some people throw a mish-mash of keywords together to try to take advantage of "Adsense" advertising. I call this NONsense advertising. People just want to click away to get out of the rubbish that they are in. Don't be a provider of rubbish because your name will then be associated with it. We all know the names of writers who provide extraordinary amounts of junk articles for others to wade through.

Compare your statistics.

Let me give you an example from my own personal stats. I have an article that has had 1304 views for ZERO clicks and I have another one which has had 2667 views for 400 clicks - a 15% CTR! Which one do you think I am going to use as a model for future articles on that topic? It's a no-brainer. Similarly, you can make comparisons in your own statistics to see what works and what doesn't.

If you give your market (the readers) what they want then you will see a dramatic rise in your CTRs. Keep pumping out junk and you will get what you deserve. The market is telling you what it wants. Provide it.

Unfortunately, I don't have an Article Marketing website. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click Here.

Article Marketing - Where Should You Submit Your Articles?

One of the questions I often get about article marketing is where should the articles be submitted to. There are often two choices:

1) You can submit them to your own blog/website

2) You can submit them to article directories

Personally, I would submit my articles everywhere, even on forums. It doesn't matter. If you choose to rewrite them when you submit them to different places, then that is ok. Submit them everywhere to get maximum leverage out of each article.

While content is important, if there is no traffic, nobody is going to read it. So definitely look at building backlinks. You don't exactly need tons of content to get the spiders coming. But you do require tons of backlinks to increase your search engine rankings. And the more backlinks you have, the better off your website will be.

What I'd suggest is that for submissions to your own website, add your content in gradually on a weekly or fortnightly basis. This gives the search engine spiders fresh content to spider, so that will keep your search engine rankings high.

For article directories, I'd suggest submitting to the top directories. If you want to generate hundreds or even thousands of backlinks, then use an article submitter like Submit Your Article. Article Marketer is another submitter worth checking out. They will submit your articles automatically all around the web, giving you maximum exposure.

So that's my blueprint for submitting articles. And it's been generating a full-time income for me. Try it out and see how it works for you.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

21 Ways for Content-Sites to Increase and Monetize Traffic

Go Social! Tap into the social marketing trend which is taking over the net. There are a variety of tools and platforms to take advantage of.

  1. Social Bookmarking. On the landing page for your content, you should have an link to allow users to bookmark your website using their social bookmarking tool of choice. This can allow for viral exposure of your content.
  2. Send to friend. Create a send to friend feature to allow users to evangelize your own content within their personal network.
  3. Open Social / Facebook Application. Create an application for these two popular standards which will open up your application to be viewed on the top 10 highest trafficked sites on the internet - which are all mostly social networking sites. The application can expose your content and also allow users to interact with comments or ratings. Again, you will convert casual viewers into interested fans who want to come back to your website.
  4. Create social networking profiles. Create profiles on popular social networks such as myspace, facebook, and orkut. Dedicate an internal resource to update the profile frequently with new videos, add friends to your network, and see the interest in your brand and the visits to your website increase.

Think outside the browser. As internet users continue to consume information and interact with the web in new ways, you need to be prepared to tap into that and offer your services and information in an increasingly variety of formats - mobile and email are a few good ones for starters.

  1. SMS Contests. Like American Idol, you can incorporate SMS polling into your existing live events.
  2. SMS Marketing - same concept but sending videos by SMS to mobile devices.
  3. Mobile site. Create a mobile version of your website for on-the-go viewing.
  4. Email Marketing. Create daily or weekly alerts to be sent out by email to your most loyal user base. Members will enjoy the email and will be reminded to come back to your site daily. Its great to get a new visitor to your website, but if you get a new email address, you can continue to market to that person for years, and even for a marginally interested person, get hundreds or thousands of site visits from them, simply because you have the ability to continue to communicate with them.

User-generated Content. The good news is that users want to contribute to your website, they're ready and waiting to add valuable content to your website for you. The catch is that you have to put some time into thinking what are the most appropriate ways to offer these opportunities to your audience. And also, you don't want to do this in a vacuum, because it will take a while for enough users to contribute their own content, so you will need to continue supplying the content until your user-base takes off.

  1. Upload pictures / videos. Create contests around popular themes on your encourage users to submit their own videos and pictures to the site. Announce the winner on your live event.
  2. Incentivize by Participation. Your viewers want to participate with your website. By creating contests and user submission campaigns, you will give users a reason to visit the website. Create a contest themed around one of your categories of content.
  3. Classifieds. Create a classified section to allow visitors to interact with eachother and form a community on your website.

Audio / Video. As more and more video websites are gaining popularity and being invested in by large corporations, its not hard to see where the future of information consumption will be. The good news is that tools for creating your own audio and video are increasingly more affordable and accessible. Here's how to leverage your audio/video:

  1. Embeddable Video Player. Leverage existing video content by adding a video player with embedded advertising. Allow users to embed this video into their website, blog or myspace page to share revenue by an affiliate program. Leverage the long-tail effect of users sharing your content within their own networks. Although you may be weary of giving out your content for free, people will always want to come back to your website to get the full experience of your brand, so you need not be worried.
  2. Increase exposure of web content. Place teaser video clips on Youtube and other popular video sharing sites, to tap into the large user bases on those sites and convert them into fans and frequent visitors of your website.
  3. Flash Media. If you're still using windows media as a video player or audio player, stop right now! Standardize your video to flash video format and get rid of windows media player
  4. Create a video montage. Gmail did a similar campaign ( where they encouraged viewers to submit videos with certain parameters, and they stitched all the videos together into an interesting and funny montage.

And more! Here are some additional weapons to add to your arsenal.

  1. SEO Optimization. For the purposes of greater exposure to search engines, each piece of content, whether text, audio, pictures, or video should have its own separate landing page. Its OK to have a player on the home page which allows the user to conveniently browse all the videos on your site, but a link should be available to a dedicated page for each video with a good URL structure. Some suggestions for additional features on this page are user comments and related videos.
  2. Adwords campaigns. The key here is the customized landing page - you need to take the time to figure out a very specific target that you want to market to and create campaigns along those lines.
  3. Interactive game. Create a flash video game tailored to the interests of your viewers.
  4. Live events. Create live events centered around your content. If you have video content, these can be live webcasts. If audio, they can be live teleconferences. If it is simply written content, create a chat room and announce a time when you will be online, live, available for question and answer.
  5. RSS Feeds. Create feeds to syndicate your content in this popular format. There are many aggregators which will pick up your content and a growing user base of information consumers who prefer to consume news, videos, and photos through the convenience of an RSS reader.
  6. Blogging. Dedicate an internal resource to write blog posts frequently. Search engines love blogs and you will be rewarded with traffic for well-written and frequent blog posts.

Jason Giddens is a Project Manager for Kremsa Design, a web development company with expertise in Flash and PHP. At KD, we push Flash and PHP beyond their limits. Our processes are tailored to industry professionals, agencies, and designers and our goal is to develop top quality products at affordable prices.

Articles as a Viral Marketing Tool

'The Money is in the List' is a common saying in the internet marketing field. Profit is almost always guaranteed to anyone, irrespective of what is up for sales, if he/she has a responsive list of subscribers. However, what most people has missed out is that you can actually build such a responsive list, ready to buy whatever you have for sales, just by writing and submitting content rich articles.

By writing articles on any chosen topic, you are actually proving your worth and demonstrating your expertise in the field. You will be seen by people who read your articles as an expert and reliable person in your chosen field. Thus, leveraging your viral marketing effort on such articles, if done right, is bound to be rewarding.

In simple language, all you have to do is right content rich, entertaining and informative articles on your area of expertise or chosen niche, then go ahead and submit your articles to a couple of article repositories i.e. sites that allow free submission of articles.

The catch here is that, with every article you submit you are allowed to append what is called the 'author bio box or resource box' which normally should include a brief description of yourself, your business and a link to your business site.

If you intend to build your list using article submission, all you have to do is make sure that your resource box URL links to your mailing list's landing page where you can get your visitor's name and email address. To make this more effective, you could promise people landing on the page a free report or any other related freebie for submitting their names and email address. Since people landing on the page would have read one or more of your articles, you would be seen as an expert, thus the level of trust is expected to be high.

Write as much articles as you can, if your articles are found worth sharing, ezine publishers will republish your articles together with your resource box for their readers and subscribers. The wonderful result: viral marketing without effort on your part!

You can begin your viral marketing effort today by writing and submitting your articles to trusted article submission sites such as, The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your chances. You might want to consider getting your hands on one of the low cost, but effective auto article submitters like the one at

Make your Articles do more for you. Drive Insane Traffic to Your Web Site Using the Magic of My Auto Article Submitter

Productive Article Marketing Revealed - 4 Comprehensive Ways to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website SEO strategies that is designed to get free targeted traffic for your website. It works by writing original articles that are related to your target niche and submitting them to various article directories online. These articles are then posted by publishers so other webmasters and ezine publishers can use them for free as long as they keep the resource box that directs online users to your website.

1. The success in article marketing largely depends on the quality of articles your write. In order for your copies to be widely distributed, they must be easy to read, well-written and focused on your target niche. Focus on writing articles that offer solutions as these are the kinds of copies that are often search for by most online users.

2. Choose keyword-rich titles. People search the internet through the use of keywords. When you make your headlines keyword-rich, they will be most likely to be found by your potential readers. To further entice your readers to open your articles, make sure that your headlines are intriguing and attention-grabbing.

3. Keep your articles short. Online users today have shorter attention span and they prefer short articles that are direct to the point and meaty.

4. Multiple the number of your articles. While it it true that the quality of your articles is the number one element that dictates the success of your article marketing campaign, the quantity of your articles plays crucial part too. As each submission grants you one quality inbound link, the more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website that can result to increased traffic and of course, sales.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How To Make Quick Cash Online - 3 Step-By-Step Secrets Revealed

Have you ever faced an emergency cash flow problem and wished you knew exactly how to make quick cash so that it could help you tide over the crisis? Now don't fret, as there are indeed ways which you can apply instantly to guarantee you make an extra $100-$200 anytime you want. So follow me as I reveal to you 3 step-by-step secrets on how to make quick cash online.

Quick Cash Method #1: How To Make Quick Cash Selling A How-To Video

This is one of my favorite methods as it is fairly simple to implement. Do you have a skill or knowledge in a specific area which others do not? Do you possess any information which is uncommon to the masses? Now here is your chance to teach others and monetize your knowledge in the form of selling how-to videos online. Maybe you're an expert in Microsoft Word, or Excel. I'm sure there's a lot of people who would love to have a reasonably priced video tutorial showing how to use these programs effectively.

Or if you know how to fix a computer or tie a particular knot, you can always sell these knowledge. Now you can use Camtasia Studio to record your videos if you want to capture your computer screen. If you don't have Camtasia Studio which is fairly pricey at around $400, you can download a full featured 30 day trial which will give you plenty of time to earn the money to pay for it by the time the trial period is over. Just do a search on Google for "Camtasia Studio". Else, using any camcorders will suffice too.

Quick Cash Method #2: How To Make Quick Cash Selling Articles

Another favorite method of mine writing articles and reselling them for a lucrative profit.

Now internet marketers in all niches are constantly on the lookout for quality articles to add to their marketing efforts. Hence, such articles are in high demand, especially if you deliver in terms of quality and charge a reasonable price.

So if you can write fast and write well, you can easily churn out 4-5 articles in an hour. Just sell a package of 15-20 articles for around $15 and you can easily sell 20-30 copies within a day.

Quick Cash Method #3: How To Make Quick Cash Selling On eBay

The last method is not one I'm particularly familiar with but it's highly popular too. I'm sure you would have heard of eBay and truth is, eBay is the hottest place with hungry buyers with their credit cards in hand. So neglecting eBay is like leaving money on the table. You can get a good idea of what will sell by doing a search on "eBay hot sellers". That will give you several pages of resources that might be just what you're looking for.

Also, when you have an idea of something you want to sell, look at the auctions already running to see if similar items are being listed. Then look at the bids each listing is getting to see if there are people that really are interested in buying this item.

With all these quick cash methods, you should now know exactly how to make quick cash with a couple hours of work anytime you like!

Looking for more ways on how to make quick cash? Visit my How To Make Quick Cash website for more information.

5 Ways To Succeed At Media Placement

Media Placement is not a difficult task. However, many people go about it the wrong way. Without coaching, we often turn to poor placements and consistently use our own methods which haven't succeeded in the past - and will continue to fail in the future. By combining our own creative juices and the knowledge of the Media Advisors available through the "24 Hour Web Cash" program, it really is easy to place media to ensure a real return on your investment.

1. Use Your Resources - When working through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, it is easy to get stuck - we may use techniques we've tried in the past that get us no where and earn us nothing, or spend too much money trying methods we haven't tested and may ultimately fail. Use the media advisors to help you work through your problems and questions. Also remember you may have other sources of good information to help you: family, friends, local classes at a community college or adult learning center, etc. Use everything available to you, and you stand a much higher chance of succeeding.

2. Think Outside The Box - Sometimes nontraditional methods could bring returns we don't expect. When planning your target audience, consider how you can bring new potential customers through unconventional means that directly target them. For example, I live in a military community, with an active stay-at-home mom population. Many already run small businesses, but are still looking for others to improve their income. Many others want to stay home with their children but need a way to bring solid income to add to the salary of their husband. These women are perfect for targeted marketing, if it can be done in a creative way that really brings their attention to the simple media placement and returns that come with the 24 Hour Web Cash program. You may have similar populations of people who would benefit greatly from being referred to the program, but how could you target them? It could be something as easy as adding a leaflet to a "Welcome Wagon" type program - in my community, all new wives are given a tote bag with coupons, leaflets, and information upon arrival to the community. A leaflet here would target exactly my target audience - women who do not yet work, or who are stay-at-home moms who probably need extra income. Or, if you live in a community with low job rates, mailings or leaflets to people who may not be working or may be at risk of losing their employment could bring great returns if done properly.

3. Try New Tactics - While we may be comfortable with certain methods or techniques, it is often new, untested ones that surprise us with great returns. You should make it a goal to attempt one new method a week - whether you've been hesitant to try newspaper classifieds, or feel as though you would not write a proper article or press release, go ahead and give it a try. You'll likely surprise yourself at your skill, and may see a great return. Even I have been worried about using some of the new methods brought to my attention through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, but by tossing my fears aside and diving in, I am building new skills and really getting my company out there.

4. Pick Your Pace - You need to decide right off the bat whether you want to dive in head first, or work slowly to build your confidence and skill in media placement. I chose to work slowly at first, as I had had very little success in the past with this type of work. I moved through the steps slowly, reading the provided manual and asking my advisor questions when necessary to ensure I used the techniques the an effective manner. As I gained confidence with smaller steps, I have been able to jump to bigger and faster methods to bring returns on my various chosen media placement techniques. Remember, the training provided gives you the chance to use a wide spectrum of techniques, but once completed you will likely find certain ones work better than others, or you may have an idea for one not covered, and you are free to use what works best. The manual even outlines which methods are great to use if you want to go slower or faster, and through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, you can choose to start off small with just one or two websites, or go big all at once.

5. Don't Drive Yourself Into The Ground - The beauty of the 24 Hour Web Cash program is that once you have familiarized yourself with the techniques and process involved with media placement, and gotten your foundation built, you are able to work as little or as much as you want, to bring in your desired income. This program is perfect for time-strapped moms like myself, who must fit work in between dog walks, baby naps, and meal preparation. Not just moms can do it, though. The unemployed, retired, students, or anyone looking to bring in more income can successfully complete this program through part-time or full-time commitments - I have found as little as an hour or two a day can allow me to bring great returns, without needed to overwork myself or take time away from my other commitments. And you can take vacation time whenever you want - what other traditional job or career can promise that?

The 24 Hour Web Cash program is a proven system for bringing in an income that YOU can decide on - and work to achieve. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme - it takes real effort, but with the training provided through the Global Cash Flow Network anyone who dedicates themselves to the program can succeed, and do, all over the world!

Christina Keightley is Certified Media Placement Specialist, stay-at-home mom, freelance photographer and writer, and owner of and writes for several blogs including

Getting Started With Bum Marketing

The phrase bum marketing was coined by Travis Sago as his own way of article marketing, and Bum Marketing is a fast and easy way of earning money. You can get great search engine rankings by concentrating on keywords and targeting a niche audience. You should ideally include a resource or bio box at the end of your article which contains a link to the product or service which you want to publicize.

  • First choose which niche market or product you would like to endorse. After you have decided on the target market do some research and find out which product will sell the most. You could also search Google to help in your research. Click bank is a nice place to begin with.
  • Study the market and product carefully and decide which keywords you should concentrate on. These should be directly pertinent to the product that you are advertising. You want search engines to pick up these keywords that you come up with and aid in developing the search engine ranking of your article.
  • You should have a good understanding about what your product, service or niche market is about after researching it. Then promptly write articles based on what you found out. These dont have to be very long articles, about three hundred to five hundred words articles will suffice. It would be a good idea to not include all information about the product in one article, but to cut up the subject into many aspects, one of which you can focus on in each article. Thus, the whole group of articles that you write will cover all features of the product. The point you have to keep in mind is to write a lot of articles in a short amount of time.
  • You should include a resource box at the end of your article which should contain a link to the product youre promoting. Make sure that you do not make it sound like you are trying to sell the product. Just make it seem like a very good offer which the reader will be attracted by and want to visit the link to know more about the offer.
  • After completing your article, submit it to article directories on the internet. Searching Google will give you thousands of options, but is thought to be the most popular article directory.
People can find your articles if they have a high ranking on search engines, but that depends on how inundated that niche market is. The other way is when e-zine and blog owners include articles from article directories as content. If featured on a popular e-zine or blog, your article could be read by thousands.

Bum marketing is a great and free way to publicize online as it requires very little investment. Your articles will ideally generate a few sales, or get no response or lead to many sales. Bum marketing concentrates on producing many articles to increase the chances of success.

Benjamin Seow is the Founder of

Visit his website at to access hundreds of resources for internet entrepreneurs.

Free Ebooks, Articles & Software

Best Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Secrets to Advance with Article Marketing

If you want to advance in article marketing, you need to be more aggressive in publishing your article online. Don't be contented with article submission sites. To create more inbound links for your website, you can also post your articles to your blog, websites, forums, or compile them to create an ebook.

Looking for other secrets to advance with article marketing? Read on!

1. Make use of killer titles. Articles with boring titles seldom create interest online because people automatically think that if your titles are not good enough, your articles are not worth reading so why should they bother and check out your content? Avoid this from happening by making your titles striking and attention-grabbing. It would also help to incorporate keywords on your headlines to make your articles highly searchable online.

2. Inform before your advertise. Impart some of your knowledge that you think will be valuable and useful to your readers. Make sure that the information you include in your content can help you establish your expertise on your chosen niche. When you are able to educate or help people, it would be easier to convince them to visit your website and join your newsletters.

3. Use compelling resource box. To increase your conversation rate, you have to make your resource box attention-grabbing and enticing. Communicate your expertise, the problems that you solve and your desire to help. Don't forget to include your website's URL and the reasons why readers should click on it.

4. Make your articles scannable. When people open an article that's made up of lengthy paragraphs and barely contain page breaks, they are most likely to close it and move to other articles that are easy on the eyes. Online users prefer articles that are easily to skim through so they can quickly find specific information that they need. To help them out, make your articles scannable by using sub headings, bullet points, and numbered list when appropriate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

4 Important Article Marketing Tips

Article marketing has become one of the most important tools in today's internet home based business. Marketing with articles is very important to your success and to drive targeted traffic to your site. A good marketing strategy will be to include articles in your website, blog and submitting it to article directories. This article will bring you article marketing tips to help you drive more traffic to your website and increase your profits.

Articles are known as one of the most important and powerful tools of home based business. Article marketing will help you drive traffic to your website, rank higher with the search engines and as a result increase your profit.

Article marketing is not just about writing articles and posting them on websites and blogs. A good article is an article that has been read, an eye-catching headline, an interesting content and a regular group of loyal readers. If you write article just for the sake of writing, your readers will sense that and stop coming back to your site.

Here are some article marketing tips to help you in the process of writing your articles. I gathered 4 important tips that you must use in your articles, those tips will help you use your article for more targeted traffic and generating extra income.

Tip #1 - Use Keywords and Keyword Phrases

When writing your article, you must use targeted keywords and phrases, like targeting your website pages to the right keywords your article must be targeted to. Your readers are people who are looking for something specific, they usually type those words in the search engines and these are the words you want to target in your articles.

Keep your article and keywords related to your website. Stay on topic, if your website is about dogs and dogs training write about dogs, pets and training methods and don't write about your home business and vice versa.

Before writing your article, do a little research for the best keywords and use the right tools to help you find the keywords that suits your article and website the best.

Tip #2 - Check your Keywords Density

Keyword density is very important for the search engines to notice your article. After finding your keywords and phrases use them in your article, a good keyword density is about 10-15 %, if your word count is 700 words, then your keywords should appear 7 or 8 times.

Using your keywords too much in your article will look like spamming and your article content would not make any sense to your readers, using little keywords will end up unnoticed by the search engine, and this is not the result you are looking for.

Tip #3 - Writing Good Article Content

As I wrote in the last paragraph, content is very important, too many keywords will make no sense to your readers and you will lose their trust, write article with good content and make your articles interesting, doing that and your reader will come back for more.

Let your reader what they want, they came to your website because they were looking for information, writing an informative article will keep your readers on the page, gain their trust and increase your traffic and eventually your sales and profit.

Tip #4 - Use Your Article to Get More Links

My last article marketing tip is very important. Remember, you are using articles to market your business, always remember to include a link back to your website at the end of your article, if you are submitting your article to article directories a link back is the most important thing. Use a resource box to describe your website and add a link back to your website, if your article was written correctly and informative, most likely your readers will click on the link and end up in your website.

Marketing with articles can be a very powerful tool to help you drive traffic to your website and increase your sales and profits, follow those article marketing tips and you will see how your website traffic will increase.

Learn how to generate extra income online with 6 different online home businesses. Tanny Lahav is the owner of find your home business and start generating extra income.

Why Ezine Marketing?

Many internet marketers, which of course include affiliate marketers, get lost in the sea of options that they have to advertise their product. I am sure for any newbie, it would be very confusing and can get very frustrating because they might want to try all the methods but would not get results as their efforts are not concentrated. Other methods of exposing or advertising your product are by Pay-Per-Click, forums, blogging and email marketing to name a few. I suggest that you concentrate on ONE method first, get good at it before going on to try another method. So why ezine marketing?

Ezine marketing is to write articles about a particular subject of choice and then posting in ezine directories. The fact that you have found this article means that you are aware of directories but maybe you are just unsure of its advantages.

First, you can increase your target audience. The people who are reading your articles might already be interested in you subject field and thus, you gained their attention. Alternatively, someone new in the subject might find your article interesting and thus be more interested about you and your subject.

Second, is the exposure that you will get. Posting your articles in directories would mean that the whole world could potentially read your article. Thats just about Everybody, isnt it?

Third, you can promote yourself through the resource box. It can introduce you as an expert in your field and it is free! Free advertisement! People will have more trust in your product that you have to offer if they can get to know a little bit more about you. Sometimes, if they can relate to you, they would most likely buy from you. Having your link in the resource box, points the reader to where you want them to go.

So, try ezine marketing for at least a month, writing 2 articles a week and posting the articles to at least 4 directories if not more. Then look at the results that ezine marketing will bring. Good Luck!

Nurashikin is an Internet Business Entrepreneur who is still a student and wants to help other students and mothers to make an income from home. She has successfully generated an income for herself in her first month of business.

Find out how she did it at

Article Directories as Low Cost Internet Marketing Resources

Article marketing has emerged as one of the best ways to propagate your website online. This low cost and highly effective tool has made even Fortune 500 companies include it in their marketing campaigns. Today there are thousands of article directories which freely accept articles from users.

Why it works

There are many reasons why even the big companies have turned to this fairly simple marketing tool. Most article directories accept article submissions free of cost. All you need to do it register and then start posting articles. It is also a great way to boost back links to your site. Usually all such directories have a resource box in which you can advertise your site and include a link back to the site. In this way you can increase the number of hits to your site in a very short time.

Trial and error

With article marketing you can afford to make mistakes without incurring losses. Since they are free of cost, even if you happen to submit the wrong article or place it in the wrong category, you can still improve on it and get better at it with trial and error. Thus this marketing tool provides for a great way to avoid risk and still not spend a dime. This is unlike other high cost alternatives like PPC or flash advertising which need a lot of investment.

Choose your niche

With article marketing you always have a choice to select the niche business segment of choice. Thus you could be focusing on a very select target segment which not many other providers have targeted. This way you can submit your articles to article directories and start to generate interest and reaction in this segment. Since the segment will be relatively new and untapped, you can expect to become a domain leader very soon.


Once you start submitting your articles to article directories on a regular basis you can transform the way people perceive your website. The fact that you are writing on a set of topics related to a particular theme and niche makes people online think of you as a subject matter expert of sorts. Thus people will turn to you for advice and recommendation when they need information on the same subject. Over an extended period of time and will allow you to establish yourself and your business as a domain expert. What this means for your business is more customers and more sales.

Interesting topics

The kind of topics you write on can largely affect the popularity and sales of your business online. Usually customers like to read about informative articles which educate them. Thus topics which begin with 'how to' or 'great tips' or '10 best ways' etc. are bound to get you more attention. By submitting such articles to article directories you can greatly enhance the appeal and popularity of your site online. Then the sky is the limit and you can enjoy endless possibilities in your business.

Log in to Article Directories today to find out more details. You can use this tool to expand your online visibility!