Thursday, May 8, 2008

Article Marketing to Build a Big List

Article marketing and list building, for me, go hand in hand. You see, the way I create profit is by list building, but the way I drive traffic to my squeeze pages is by article marketing.

Article marketing, for me, is the foundation, list building is the building, and the email list is the profit center.

So are you using article marketing to list build?

I guess that is a pretty direct question, but I kind of wanted it to be. You see, when I first started out building my list, I sent all kinds of traffic to my site. I did the forum thing and the Adwords thing, and even did some ezine advertising. But I wasnt getting the results that needed. I needed to make a fulltime income online fast.

But I was writing articles to get links back to my web site so Google would smile on me, and that happened. But that didnt really get me the big traffic. I mean, number one is nice, but if it is a long-tailed keyword, and I am just subscribing, not sellinghmm.that just doesnt cut it. So article marketing for links was also not working.

But then I discovered article writing and marketing for the purpose of direct traffic and there are only 3 web sites to which I submit for this purpose,, and The rest, from my testing, are simply not getting the traffic. Sure, they might get you a link, and if you are search engine optimizing, that is great, but for direct traffic, you need to submit to the biggest.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - High Quality Lead Generation

Article marketing is my favorite form of lead generation, and I imagine it will stay that way for some time to come. The biggest thing with article marketing, and one of the reasons I think the market is so wide open, is that article marketing doesnt produce massive numbers of leads and thats what so many people are looking for.

We get bombarded with ads for leads for cheap, or leads 1000 at a time but we should all know by now that they are very poor quality leads. But with article marketing, the leads are a much higher quality lead. They are, in my testing, as much as 10 times more responsive than search engine generated leads and that is huge.

People have been trying for years to outsmart the search engines and they really dont need to they just need to write articles.

Anyhow, that is the way I feel about it.

So why are article marketing leads so productive? I think that one of the reasons is that article marketing prescreens the leads before they get to you the person reading the article has the option of just clicking out, you dont get charged for the click, like with ppc.

I think also that there is a psychological impact of reading your article, then reading your squeeze page by the time they get a few emails from you, they have really developed a bond with you and I think that that is real important.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Productive Article Marketing - 9 Steps to Get Started With Article Marketing

Article marketing may seem difficult at first; however once you get started, there will be nothing stopping you in your marketing. First of all, narrow down the topics you can write about on your site by listing the main topics of the site then think of the main information a person will be seeking through the site, and accordingly create articles providing this information.

Framing the article well also helps in its marketing. Use an introductory sentence with the main points, then the article and as a conclusion, summarize everything again for better results. Article marketing is more successful with links placed on the web page, at the end of the article. This way, you will get more visitors to your website. You could also offer free incentives like a free e-book at the foot of the article to generate more visitors to your website.

There are many search engines on the internet; use them to find out about article directories as a part of article marketing. Then the submission of your article in the many search engine directories will greatly help you in your article marketing.

When writing articles, remove your limits and write as much as possible about the topic in mind. This provides more keywords in the articles, and a better possibility of people visiting your site. however in a bid of marketing your article, there is no point in wavering from your topic. Stick to the focus of the topic to generate more links to your site.

And most important, edit your articles and polish them well so that you provide links to your site and not to other sites because of the wrong keywords and ideas. Using all these steps will help you in your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Article Marketing - How You Can Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Your Articles

Article Marketing is something that thousands of people do to drive traffic to their websites. It's no secret that a well written article can be thought provoking enough for readers to want to know more about either you or your services. So, what do they do? They click on your link in your resource box. But are you making effective use of understanding the conversion rates for the clicks that you get?

From my own perspective, my main interests are in motivation, wealth creation and self defense. These are the subjects that I write about most often. However, I am departing from that here because I have discovered something that I think will be of benefit to all article writers.

I don't write about things like "the best sexual positions" or "cell phone number spying" or "how to increase your penis size" or "how to shave your pubic hair" or "how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you" or any other such subjects that get tens of thousands of hits. Why? Quite simply I don't have a website on any of those things that could take advantage of the traffic it would bring.

Now here is something that you will probably find interesting...

I have over 250 articles all over the web in hundreds of "far-flung" places and in many different languages. This number of articles will show significant trends when viewed in terms of statistical anaysis.

I know which articles are "ball-bursters" and which are complete flops. So, what does that tell me? Write more articles (in my domains of knowledge and interest) that are popular - obviously! What is the point of writing articles that nobody else wants to read? Now here comes the interesting bit...

By analyzing the results of these articles I am able to see which ones are giving me the most click-throughs to my websites. Time for a little mathematics...

If I have 1,395 click-throughs from 170,424 views of my articles then my conversion rate is 0.82%. That tells me that for every thousand people who read my articles only 8 will be interested enough to go to one of my websites. Pretty horrendous huh? Then again, there are millions of articles on the web and people's time is at a premium. A reader has to be REALLY interested to make that click.

So, if I have some articles - which I do - that are returning the following statistics, what does that tell me?

  • 8 from 23 ( conversion rate 34.8%)
  • 400 from 2,667 (15%)
  • 28 from 154 (18%)
  • 191 from 1736 (11%)
  • 23 from 81 (28%)
That tells me that these particular articles SMASH my average. Hmm. So, what else does that tell me? Here is what I think...

  1. - The headline REALLY worked because it attracted attention
  2. - The article summary/teaser REALLY worked because it made people curious
  3. - The copy (article body) REALLY worked because it contained good information
  4. - The resource box REALLY worked because people wanted to know more.

So, now, what do you think I should do?

  1. - Write more headlines like that
  2. - Write more summaries/teasers like that
  3. - Write more articles like that
  4. - Write more resource boxes like that

The other thing - which I have not yet analysed in depth - is that the keywords REALLY worked. I need to look at that more.

So what is my point is this?

Watch what your statistics are telling you. Once you get the "formula" correct then all it requires is for you to stick with it and you will see a LOT more click-throughs to your websites than you thought was possible. I may have more to say on this later. Stay tuned...

This has been a "Public Service Announcement" from me to you purely for your benefit because I don't have an Article Marketing website. But if you want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

Article Marketing Exposed - The Plain Truth

In this article I would like to address many myths about article marketing. I am going to go through some of the mistakes that I have made and what has benefited me in my internet business. Hopefully you will take some value from these lessons that I have learnt.

Initially if you have started writing articles it will be very difficult as I think it is because it is something that you are not used to. So just start off writing one or two articles a week till you get used to it. Gradually you will become more consistent and be able to write many articles a day. If you force the issue too soon it is likely that your articles will not be of a high enough quality and be rejected by the article directories.

You need to do some keyword research for your article. Use popular tools like Wordtracker to find low competition keywords that receive traffic. Include these once in your title and once or twice in the body. This will help you receive traffic from search engines for your articles. If you miss this step you will be losing out on a lot of traffic.

You need to create a squeeze page for your web site with a free report. The main purpose for this is to capture your visitor's name and email address when they visit your web site. It usually takes at least 7 email contacts from you before you can make a sale. Also this will allow you to market over and over again to your prospect using an autoresponder.

Then you need a very good email follow up system to monetize your subscribers. So start off slowly until you gain momentum which will make it easier to write. Now the search engines regard link popularity as the primary factor in determining your search engine rankings. Now usually the hardest part of writing articles is coming up with ideas.

The last topic that I want to touch is that you need to write consistently to see results. If you are not willing to put in effort writing articles every day then it is unlikely that you will succeed with article marketing.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Fast Article Marketing - 5 Practical Steps to Explode Your Article Marketing

If you are a webmasters and you have a knack for writing, you have won half the battle of promoting your website. It's because you can fare well on one of the best traffic-generating techniques these days - article marketing.

Here are the 5 practical steps to explode your article marketing campaign:

1. Make sure that each word that you use on your articles reflects your expertise and professionalism. Eliminate colloquial terms on your copies. Words like "wanna", "sorta", "meany", etc. must not have a room on your articles. Instead, stick with words that are deemed professional and appropriate for content writing.

2. Write to inform not to impress. Some webmasters are sometimes too excited to show off their knowledge without considering if the information they write about are useful to their readers. To quickly build a following, you must make sure that your first priority in writing your articles is to educate your readers with useful, relevant information.

3. Build your credibility. Cite a major accomplishment in your resource box. If have earned $5000 a month in promoting an affiliate product, that is considered a milestone in your career. Include this in your resource box and you can be assured that online users would like to know how you have done it so they can reap the same rewards. In addition, you can also build your credibility by posting testimonials of your most satisfied clients on your website.

4. Submit your articles to publishing sites, blogs, websites, or compile them to create an eBook. In article marketing, you are not limited to article submission sites in distributing your copies. Find other avenues where you can post your articles to increase their exposure.

5. Use your articles as viral marketing tool. You can compile your relevant articles to one eBook and make it available for download. Let your readers know that they can share this eBook to their friends and family members so you widen your reach.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.