Sunday, June 15, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Did you know that article marketing has been used way before the internet was discovered? Years back, businessmen who are looking for great deals in advertising their products and services used to trade their articles with newspaper for free ad space. Since newspaper owners did not need to pay their contributors, the arrangement worked for all parties involved. This is the same concept that made article marketing an instant hit. Webmasters do not have to shell out money to cover their advertising costs but still get the exposure they need by banking on their writing skills. Here are the 4 fast secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Make your articles informative. When online users read your articles, they expect that they will get something from it and that is information. To satisfy your readers' needs, make sure that the information you provide are highly relevant to their pressing issues and are timely.

2. Focus on the quality of your articles. Sometimes, even if you offer the juiciest and most sought-after information, if you are unable to present them in a logical, easy to understand manner, you will not get the nod of online users. To prevent this from happening, make sure that your articles are well-written and flow naturally. Your sentences must be well-constructed and they must be coherent to avoid confusion among your readers.

3. Stick to your writing style. If half of your articles are upbeat and the other half sound very stiff, you maybe projecting two different personalities and this might confuse your readers. Master the best writing style that works for you, stick to it, and be known for it.

4. Proofread before you submit your articles. Before distributing your articles to various publishing sites, make sure that they do not contain errors that can affect your credibility.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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The first time I went for my network marketing business training, I watched as different business builders came on the stage to tell their business success stories. Every MLM operation offers the same promises for their home based business of being easy to operate, no real skills required, huge earnings potential, retire on a rising passive income in as little as 5 years and have a greater quality of life with more time available for your family by having a home business. Surely by now you've heard of network marketing and its promises to generate for you an unlimited income from the luxury of your own home without the stress of a fixed workday schedule.

You buy the products from someone who is already a member of a network marketing company. It simply is a recruiting tool, CD, DVD, or Brochure, or website/webcast, or any other tool that you can use to tell the story of the MLM Network Marketing Company you enrolled in. Ask anyone that has been in the business for a long time and they will tell you that the most important benefit is that it can build a new 'YOU', It can make you a person that succeeds in any venture in life.

When people join a network marketing downline they bring with them this crazy idea that they need the corporate structure in their new business. Show How your Business can help people in their Life, with Results and benefits beyond the Business. That is The Secret to MLM, as it is all about creating a WildFire of Success in your group, with people who want their life to burn with Success, not mediocrity.

Many people get into network marketing with the thought that all they have to do is find a couple of people and then just kind of sit back and watch the checks come in. If you really think about it, prospecting is simply the tactics and strategies of finding people to talk to about your business. After my first Network Marketing Business failed, I continued to do research on the concept and I was determined to figure out how the 5% who do succeed with MLM go about doing it.

A Network Marketing distributor website with PULLING POWER is a strong indication of the seriousness you and your company project, and most companies today have a website that can be pointed to and accessed for information and links. There will always be a risk when you join a network marketing company because you are simply a distributor of a product or service but if you use the following, you will at least have your eyes open.

When you join a Network Marketing Company, you are moving into a very focused Success Environment that demands your Success Health remain strong, as there are a lot of Negative Infections that can invade you success health from other people's beliefs and negativity. How you handle the No's will determine if it will be wealth, or only a wish to be successful in your network marketing business and in life. If you already are in a home-based business and it doesn't seem to be going as well as you had planned and you truly believe in the business and the product, then maybe you just need to develop some skills.

Most of the answers you would get from the average MLM distributor lack the true understanding of what business you are in in Network Marketing. It really made an impression on us to find out that they perceive things differently than the average network marketing distributor. Empower yourself with skill to make affiliate marketing or MLM network marketing work for you. So You can join into the 5% successful group.

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The term SEO is very familiar to anyone who knows what online business is and what it is all about. There are many people and many institutions that have unbelievable achievements to their name. But all these achievements will come to a naught if there is no authority to officially recognize this amazing feat. So is the case in online business and marketing. Any feat achieved by an online site on the web must be recognized by search engines to be taken seriously in the internet. SEO tips are the sources through which you can make search engines sit up and take notice of your site.

SEO tips are the methods by implementing which you are sure to attract the attention of major search engines. Yes, you may have the best looking website with amazing text and content, but what is the use if no one has any knowledge about your site. If you have a site running on the web and major search engines do not have inkling about your site, then what is the use of having such a site? I have found out and compiled a list of 5 incredible SEO tips that are guaranteed to help you in making search engines notice your site on the web.

First and foremost you must make sure that you know what SEO also known as search engine optimization is all about. How can you ever go about doing something about which you have no knowledge? So first of all equip yourself with all things that you can about optimization on the web. There are different ways that you can use for making major search engines take notice of your online site.

Blog building is one method that has been very successful for optimizing a site on the web. For this first you will have to create a database of websites with which you can exchange links and build up a chain, so that your site is visible everywhere on the web. While building up the database make sure that you search and find out those sites that are relevant to your site and product which you are selling on the web.

Do proper keyword research. One good way of finding out proper keyword for a site is by thinking what words are most likely to be used by visitors for searching information about the product and service that you are offering to them for sale. There are also some keyword selection tools that you can use for finding out relevant keywords. Wordtracker, overture, digital point forum are some of the major keyword tracking tools.

Writing title for each page of you site is also a good way of going about attracting search engine bots. The title of a webpage contains the relevant keyword and keyword phrases. The title is also important from the visitor point of view. So if you visit a site and want to know what the site is all about and also its relevance by viewing the title of the page through the source code.

Writing articles using the keyword of your site is also a good way for optimizing your site on the web. You can write articles and publish these articles in different article sites. This is also a great source for you help in spreading the link of your site on the World Wide Web. Articles are also a great source of information to online visitors.

Read all the above mentioned SEO tips very carefully. Implement them in your site and I am sure you will very easily be able to optimize your site in major search engines on the web. And once you have optimized your site on the web, your business can grow by leaps and bounds.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in search engine optimization, Affiliated Marketing,search engine marketing and Website Marketing.To get his expert advice for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

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A few days ago, I wrote about SEO and some of the ways to help make your URL more search engine friendly. I also talked about the other ways of improving your SEO by getting other sites to link to you. Remember that there is essentially 2 main types of links:

1) One-Way Links
2) Reciprocal Links

(Yes, I know there are circular links, three-way links, etc, but these can technically be included in the "one-way" links categories...we will discuss that in a second). First, a reciprocal link is one where you are offering links one-for-one with another website: "If you put my URL on your website, I will place your link on my website." This is the foundation of what people refer to as a "link exchange." Mind you, a link exchange can be more than just an eye for an eye. This can include: "If you put my site on your site, I will link back to yours from another one of my websites". Also, some people swap URLs in circular manners. This is a follow-on of the last thing I talked about. Let's take a step back for a second and review the two:

Reciprocal Link: site A <-> site B
Three-Way Link: URL A -> URL B -> URL C
So the Circular link is as follows:
Circular Link: URL A -> URL B -> URL C -> site A

Now the big issue is: Does it matter?, there is a lot of concern on whether reciprocal links are really worth anything? Do they cancel each other out? Secondly, what is the difference between the Three-Way link, the Circular link and is that a concern?

Basically, there is really no answer to any of these questions. What I do know is this:

1) One-Way links are better than Reciprocal Links
2) Three-Way links are superior than Circular Links. There is some belief that Google, for example, is smart enough to realize the full circle of links.
3) Any link that is directed to your website (reciprocal or not) is a good backlink.

You will not be penalized for who links to YOU. However, who you link TO needs to be given some consideration. Remember, you are GIVING your PageRank with whomever you are linking to. Further, if you are linking to not related, obsolete, or removed websites, Google may punish you for it.

But at the end of the day, getting links pointing to your website is always a good thing. I will go over some great ways of getting one-way links in upcoming articles. Until then...

Matthew is the currently the founder of a review website: TheWebReviewer: Get Rich Quick Schemes Revealed!. The website includes reviews, forum, articles, free eBooks and more. Matt is 32 years old and currently living in San Diego, California.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Search Engines can be a digital netherworld - complex, mysterious, and protected. But like in the movie, The Matrix, no system is failsafe. Breaking the "code" of the search engines will reap great rewards. Here are three keys to the kingdom:

1. Search Engine Optimization - One of your main goals is to have your site be seen and correctly interpreted by the search engine spiders. This is key if you want your site to be ranked near the top of searches. In order to do so you first need a dense keyword base. Make sure your keywords relate to your site and you pick good phrases and words that people use to search your product or service. You also want your Meta tags (information on the content of your webpage) to be well structured and related to your site. Having your site come up for the wrong searches will not draw attention to your site. Another option for site optimization is to hire a professional to help you rise in the search engine rankings. There are tricks of the trade that informed webmasters know that can save you months of trial and error, and achieve your goals faster. The money spent is a good return on your investment.

2. Search Engine Submission - There are tons of search engines on the web like Google, MSN, Yahoo, and DMOZ that you can submit your site for listings. It is simple, easy and effective. Using Google as an example, go to the Add URL site, then type in your web address, any comments and click "Add URL". Now your site is being spidered by Google, accessible to net surfers. Keep in mind, the more search engines you submit your site the better the chances for visits on your homepage. A few words caution - watch out for websites claiming to submit your homepage to several thousand search engines. Often times these are scams and only submit your site to fake link pages which could get you banned from the true search engines. You want a search engine that will submit only to the major directories and search engines.

3. Link Popularity - The more visits you get to your site, the higher your search engine ranking will be. One of the best ways to do so is to have a blog and update it at least once a week. Link the blog to your site and vice versa. You can also send articles and press releases to directories like EzineArticles who will publish your work on other sites and return the links back to you. Another good way to attract more traffic would be to join the social web. Sites like Digg,, etc will help promote your site through bookmarking.

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