Monday, June 9, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

SEO or search engine optimization is considered as the most important tool in the hands of webmasters to get high page ranking on various search engines for their respective websites and here comes the role of meta tags that play a vital part in the search engine optimization. The essential meta tags in a website content would include but not limited to the following:

A title tag is one that indicates to the search engine about the particulars of a site or what the website pertains to. This title tag would enable the search engine spiders to categorize your respective websites and also would help divert traffic that would pertain to the specific title tag of your website. It should be therefore remembered that keywords of highly important in nature should definitely be included in the title tag.

Explanation or description meta tags are also important but they do not have direct impact on your website PR. These tags are used by search engines to describe or explain about your web page. Description tags are a must for all of the web pages of your website. It is not necessary that these description or explanation tags contain specific keywords but an interesting page description tag will attract a visitor to go ahead and click on the website link.

Next come the keywords meta tags which have key role in generating web traffic to your site. The keywords tag also should have the important keywords pertaining to your website.

However, remember that it is the title tag that is seen by a searcher. The keyword tag is a means to tell information to the search engine spiders. The meta tags suggest information pertaining to the content of the website to the search engine spiders. The web pages are therefore given a rank depending on the information given to the search engines in the form of the meta tags.

It is very essential to give importance to the meta tags and let them be written well because they are very crucial to tell whether your SEO efforts will be successful or not.

Write appropriate meta tags for your website pages and notice the difference they can bring about in diverting web traffic to your site. The right use of these can complement your SEO efforts.

To know more about the usage of Meta Tags ask an Internet marketing and SEO expert who has been mentoring his members to SEO success.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The importance of an efficient marketing plan has been fully recognized. The search for a suitable marketing planer or software has already begun. The concerned resources are in place. The time frames have been worked out; competition analysis is already taking shape. Target identification, product dimensions, campaign managements, communication planning are all in place. But has anything been left out? Well yes, a clear pricing strategy has been side lined. The positive enthusiasm and energy towards succeeding could well end in a situation where lack of careful price management could tie you down.

Price or MRP i.e. Maximum Retail Price or sales price is what you get when you sell a product. This sole factor along with its derivative i.e. corresponding profits determines your survival. Charity is great but mismanagement or lack of planning should not be attributed to the same. At no stage should your long-term expenses soar beyond the firms earning capacity. Whatever language you use but the only means to survive in a business community is by earning or making profits. This undoubted fact obviously implies a diligent look into the pricing strategy while working out the marketing plan.

Pricing and Marketing?? The link between the two terms is quite strong. The price of your offerings decides the level, kind and scope of your marketing initiatives. The prices themselves are however dependent on various factors, the lower end being marked by your cost while the upper end depends upon the competitors offerings and consumers willingness to pay.

Setting up a price acts as an important indicator of the firms marketing objectives. For instance, deciding the prices in consonance with your competitors, referred to as competitive pricing, is included in the overall marketing strategy to curb competition. Similarly, an exceptionally low price in a specific area or segment to capture the bulk of the market share falls under the preview of penetration strategy. A reliable and an economical product calls for less marketing attention while a high end, high priced product meant for a cream section certainly demands a carefully designed marketing plan to back it up.

The correlation among the two firms though not directly visible, is so strong that any decision in a department cannot be isolated from the other. Budgeting, an important component in devising the marketing plan also works on the earnings and eventual profits earned by a firm which in turn depend upon the pricing strategy.

Priding strategy and marketing planning go hand in hand where organizations are concerned. None can be worked out in isolation. A minor change in one implies a corresponding change in the other. It is hence, impossible to ignore the pricing aspect while making a marketing plan and vice versa, which is rightly so. A clear price definition and cost estimation assists in making more practical marketing plans which in turn help achieve the planned profits for a firm.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

Business Owners all across the country are joining "The Community of Small Business Owners to receive and provide strategies, insight, tips, support and more on starting, managing, growing, and selling their businesses. As a member, you will have access to true Millionaire Business Owners who will provide strategies and tips from their real-life experiences.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article Marketing is something that thousands of people do to drive traffic to their websites. It's no secret that a well written article can be thought provoking enough for readers to want to know more about either you or your services. So, what do they do? They click on your link in your resource box. But are you making effective use of understanding the conversion rates for the clicks that you get?

From my own perspective, my main interests are in motivation, wealth creation and self defense. These are the subjects that I write about most often. However, I am departing from that here because I have discovered something that I think will be of benefit to all article writers.

I don't write about things like "the best sexual positions" or "cell phone number spying" or "how to increase your penis size" or "how to shave your pubic hair" or "how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you" or any other such subjects that get tens of thousands of hits. Why? Quite simply I don't have a website on any of those things that could take advantage of the traffic it would bring.

Now here is something that you will probably find interesting...

I have over 250 articles all over the web in hundreds of "far-flung" places and in many different languages. This number of articles will show significant trends when viewed in terms of statistical anaysis.

I know which articles are "ball-bursters" and which are complete flops. So, what does that tell me? Write more articles (in my domains of knowledge and interest) that are popular - obviously! What is the point of writing articles that nobody else wants to read? Now here comes the interesting bit...

By analyzing the results of these articles I am able to see which ones are giving me the most click-throughs to my websites. Time for a little mathematics...

If I have 1,395 click-throughs from 170,424 views of my articles then my conversion rate is 0.82%. That tells me that for every thousand people who read my articles only 8 will be interested enough to go to one of my websites. Pretty horrendous huh? Then again, there are millions of articles on the web and people's time is at a premium. A reader has to be REALLY interested to make that click.

So, if I have some articles - which I do - that are returning the following statistics, what does that tell me?

  • 8 from 23 ( conversion rate 34.8%)
  • 400 from 2,667 (15%)
  • 28 from 154 (18%)
  • 191 from 1736 (11%)
  • 23 from 81 (28%)
That tells me that these particular articles SMASH my average. Hmm. So, what else does that tell me? Here is what I think...

  1. - The headline REALLY worked because it attracted attention
  2. - The article summary/teaser REALLY worked because it made people curious
  3. - The copy (article body) REALLY worked because it contained good information
  4. - The resource box REALLY worked because people wanted to know more.

So, now, what do you think I should do?

  1. - Write more headlines like that
  2. - Write more summaries/teasers like that
  3. - Write more articles like that
  4. - Write more resource boxes like that

The other thing - which I have not yet analysed in depth - is that the keywords REALLY worked. I need to look at that more.

So what is my point is this?

Watch what your statistics are telling you. Once you get the "formula" correct then all it requires is for you to stick with it and you will see a LOT more click-throughs to your websites than you thought was possible. I may have more to say on this later. Stay tuned...

This has been a "Public Service Announcement" from me to you purely for your benefit because I don't have an Article Marketing website. But if you want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Everyone is familiar with the idea that your website should be optimized for the search engines. But many people are not aware that this same SEO strategy should be applied to your articles as well. An article with proper SEO keyword usage will get a much more attention from the search engines than an article without keywords.

Proper SEO keyword usage should be in the area of 2% to 5% of the total number of words on a page. Using this technique, your articles will get a much higher ranking in search engine results. In fact, I have had some of my well optimized articles appear in 7 of the top ten listings on page one.

There are many keyword optimizing tools available. But, if you do not have access to software, you can use an alternative (and much slower) method. Paste the document into your word processor and do a word count. Then select 'find' and type in the keyword that you are optimizing for. Count the number of times that your keyword appears. Finally, do the math. Divide the number of times your keyword appears by the total words in the article. Multiply the result times 100. The resulting answer is the percentage of your keyword to the total number words. Ideally, it should be a number between 2% and 5%.

If your calculation indicates that your keyword percentage is greater than 5%, rework the article. Some search engines will penalize your article if the keyword is over-used.

So, if you want to maximize the chances that your article will get good search engine attention, use proper SEO tactics and optimize it using the techniques above. These SEO tactics can maximize page views, income and traffic. Remember, the best article is the one that gets the most page views.

Do you want to learn how I make money? Get my new ebook and start making money online!

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is my favorite form of lead and subscriber and of course buyer generation. I find that article generated subscribers are a lot more serious about their business than PPC generated subscribers and other forms of advertising.

You see, with article marketing, you are selecting who gets to your web site. Well, actually they are selecting, but because you create the environment, and because on average human beings are consistent, if you create a certain type of environment, you will get a certain type of subscriber.

Think about this. How much more committed will someone be if they have read an entire article of yours, and then decided to click into your web site because they like what you say, versus someone who has just clicked (too quickly, I might add) a PPC link that has 3 lines of script? They are going to be much more highly qualified, that is for sure.

So here are some tips.

1) Write on one topic and one topic alone. Keep the title consistent with the content and keep the content consistent with the squeeze page.

2) Write expecting people to click in. I am not going to go into the psychology of this, but if you write with the attitude that people are going to want to click in from your article, generally your article will be ever so much more persuasive.

3) When people get to your squeeze page, it should be short and to the point. The reason is that they are already sold by the time they get there. Contrast that with PPC, where you probably need a longer squeeze page because they do not really know who you are and so you have to tell them.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Ten More Secret Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Sales

1. The "Re-Reading" Strategy

The "I've read it (no.) times already..." strategy tells future customers that the affiliate info-product that you are selling is so good that you read, listened or watched it multiple times. You could even add up the number of hours or days you took out of your spare time. For example, "I've spent well over 16 hours of my spare time this week reading and re-reading it and enjoyed every minute of it."

2. The "Million Dollar Secret" Strategy

The "discover the ($) secret..." strategy tells future customers that you made a specific amount of money using one tip, strategy, secret, trick, etc., from the money-making information product you are selling. You could name all your benefits in your sales letter after the amounts of money you made off each one and keep the details of each benefit a secret. It will draw a lot of curiosity for your products. For example, "Learn the $15,678 strategy"; "Discover the $45 per hour formula"; etc.

3. The "I Own Many" Strategy

The "I'm the owner of several other very successful web sites..." strategy tells future customers that the web site they are on is only one of the web sites you own. You can tell them the name, URL and traffic ranking (if it's good) of the web sites. It will show them just how successful you are and give you some extra credibility. Plus, you may make some sales from the people who decide to check out your other web sites too.

4. The "No Reason" Strategy

The "there is no reason you couldn't do what (a name) did..." strategy tells future customers that you are commenting on one of the people from your testimonials in your sales letter. Plus if the person in the testimonial has gone through more obstacles than most of future customers, then say something like: "There is no reason you couldn't do what Mike did and he did it with only one arm."

5. The "Extra Resources" Strategy

The "if you want to learn more about (your product's topic), here are (no.) excellent sources (links)..." strategy tells future customers other products they may need that aren't in direct competition with yours in your sales letter. You could even recommend the products with your own affiliate links to make money. Just make sure those other web sites open in another window so people don't leave your sales letter page.

6. The "Anyone Of You" Strategy

The "anyone can do this..." strategy tells future customers that anyone who purchases your product can gain their desired benefit. You can tell them people just like them are doing it every day. You can mention the different types of your customers who are benefiting, like: cab drivers, plumbers, teachers, bakers, chefs, mechanics, etc.

7. The "Hyper Keyword" Strategy

The "business(hyperlinked), marketing(hyperlinked), increase traffic(hyperlinked)..." strategy tells future customers that many of the keywords and key phrases in your ad copy are text links too. They will be curious to click on one to see where it leads. You could lead them to an opt-in page, an Adsense page, an affiliate product page, to your other product page, etc. It will give you the chance to make extra profits even if they don't buy your main product. Just make sure those pages open up in other windows so that they don't leave your main sales letter.

8. The "Leave Now" Strategy

The "leave this page if you want to (a negative effect)..." strategy tells future customers that if they aren't going to do anything to improve their life, you don't have any time for them. For example, "Get out of here if you want to be overweight forever!"; "Don't purchase if you want to be broke!" etc. Most people don't want negative problems in their lives so it may persuade them to buy.

9. The "Niche Bonus" Strategy

The "free bonus: hey, (type of people) this is for you: (the bonus)..." strategy tells future customers that you may be selling a product that anyone can buy but you are targeting one or more of your bonuses to a select group of people. It could be a free bonus for women, men, doctors, marketers, stay-at-home moms, etc. It will help you sell more products to a particular group of people and you can advertise your product on highly targeted web sites, search engines, etc.

10. The "Negative Guarantee" Strategy

The "this guarantee is for any (negative label) that can't (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells future customers that if they can't get their desired benefit with your product and ask for a refund, they will be labeled something they don't want to be labeled. For example: "This guarantee is for any quitter that can't achieve a B+ average."

Go to (owned by R.T. Markovsky) to see how to start a profitable Internet business fast with absolutely no experience. Get 100 more free Secret Marketing Strategies by going to