Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

As you might have guessed by now, article marketing is my favorite form of traffic.

By the way, what is article marketing traffic? Article marketing traffic is traffic that is created when I write articles about the topics that will interest people who would buy from me in the future, put links in my articles to web pages on my site (in my case, squeeze pages on my site), and submit those articles to the various online article directories.

So why does article marketing create such high quality traffic?

This is how article marketing works, on the visitor end: someone reads my article after searching for their desired subject online and my article has come up in the top ten results in the search engine. They read my article, and many of them click out of my article without reading any further or without clicking into my site.

That is the most important part! That is my screening process! I get rid of the deadbeats, the people who dont like me, who dont like my name or my ideas, or whatever. That means that only qualified people will get to my web site!

So this means that since only qualified people will get to my web site, then I have a list of people who are much more highly qualified than just about anybody else in my niche.

There is an incredible screening process that goes on with article marketing, that just doesnt happen with PPC or classified advertising, or banner advertising, or just about any other advertising online. It just doesnt happen with the other sources of traffic but it does happen with article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Do you think article marketing is just about getting links back to your site? At first, this could really be the main purpose of having your articles published to article directories or ezines. But then more than this reason, you should also need to consider many factors.

First, you just do not put in information that is useless to your readers. As much as possible, everything should be helpful to your audience so that they would be able to read up to the end of your article and further more up to the resource box.

Second, write as if you are conversing with a friend. Pure information that are written in a boring mode will surely shun away the traffic you wanted. That link that is provided on your resource box will not serve its purpose if people will not read your boring article. Liven up a bit and be conversational with your article.

Third, use a catchy title. This is the icing of the article. If this icing tastes yummy, then you can expect that the whole cake will be eaten. Your title is the deciding factor. Give your readers the reason to read the entire article.

All of these factors will actually lead to having that link being used by your readers. You need to make sure that your article will be read and would serve its main purpose of advertising your site. With this link, you would get to achieve a profit that you never expected would be the result of article marketing.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a great way to make money, promote you website, generate traffic, and improve your website rankings. If you are not using articles to promote your online business, you should be. The benefits are just too great to pass up. But not everyone is blessed with the ability to write articles. What do you do if article writing is not your strong point?

If you don't have good writing or language skills, you can still get the benefits of article marketing. There are many options open to you. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of a ghostwriting service. By doing a search for ghostwriters, you will find many online businesses that cater to your needs.

The large established companies like Elance typically charge more for individual articles. But smaller companies that are looking to break into the article business may give you a more reasonable price. In this market, using smaller companies, expect to pay between five dollars and ten dollars per article.

However, if you are looking for article alternatives that are cheaper still, you have an option. Visit the large forums; I use The Warrior Forum and Digital Point. These forums usually contain postings from people who are just starting their article business. If you don't find any postings like this, enter your own posting. Indicate that you are looking to pay someone to write articles. Don't mention a price that you are willing to pay in your posting. Ask interested parties to send you a private message.

Using this method, you can expect to pay three to five dollars for articles. However, you should keep in mind that your writer will probably have little experience. In fact, you may be the first customer. But everyone has to start out somewhere. And if you are happy with the quality of the work, who cares how much experience your newly discovered writer has.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are so many ways to market a product or service. Why is it that a small percentage of marketers are really seeing huge amounts of sales? I would say a lot of marketers probably have good products or services but are missing key techniques in their marketing. This results in falling short of their desired goals. Here are a few simple website marketing strategies that will have you raking in the sales and laughing your way to the bank.

1. Build a massive opt in list, of loyal subscribers and use email promotions to dramatically increase your sales. It is absolutely CraZy if you are not doing this. You are losing out on massive amounts of income.

Increase your opt in email list quickly by giving away a product, newsletter or report at no cost. Just require people to subscribe to your list in exchange.

I recommend go to www.aweber.com as a source for you to collect these names and emails addresses. They are considered one of the best auto responder services around and their customer service is excellent.

Your freebie needs to be original, timely and possess highly perceived value. Aweber can be set up so that when someone submits their information they will immediately be sent a message and a download of your freebie.

2. Follow up with your customers. When someone gives you their name and email address they are expecting you to send them information that they want to receive. Emailing them allows you to contact them over and over and build a genuine relationship. If you send them information that is useful and interesting them they will be more open when you do recommend a product or service to sell.

If you don't follow up with your customers, you are losing a huge amount of profit. 36% of people who bought from you will buy from you again. When a person likes your product they will often buy again and again. Your follow up can immediately increase your revenue by 30% to 50%. These customers are one of the greatest assets of a business. If you have nothing to sell find an affiliate product (someone else's product) that is related to your business and offer that.

3. Another strategic internet marketing tip is to make or hire someone to create an ebook or report that you would allow your customers to give away. You can say...you have our permission to give this away. This can spread like WILD FIRE.

4. Design a powerful guarantee. A guarantee that will make you stand out from your competitors. An example would be giving them a 90 day money back guarantee when your competitors are only offering a 30 day.

5. Create multiple income streams on your website. You can sell your own products or sell affiliate products related to your business. Click bank, cj junction are a couple of sources that you can join. They are free to join and you get paid a percentage of the sales.

6. Offer advertising space for businesses complimenting yours on your website.

7. Depending on your business, adding Google adsense on your web page can bring in more revenue as well. This is where you allow Google to place ads related to your business on your web page and when someone visits your web page and clicks on the ads, you get paid.

8. Add audio and video to your website and watch your sales soar.Short and interesting, under 3 minutes clips, will grab peoples attention. Make sure that you are using the correct internet audio and video the right way or you could actually damage your credibility. The are many resources with tips and tricks you can use to create effective audio and video. Just Google create videos.

Are you currently using any of these web internet marketing strategies? If not implement them and watch you sales go through the roof.

Maria has ran a successful business for 20 years and now teaches others how to market successfully online. Maria's free website traffic techniques are used by entrepreneurs in every industry to drive targeted, quality traffic to their websites for free. To find out Maria's Traffic Secrets just visit http:GetFreeTrafficToday.Com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the most popular methods of marketing these days is to use Internet marketing to promote a product. The great thing about Internet marketing is that you don't have to have a website, a whole lot of money, or even your own product. There are a ton of people making a lot of good money online by promoting other people's products. The key to becoming successful as an Internet marketer is found in three words, search engine optimization.

There are a variety of ways you can go about having your product page or article content optimized to achieve high rankings in the search engines. One method that is used by Internet marketers is to hire an SEO company or firm to produce high quality keyword saturated content that will help them get listed high in the search engines. This can be quite expensive and if you have a small budget is not highly recommended. The other method used by Internet marketers is to purchase SEO software to help them optimize their websites or product pages.

There are three reasons why it is more beneficial for individuals to purchase SEO software rather than hiring a SEO company to produce content for you.

The first reason it is beneficial to purchase SEO software is that it is only a one-time fee. If you are on a limited budget for advertising your product, you may not be able to afford the services of an SEO firm. If you have no prior experience and know very little about the ins and outs of how SEO works, this could be severely detrimental to your business. The price to purchase SEO software is much less expensive in the long haul, and is something that you can use over and over and over again without paying for it ever again.

The second reason it is beneficial to purchase SEO software is the fact that the software comes jam-packed with a variety of extremely useful and helpful tools and features. Many of the features you will have at your fingertips are the same tricks and tools that the professional SEO firms use. The tools you get when you purchase SEO software can help you to build high quality content that is targeted specifically for your niche without the hassles of dealing with the middleman.

The third reason you should purchase SEO software is that it places the power of success back in your own hands. SEO software allows you be in charge of all the resources involved in optimizing your site or page. It allows you to test and try all the different methods and tips and to find what best works for you and your business. With this software you can have as much or as little success as you want. It literally puts you in control of your business and gives you cutting edge tools necessary to land on the front page of all the major search engines.

Michael Cantrell is a freelance writer who has extensive training in SEO content writing and Internet marketing techniques, including keyword research and building landing pages. If you're looking for a writer that can offer you the highest quality content on the Internet with the fastest turn around times possible, then look no further than Michael Cantrell.

If you would like to contact Michael about doing a project for you or your company feel free to contact him visiting his website Michael Cantrell