Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing - How You Can Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Your Articles

Article Marketing is something that thousands of people do to drive traffic to their websites. It's no secret that a well written article can be thought provoking enough for readers to want to know more about either you or your services. So, what do they do? They click on your link in your resource box. But are you making effective use of understanding the conversion rates for the clicks that you get?

From my own perspective, my main interests are in motivation, wealth creation and self defense. These are the subjects that I write about most often. However, I am departing from that here because I have discovered something that I think will be of benefit to all article writers.

I don't write about things like "the best sexual positions" or "cell phone number spying" or "how to increase your penis size" or "how to shave your pubic hair" or "how to tell if your spouse is cheating on you" or any other such subjects that get tens of thousands of hits. Why? Quite simply I don't have a website on any of those things that could take advantage of the traffic it would bring.

Now here is something that you will probably find interesting...

I have over 250 articles all over the web in hundreds of "far-flung" places and in many different languages. This number of articles will show significant trends when viewed in terms of statistical anaysis.

I know which articles are "ball-bursters" and which are complete flops. So, what does that tell me? Write more articles (in my domains of knowledge and interest) that are popular - obviously! What is the point of writing articles that nobody else wants to read? Now here comes the interesting bit...

By analyzing the results of these articles I am able to see which ones are giving me the most click-throughs to my websites. Time for a little mathematics...

If I have 1,395 click-throughs from 170,424 views of my articles then my conversion rate is 0.82%. That tells me that for every thousand people who read my articles only 8 will be interested enough to go to one of my websites. Pretty horrendous huh? Then again, there are millions of articles on the web and people's time is at a premium. A reader has to be REALLY interested to make that click.

So, if I have some articles - which I do - that are returning the following statistics, what does that tell me?

  • 8 from 23 ( conversion rate 34.8%)
  • 400 from 2,667 (15%)
  • 28 from 154 (18%)
  • 191 from 1736 (11%)
  • 23 from 81 (28%)
That tells me that these particular articles SMASH my average. Hmm. So, what else does that tell me? Here is what I think...

  1. - The headline REALLY worked because it attracted attention
  2. - The article summary/teaser REALLY worked because it made people curious
  3. - The copy (article body) REALLY worked because it contained good information
  4. - The resource box REALLY worked because people wanted to know more.

So, now, what do you think I should do?

  1. - Write more headlines like that
  2. - Write more summaries/teasers like that
  3. - Write more articles like that
  4. - Write more resource boxes like that

The other thing - which I have not yet analysed in depth - is that the keywords REALLY worked. I need to look at that more.

So what is my point is this?

Watch what your statistics are telling you. Once you get the "formula" correct then all it requires is for you to stick with it and you will see a LOT more click-throughs to your websites than you thought was possible. I may have more to say on this later. Stay tuned...

This has been a "Public Service Announcement" from me to you purely for your benefit because I don't have an Article Marketing website. But if you want to know how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then click HERE

Article Marketing - Key Words? What Are They And How Do They Relate To Article Marketing? Part V

Now you know what key words are and how they are used by people looking for information. You know that because of all the tracking and stats available on the Internet you can identify groups of people looking for specific information.

Then you learned that through writing key word content rich articles, you can get your name and offer in front of those potential customers. Or, maybe this is where you are a little fuzzy. That is why I am going to describe the process from the consumer's perspective.

In this scenario, my name is Bob and I want to see if I can make money on the Internet. I don't know much about the internet or how to do this, but I hear a lot of people are hitting it big and my boss is a real jerk.

I figure, that if I am going to do this, I am going to need a website. I know from my work place that a hosting company hosts our company web site. I also know that I don't want to spend a lot of money, so I decide to do a search for the key words, *cheap web hosting.*

On the first page I see a list of a bunch of paid ads, but in the regular listing, I see an article titled, *Cheap Web Hosting: Are you really saving money if you aren't getting what you need?" This article is about the 3rd or 4th in the list. I think, wow, that is a good question, so I click to read the article.

After I finish reading the article, I think wow that was kind of brief, but I have to admit I hadn't thought of that question before. Hey look, there is a link on the bottom that says for a full report on what to look for when selecting a hosting company click here.

I click here, and I see that this report is free. That's a no brainer, I want to make a good decision, and this report is right in my budget. So I sign up to get it, and after I click the confirmation link in the follow up email, I land on the sales page of a web hosting company and this looks like good info too. I think I will read this really quickly. Bang! You have found a way to help someone find what they are looking for.

No tricks, no lies, no cheating, just good old fashion hard work, kind of... The good news as the author of that article, it's not the end of it. That article and almost 100 more are still out there, still working, and still trying to make you money over and over and over. God Bless America.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - Key Words? What Are They and How Do They Relate to Article Marketing? Part III

In the last two articles you learned what key words are, what they are used for both from the perspective of a user or consumer (using key words to sort through data) and from the business owners perspective, (a way to identify groups of people with an interest in a specific topic).

In the last article I used the key words, *computer repair* as an example and said that this set of key words had been searched for 25,000 times in a month. Then we talked about how as a computer business owner, it is useful to know that information if you are looking for new customers.

Then, at the end of the article, I suggested that if you were a computer business owner you might ask how you would get your name in front of these potential customers. After that I asked a question that is an important part of understanding the potential of any business opportunity, and that is, how many other people are there trying to get their name in front of these potential customers?

You see, to fully understand the potential of an opportunity, not only do you have to know how many people might be interested in a particular product or service, but you have to know how much competition there is trying to supply that group with what they are looking for. In academia, they call this the law of supply and demand.

Let's look at the potential from two different perspectives to help you learn how you can determine the potential of an opportunity for yourself. But first you have to know about another number that is tracked on the internet. That is how many websites there are that provide information for a key word or key word set.

For example, if I did a search right now, try this for yourself if you like, on Google for the key words, *computer repair*, I see that Google says there are 9 million 620 thousand results for that search. Suddenly the 25,000 searches for the key words *computer repair* doesn't seem to be that large of a number. What does that tell us? It tells us that there is a lot of competition for people looking for information about computer problems.

Do you think it is going to be easy to make a lot of money fixing computers? In this example, it doesn't look like it. Not only are you going to have to spend a lot of money to stand out on the Internet to get your company noticed, but you will have to provide great service at a very competitive price to get your share and keep any of that business.

Just to contrast it, what if there were only 5,000 results total? Now, you have found an opportunity. Now back to the previous question, and that is how you are going to get the name of your company in front of these 25,000 potential customers. This is where the fun begins, because this is where article marketing ties all of these pieces together. Again, assuming from the research you did, you found this to be an opportunity you wanted to pursue.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Don't Build a Single Link Until You Do These 3 Things

Far too often, Search engine optimization experts spin their wheels obsessing about link building. (I myself included) It's easy to forget that classic on page and site-wide SEO still works.

Recently, this hit home. While working on a page on one of my sites, I accidentally left a link pointing to a page that was irrelevant to the actual anchor text in the link. In other words, the keywords in the anchor text had nothing to do with the actual text of the page. Despite this, Google quickly picked up the page for the target search phrase, replacing the page I intended to optimize for. Despite having at least a dozen good quality, keyword specific external links pointing to the page I intended to optimize, the other page now replaced it in the SERPs because the weight from the 1 internal link trumped all the external links.

This situation reminded me that good SEO starts on-site. In my opinion, you shouldn't even start link building until you:

  1. Build Several Internal Links: Search engines care immensely how webmasters categorize and label their own content. The best way to do this is with one time occurring links within a body of content. In my opinion, 1 relevant contextual link from your own site can be worth more than 10 good external links. In Sugarrae's great link building interview, Andy Hagans recommends having at least 5 internal links to every landing page.
  2. Sculpt Your PageRank Flow: SEO Fast Start has a great explanation of using the no-follow tag to sculpt your PageRank. Basically, the idea is to cap off the flow of PageRank using the no-follow tag to pages that are unimportant from a search point of view. For example, while your Privacy policy page may be important to customers already on the site, it's probably getting little to no action from the SERPs. By capping off PageRank to pages like this, you will increase the relative importance of your product pages and product category pages.
  3. Do On-Page SEO on Your Landing Pages: Title tags, H1 tags, keyword rich content, alt tags, and even Meta tags should be optimized before worrying about external links.

Since many experts think effective link building tactics are going underground, I believe on page and site wide SEO tactics such as these will become increasingly important.

Justin Palmer is a Internet Marketing Consultant that offers Christian Search Engine Marketing services. Justin's current projects include, which sells religious t-shirts, and Bright Circle, a Video Production Company offering Corporate Video Production services in Florida.

Why You Should Never Buy a List

You will find on the online arena the numerous and immense number of sites that are selling lists that they claim to be very effective and efficient. These vendor sites would even extend towards making a promise that these lists will make sure fire in the building of a possible opt-in and even to the extent of having a double opt-in. Nonetheless, these promises may be so good to be so true in the real essence. So, if you are considering about buying a list from these vendors, think twice and know the reasons why top email marketers stay away from list for sale:

a. Buying a list from a vendor does not in any way guarantee that there will be an opt-in or a double opt-in. With various scamming activities happening online, you don't have a single idea how these vendors get their lists. Thus, it follows that the quality of the list is questionable. You don't have a guarantee that these lists are email addresses of your prospective clients. It is highly possible that you get an email address of an 15-year old student when you are selling adult films or content.

b. The action of buying a list from a vendor poses more threat and problems more than reaping good results. This is because the lists that you buy out are not verified and may not have been checked for validity and existence. This is even more difficult to trace knowing that you do not even know the origin or where these lists have actually come from.

c. The act of buying out a list from a vendor site is non-guaranteed. This means that after having bought the list from them, you are on your own. If by any chance the list did not generate the expected rate of return from them, then you are by no means guaranteed by these vendor sites.

d. Buying a list from a vendor does not promote hard work. The thinking that you can benefit from something that is not hard earned is a business attitude that is very wrong in nature. What is sad about it is that, it may get into your system and that you cannot get away from doing it again and again.

In that perspective, instead of buying a list from a vendor site, there are still so many and immense ways on how you can build a list on a more legal, more ethical, and a lot worry free method. There are so many opportunities that you can use in order to build an extensive list in a far high quality. All you need to do is to exhaust your effort and deal with it at your utmost dedication.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to list building success, 'Secrets of List Building for Profit'

Download it free here: List Building Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Popular Ways to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as one of the best content-based marketing solutions in the internet today. It is commonly used by marketers to distribute information to their potential clients to build rapport and establish their expertise on their chosen niche. In return, they get quality inbound links for their website that help them to pull up their search engine ranking and increase their website traffic.

Here are the 4 popular ways to increase your article marketing:

1. Hire ghostwriters. You don't have to do the legwork. You can hire competent and reliable ghostwriters who can provide you with great, well-written articles for reasonable prices. Don't know where to find great ghostwriters? You can simply visit various freelancing sites. Although you will need to shell out your precious dimes in this technique, you can surely buy yourself more time that you can use to better promote your products using other marketing and promotional techniques.

2. Automate your submission. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of article submission sites and directories can take a lot of time and energy. Thus, I recommend using automatic submission software that can electronically distribute your articles in just few seconds.

3. Widely publish your articles. Be aggressive in posting your articles online to better connect with your potential clients. Aside from publishing sites, you can also post your articles to blogs, forums, social networking sites, and on your website. You can also use them when you publish your ezine or create your own ebook.

4. Bank on your content. To increase the chances of your articles being read and widely republished, make sure that they offer valuable and useful information. In addition, they must also be well-written, direct to the point, easy to understand, and fact-based.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - 5 Must-Have Steps to Excel with Article Marketing

Establishing your expertise and credibility online is one crucial element in growing your ebusiness. When people see you as someone who is knowledgeable in your chosen field, they will most likely to trust you and consider doing business with you. One of the best ways to impart your knowledge online is by writing and distributing your articles. This process is called article marketing.

Here are the 5 must-haves steps to excel in article marketing:

1. Kick-start your articles with striking titles. Don't let your articles be ignored by giving them headlines that are captivating and attention-grabbing. By doing so, you will effectively improve your clickthrough rate that will increase the chances of your articles being read and widely republished online.

2. Know how to use the inverted pyramid technique. This is one of the best ways to hold the interest of your readers once they open your articles. Present the most important information on your first paragraphs to better entice your potential clients to read on.

3. Content. Always give your potential clients great reading experience so they will be enticed to read your other articles. Make sure that they are all well-written, flow well, direct to the point, scannable, informative, useful, and free from any kinds of errors.

4. Resource box. To effectively drive your readers to your website, make sure that your resource box is well-written and powerful. Communicate the benefits that your website can offer and your desire to help in resolving the pressing issues of your readers. Don't forget to utilize anchor texts using the most searched keywords within your niche and your website's URL to maximize the potential of your resource box.

5. Publish your articles. Submit your articles to major publishing sites on a regular basis to increase your quality inbound links.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Dog Link Dog World - Website Linking Strategies for Webmasters

For a site to get long term free traffic from the search engines. Understanding of website linking strategies needs to be applied. This strategy needs to fit with your business model and must be sustainable over time. Traffic from some links, takes time to develop.

At this time, Google is winning the search engine war. The majority of webmasters approach a linking strategy purely for SEM (Search Engine Marketing). More links to a site is a key when looking to get found in Google

The overall goal should be traffic results based, not purely for search engines.

Links can take a long time to show up and help your rankings. A site that would help indirectly with search marketing results would be Wikipedia.

This free online library allows edits to apply external links to the bottom its pages. The site has a many million pages and a vast amount of traffic

Now Wikipedia has applied the no follow' HTML tag on its external page links to stop it being abused by some webmasters. This can be seen on any site using this process, by the following steps:

1. Highlight the link by left mouse and holding 2. Right mouse the link and look at the properties.

The text "Nofollow" can be seen in the properties

The no follow tag means Page Rank (or Reputation - PR) will not be passed on to your site and Google will not count it as a link. To Quote Wikipedia:

"nofollow" actually tells a search engine "Don't score this link" rather than "Don't follow this link."

However many of the Wikipedia pages rank very high on Google, and features as a trusted authority site which has power in all search engines. It is likely to send targeted traffic which is really the end result you are looking for anyway.

At the same time, different engines treat these links differently. In a recent interview with the Yahoo director of search, they have stated that the link will be followed to the site, however the details of the link will not be passed on, simply that your site will be found.

There is an easy way to identify these types of links, if you use the Web Browser, Firefox which I highly recommended. It is a good alternative to Internet Explorer as its very clean and easy to use.

It has an Search Engine Marketing add on which, when installed and turned on, it will show you the no follow links highlighted in red.

Also, while searching in Google, it will show a large amount of information on links to the listings, age of the site, alexa ranking etc.

Download it here:

Another method that has been used to acquire links, is that of posting comments on blogs. This has resulted in a rash of posting comments only for return links. Wordpress, a quality open source blog software platform, has made all the comment links no follow in order to combat this.

In conclusion, there are many effective linking strategies, for marketing online at the same time the development of goals with an overall plan for the development of these goals should be applied.

Paul Easton is small business marketing specialist and the owner of, The Link Exchange Directory which helps the small online business get traffic from links. You can instantly get 20 High Quality Fre.e Links to your website by visiting: Website Linking Strategies

Affiliate Marketing - How College Students Can Make Money With Affiliate Programs

Ever wondered how musicians you've never heard of or electronics you've never seen before seemed to be Amazon's hottest selling items? Well, this is due in part to the magic of Affiliate Marketing. Every day, people like you and me, are mass-marketing these products in chat rooms, on forums, in articles, and on search engines. They all do it for one purpose, one goal: commissions. Although affiliate marketing takes a bit of trial and error at first, it can be very lucrative and a great way for college students to make money.

How do you get started?

Well, first you need to find something that is currently popular; a product or a topic people are really into. Try MySpace, FaceBook, or your favorite forum to gauge what people need or have questions about. Check out current events in the media or in the sporting world. Find out what is hot on Ebay, Amazon, or even Google. Google Labs has a great tool which gives their top ten most searched items. Think the obvious: college campuses. These are great places to find out what people are into. Once you have a general idea of what people in the world want, you will have a better understanding of what to sell.

Next, you will need to find some good keywords that relate to your idea. Choosing the right keyword is essential, because it will determine the success of your product campaign. Keyword search tools, such as Google Keywords & Overture, are great utilities to give you a head start on finding the right keywords for your campaign. Make sure to look for long tail keywords (3-5 words in length) which are high in searches but low in competition.

How to find the right product?

Once you've found your topic and keyword, the next step is to locate a product. The key in finding successful products to advertise is to make sure it is something you believe will help solve a problem and is relevant to your chosen audience. If you are looking to help someone lose weight before a wedding, it is important not to try to sell money making products. Make sure the product connects with your chosen audience.

How to sign up for an affiliate program?

Most often, every product will have some type of affiliate program associated with it. Probably, the best place to find affiliate programs for physical products is Amazon. They have a great commission program. Amazon definitely caters to their affiliates and offers endless assistance to get you started. If you plan to sell an e-product, ClickBank is the best by far. Although, I've found a few bad apples on this site. Overall, their affiliate programs are unmatched - usually 50-75% commissions.

Article Marketing vs. Pay-Per-Click?

Once you have the topic, the keywords, the product, and the affiliate program, you will need to find the method. If you are starting out, article marketing is the way to go. Simply, create a relevant squidoo lens or landing site, and submit some articles relevant to your product. This affiliate marketing method can be slow and time-consuming, but is free and is definitely worth it, if you are starting out.

If you think you are a bit more advanced than the rest, you can try Pay-Per-Click advertising from sites such as Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or MSN AdCenter. If you set up your campaigns correctly, you can achieve rewards much quicker. However, the risk is much greater and can be very costly if you don't know what you are doing.

Where to learn more about Affiliate Marketing?

Whether it be via article marketing or pay-per-click advertising, affiliate marketing can be a very rewarding experience, if done correctly. The best way to make any money in affiliate marketing is to find sites that will teach you the business behind it. Sites such as Wealthy Affiliate or Bum Marketing Methods are great resources, if you want to learns the in's and out's of the business. So, whether you are a college student or someone looking to make some extra cash, Affiliate Marketing is definitely a business to find more information on.

Need Extra Cash? Become A Mystery Shopper Today!

Best Article Marketing - 3 Keys to Article Marketing

Article marketing is the best way to increase sales, visitors, and traffic over to a website. It is very important to acknowledge the fact that when in the internet, information offers many opportunities available to you. Here are 3 keys to article marketing:

1. The most important thing in an article is the content. The information written in the article must answer the questions that your viewers will possibly ask concerning a product that they are interested in. Most often, increase in sales and site promotions are contributed to well-made articles. Also, releasing your article about your product at the right time is a sound strategy. Example is release your winter-used product before the coming of winter.

2. One article is never enough to draw a crowd of prospective customers. It is advisable than when going into article marketing to promote your product or your site, it is always a good choice to make more than one article regarding a certain topic. You could also put some variety in your different articles by using an assortment of approach. An example is if one of your articles is purely informative, you can make another article that is more on promoting and sales.

3. When your articles are done, spread them around. You can scout around the internet for sites where you can place links to your articles, especially sites with more traffic and visitors. Also, subscribing to a search engine is the best way to make your articles reach as many readers as possible, giving you enough elbow room in gaining enough viewers to be interested in your own product through your articles. In addition, you can subscribe to sites which offer free postings for your articles like blogs and social networking sites. This way, you are opening different doors for your own business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 6 Outstanding Steps to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered one of the best, if not the best, website promotion strategy today. When you write articles with useful content, search engines will be able to provide you with the best traffic when your target market searches for your articles.

Here are the latest steps to improve your article marketing campaign:

1. Write for your readers. Article marketing can definitely augment your website traffic, it can also increase your sales while you establish your expertise on your chosen field. However, these can only happen when you are able to provide online users with information they need through your articles. To make sure that your articles are targeted, ask your potential readers what they need and what they want and supply the answers in the form of articles.

2. Make sure that all your articles are original. To excel in article marketing, you must not copy somebody else's work. This will not only hurt your credibility online but you can also be penalized by major search engines.

3. Distribute your articles. Aside from major publishing sites, you can also post your articles on your blogs, websites, or ezines. You can also allow other webmasters to use your articles as long as they include the link of your webpage. To make sure that your articles will be highly distributed by both webmasters and online users, make sure your content is fresh, useful, interesting, engaging, and well-written.

4. Strive for excellence. Continuously improve the quality of your articles and never get tired of submitting them on websites that can give you quality, organic traffic. Do not stop learning the process of article marketing by constantly reading eBooks, tutorials, articles, and marketing guides. By doing so, you will not miss the latest tricks and techniques that are constantly being introduced by the experts.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Intriguing Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are seriously thinking of using articles marketing to drive traffic to your site, pull up your search engine ranking, establish your expertise in your chosen field, and generate more income, you need to uncover these 5 intriguing methods so you can jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Make sure that you only submit original content. Copying somebody else's work in article marketing is a big no-no. This will not only tarnish your credibility online, but you will also be penalized by major search engines.

2. Target human emotions when writing your article. Instead of focusing your efforts on logical reasoning, touch your readers' emotions by pushing their buttons. How? If you are selling diet pills, focus on how weight gain affects the confidence and social life of your readers.

3. Keep your paragraphs shorter. Ideally, you should explain one idea on every paragraph. As a writer, you must be able to explain that idea in 4-5 sentences. You can easily do that by finding the most appropriate words to get your message across and eliminating fillers and fancy words to make your paragraph direct to the point and brief.

4. Provide your readers with useful information. Make sure that the content of your articles contain information that are highly relevant to your readers. If they are facing problems, be sure to offer solution. When you do this, online users will appreciate your writing and you will build a huge following in no time.

5. Make every word count. When you are using fillers and other unnecessary words on your articles, you are wasting your readers' precious time. To make your readers feel that you value their time, strike out words that do not help you in getting your message across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Affiliate Article Marketing And You

Affiliate article marketing is your chance to distinguish yourself from all of the other affiliates for the same product or service.

Writing articles about the products or services you represent as an affiliate gives you the chance to create a certain amount of trust with your prospect. A well written piece that is informative provides information about your professionalism and the product you are representing.

If you do not respect your reader and give them an article that has poor grammar, spelling mistakes and NO valuable information about the product or service, you have lost ANY chance at getting the reader to either finish reading your article or clicking through for more information.

* Honest product reviews on the products you represent are always welcome.
* Videos showing how the product works are priceless, especially if they are of a REAL user and not a commercially made advertisement.
* The consumer wants to be ensured that their problems are going to be solved so itemizing the benefits of the product that are NOT listed on the product sales page or in commercials helps create credibility.

The affiliate articles you write are your chance to sell without selling.

You do this by capturing their interest with the title, building on that interest with the first paragraph, create a desire in them for more information with the body text then give them a call to action at the end where they can have the desire for more information sated.

There are going to be a LOT of other affiliates for the product you represent and not all of them do affiliate article marketing. Some may dabble at it but aren't willing to put themselves, their personality and their personal integrity into their business.

Take the time to know and understand your product before you write your first affiliate marketing article and you will be separating yourself from the herd. Be honest and find a marketing approach that differs from others and you'll be exploiting a niche within that market.

The bottom line is always respect the reader, respect yourself and be a prolific writer if you want to win the affiliate article marketing war with other affiliates in your niche.

If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy some of the articles in the ArticlesBin Video Article Marketing Directory.

The Key to Building Effective Links

While the creation and subsequent presence of effective links within your website is a crucial factor in ensuring that your website is well optimized for search engines, it is still only one factor and you should take the time to explore other means by which you can achieve a successful search engine optimization (SEO) campaign.

This article will be focusing primarily on Link development but you would do well to be aware of the other factors of successful SEO such as the Text component, which involves the use of various words and phrases that your target audience will most likely types into search queries and the Popularity component which has to do with the number and quality of links pointing to a Web site.

One of the most important things to keep in mind and one that eludes most first-time web developers is that high-quality link development takes a considerable amount of time. There is simply no way to get around this fact and many web developers who resort to the use of spidering software as opposed to actual human efforts are bound to experience less than satisfactory results.

Link farms have as of recent times already garnered an unsavory reputation but for those who are new at this it bears repeating that you should avoid these at all costs. In almost all cases, a text link that you purchase from a link farm will have absolutely no value and therefore have no use for you. Be wary of sites that feature several links that obviously have nothing to do with each other and are irrelevant to that particular sites theme and general content. This is not a hard and fast rule however, as there are many reputable sites that host a large number of links. Take your time to determine which ones can actually be of value to you.

Relevance is of course of primary importance and to this end you should make sure that any links that you host on your site are relevant to your content and general theme. You can help ensure this by targeting most of your link purchases to sites that have the same subject matter as yours. This will result in a better link profile that will eventually translate into more publicity for your site and higher visibility in search engine results.

One of the easiest considerations to miss when you are in the midst of a link buying frenzy is whether the domain name that you are buying the link from is actually still operational. Many domains that are in fact expired still show up in Google so you may unwittingly fall for one of them. Check the status of the domains in question yourself and if they are expired it may be best to avoid them and save yourself the money; they probably will not be of any use to you.

Probably? Yes, because in some cases, even if the domain has expired it could still be of some use to you if it has good backlinks. Whether a site is good or not is largely dependent on the quality as well as quantity of its backlinks. Both active and expired domains can have a favorable backlink profile so do not automatically discount a domain just because it has expired.

You should of course always check your links for page ranking and make sure it is the current page ranking and not a fake one. is a good site to check your current page ranking.

One of the most important factors that can affect the quality of a backlink is the number of outbound links. Generally speaking, a good quality backlink will have as few outbound links as possible. The total number of outbound links on a page will also have an impact on the value of a particular page. You should also consider the possibility of buying links as a means of increasing traffic to your site as opposed to buying links for the purpose of increasing page ranking. This could potentially provide more direct benefits and even profits for you.

Some other things to keep in mind: contextual links are supposedly seen by Google as being more natural and therefore will prioritize these over other links. .gov or .edu links are not treated as special in any way by Google so consider carefully the benefits of hosting such links. Look for a site that has similar keywords to yours for a better ranking in Google search engine results page. Finally, it would be best to avoid purchasing a site wide text link if all the other outbound links on that site have nothing to do with the site in question.

Mikhail Tuknov is a search engine optimization specialist providing web site search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) management and web analytics services.

Build A Mailing List To Create Fast Profits

There certainly are a lot of ways to make Money on the Internet. To create fast profits online one of the best ways to do that is to build an opt in mailing list. In this article we will discuss ways to do that.

First of all, but be sure that you know, e-mail marketing is not a bad strategy. People use e-mail every day, and may well open yours, if it's something they look forward to reading.

- Secondly, spam is not e-mail that people look forward to reading. So if you're sending unwanted emails stop it. You need to be sending out email to people that have agreed to receive it from you.

- Building a list is all about helping people opt in, meaning that they have agreed you can send them e-mail. This is not as easy as it sounds as people are given choices every day as to who they can receive email from. Your success in building an opt in list all starts with your ability to market successfully on the Internet.

- To market your list on the Internet you need to promote a landing page with an auto responder sign up form. Your landing page is a webpage where people give you their name and email address in exchange for something from you.

- You promote your landing page the same way as you do a regular website. You do it anyway you can including traffic exchanges, pay per click advertising, e-zine advertising, and so on. Your goal is to drive as much traffic to your landing page and then convert some of that into subscribers to your list.

It is important that you work with your list while you are building it. Cultivating a list is something that takes time, but can reap long term benefits. The way to create fast profits from a cultivated list is to market to it selectively.

- Selective marketing means you don't mail out anything and everything that you come across. When someone hears from you, they expect it to be good and you deliver. The benefit of this is when you do mail out an offer a high percentage of people will buy from you.

A good quality mailing list can be worth as much as one dollar per person, per month. Then just build a larger mailing list and you can make more money. And again, you do not do that by spamming, but rather by earning your subscribers, one at a time.

This will allow you to create more online profits over and over. And if you're ever in a position where you need to make fast profits you send out a mailer to your list and watch the money come in!

Gianfranco Focarelli invites you to visit his fast profits website for a world of home based business ideas. His website is dedicated to researching home based business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new home business or grow the one you already have. Please click here now:

Learn the Top 3 Website Marketing Secrets To Boost Your Traffic

90% of webmasters are not marketing their websites correctly. They lose 1000's of visitors each month due to this. There are 3 secrets every webmaster must know in order to learn website marketing correctly. Check 'em out:

Secret 1 - Be a Focused Website

Most website marketers are aiming far too broad with their campaigns or keyword focus.

If your website is not focused on particular keywords, you won't get ranked in the search results of Google, and you won't be getting any free traffic. Choose 3 keywords you want your website to be ranked under. Then make sure that there are a couple pages with each keyword found 7-9 times on them. If you take this approach you're much more likely to get free SEO traffic, rather than pay for it.

Secret 2 - Value

A site without anything useful won't get any real traffic flow. In order to get some serious traffic, you have to have something worth while on your website. Help out your website's viewers by giving them something useful, like a free resource. If you are in the skateboard niche for example, offer free trick tips or videos. If you are helping people out, they will spread the word for you and your website will grow. It all takes time, but if you have something awesome, people will find you.

Secret 3 -

More and more webmasters are turning to Myspace as a marketing tool for their websites. The logistics of it is simple. Myspace has millions of users, and they are all organized into specific niches called Myspace Groups. If you can learn to leverage this powerful resource into traffic for your website, you will never pay for advertising again. The amount of traffic some users get to their profile is ridiculous. The key to achieving this is having a huge network of friends. The more Myspace friends you have, the more people that could be going to your website. Include links and banners on your profile so people click on them, rather than just a text link. And really help people out in the Groups, it will go a long way.

If your website isn't getting over a thousand unique visitors a day, you are missing out on your traffic potential. To take your website to the next level and get some serious traffic flow, Sign up for the free e-course at It's totally free and has some serious info in there to take your website to the top of the search engines.

Fast Article Marketing - Discover 5 Priceless Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

What they say is true: Article marketing is currently the most powerful traffic-generating and product marketing tool in the internet today. Millions of ebusiness owners are using it not just because it's effective, but most importantly, it is free and easy to use.

Here are the 5 priceless ways to improve your article marketing:

1. Consider your target market. Never write based on what you want to know and put your readers on top of your priority list. Consider their needs, their pressing issues, their demands, and the things that they are deeply passionate about. These are the topics that you should write about to effectively drive them to your website.

2. Learn how to attract attention online. If you are unable to grab the attention of online users, your marketing efforts will go down the drain. Learn the ways on how to get people to notice you by using striking titles that can easily pique the curiosity of your potential clients. Use powerful words, communicate the benefits you can offer to your readers, and be direct to the point.

3. Be a good source of information. By this, I mean offering your readers with fresh, unique content and not just re-writes of articles that are posted on the web. For your articles to be valuable, they need to include content that cannot be found elsewhere.

4. Be entertaining. Never sound boring or you'll instantly lose the business of your readers. Make your articles sound upbeat, entertaining, friendly, and warm so you can easily build that connection with your potential clients.

5. Be trustworthy. If you would like people to trust you, you need to strive on giving them content that are credible and fact-based. Remember, one wrong information can easily mislead your readers. This can greatly hurt your online credibility and make you easily lose your clients.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Best Practices For Link Building

Link Building is considered by many people to be one of the most useful and effective Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) technique to achieve high ranking on the search engines. Actually, if you have not done or started doing any link building yet, you should seriously consider doing some now or at least contact an SEO company that would do the link building for you.

There are different ways of doing link building but not all are good so you have to be really careful. Link directories are not as effective as they used to be, but they can still be considered quality links. But not all directories are good to use, and there are very few directories that are still worth submitting to like Dmoz for example. Another link building method that is worth doing is articles and news submission. The great thing about good article or news sites is that their article pages actually rank highly and send highly qualified traffic. So as well as getting inbound links from them you will usually get qualified traffic to your website.

Link baiting is a method where the quality of your content is useful or entertaining enough that people will want to link to it, thus improving your number of inbound links and your position in the search engine results pages. It can be done through your website's content as well as through your blog!

Link exchange can be bad for your website and get you banned from Google only if you got too many irrelevant links from poor quality websites. And if you use link exchange, you have to be very selective and be very careful. Finally you can use forums and blogs for your link building. Most forums allow members to leave signature links or personal profile links. If you make quality contributions some people will follow these links and potentially read your site, link at your site, and/or buy your products. You can also post comments in blogs with a link back to your website.

In the end, remember that inbound links using good anchor text are your goal from a Search Engine Optimisation perspective. It is much better to have 10 inbounds from relevant sites with a Page Rank of zero, than 100 inbounds from unrelated, Page Rank 8 websites. And think long-term when building links, as it takes time and will never be a one time work.

Romain is a manager at White Hat Media. An Online marketing Agency expert in search engine marketing and expert PPC

SEO - Ways To Profit

There are a number of strategies which are widely used by entrepreneurs in the online business for generating traffic to their websites and in turn earn huge money. One such popular strategy is the Search Engine Optimization which is actually known as SEO. Search Engine Optimization helps in improving the ranking of your website especially in the search results page. Given below are a few important steps that may help in earning more money through SEO.

The important aspect that is required by any Search Engine is a key word. So proper researching of key words is the most important thing for SEO. Try to locate the apt and popular keywords that online users usually use to locate a particular product or service. This task can be made easy by making use of options like the key word search tool or the key word suggestion tool.

The next thing that can be of real help to make more money through SEO is making the content available on your website rich in popular keywords.

Link building also can do miracles in SEO profits. Link building is nothing but building links with other websites that have similar keywords as yours. This also helps in increasing the traffic to your website.

Last but not least, create a proper website map. This also adds up to the SEO profit factor. Ensure that your web pages get linked properly to the previous and next pages of the site.

Hope this concepts helps you!

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Internet Marketing - The Amazing Ron Paul

Wow, check out Ron Paul's Internet Marketing campaign!

Without doubt, Ron Paul's success on the Internet is nothing short of amazing. His team's approach has been ground breaking in the way they've applied Internet Marketing techniques, not only to reach potential supporters, but to attract a significant number of contributors.

Although not currently one of the frontrunners, Ron Paul is now being called an "Internet Phenomenon" by many political strategists.

While the Internet Marketing strategies being used by Ron Paul's team are not necessarily unique, the dedication his team has shown in reaching potential supporters online has been outstanding. By deploying a very aggressive Internet Marketing campaign, Ron Paul's team has attracted a flood of contributors and a huge number of avid supporters.

In a very short period of time, Ron Paul's team has developed an enormous Internet presence. In fact, anyone who's been online in the past six months has certainly seen multiple references to Ron Paul on the news or social media sites.

If you consider the raw numbers, Ron Paul's Internet Marketing strategy leaves his competition in the dust - and it's a big reason he's still in the race:

Consider the facts ...

Last month, Ron Paul's site had well over a MILLION visitors, more than all other Republican candidates combined!

In one day, Ron Paul's team raised over $6 Million dollars on the internet.

They raised approximately $20 Million Dollars in the 4th quarter of 2007 alone.

On YouTube, there are 109,000 videos currently available about him.

And in the past month there have been over 89,000 blog posts about him, according to Google.

The bottom line ... Ron Paul's focus on Internet Marketing is changing the face of political campaign strategies.

Ron Paul is not the only candidate making use of the Internet ... on the other side of the aisle, Barack Obama's team has deployed a very well designed Internet Marketing strategy - over 728,00 visitors last month - and has been very effective in reaching potential supporters and contributors in his own right.

An Objective View

My analysis of Ron Paul's internet success is purely driven by curiosity; I have no political affiliation or opinion of Ron Paul's political platform.

What intrigues me about Ron Paul's Internet strategy is not only the response he's received (over a Million visitors last month), it's the number of contributors he's attracted and the dedicated constituency he's built on the Internet. With a major part of his communications being conveyed via the Internet, Ron Paul's campaign team has demonstrated beyond any doubt that Internet Marketing is a formidable tool in building a successful political campaign strategy.

Perhaps the Ron Paul campaign chose to focus more on Internet strategies and less on other media simply due to budget constraints. Whatever the reason, their decision to use the Internet as an integral part of their campaign strategy is undoubtedly a big reason he's still in the race.

This is not the first time we've seen a candidate deploy an Internet Marketing strategy as a part of a political campaign strategy - but it may be the first major campaign that has used the Internet as a primary part of their campaign strategy.

So, what does this say about future political campaigns and the tactics that will be developed to exploit the enormous potential of the Internet?

Political campaign teams can be very creative in developing marketing methods and I have no doubt we will learn a great deal concerning Internet Marketing by watching the successful political campaigns.

If 'necessity is the mother of invention', then the Internet Marketing strategies being developed by political campaign teams like Ron Paul's will no doubt be leveraged by other organizations to help build their own visibility and success.

Ron Paul's Internet Strategy

So, what does Ron Paul's team do differently?

The short answer lies not in what his team does, as much as it does with how his team 'works' their strategy.

First, the Internet Marketing strategy Ron Paul's team has implemented focuses on some very basic Search Engine Marketing tactics:

Website optimization,

Compelling content,

Intuitive site navigation,

Social Media,

Press Releases,



RSS feeds

Email Marketing, Newsletters, & Breaking News

Pretty straight forward, right? No real surprises here with the exception that Ron Paul's team does not really use of PPC strategies to any great extent.

The real difference lies is the way Ron Paul's team implements their tactics, especially when compared to other Presidential contenders' strategies.

The body of the site contains very compelling content that is easy to find and leads you to endless amounts of interesting information concerning Ron Paul.

Maybe the most obvious difference is Ron Paul's site is constantly being updated and changed; the team adds new information daily and continually works to improve their Search Engine visibility using well attended blogs, Press Releases, and Social Media.

Web Site Optimization

Overall, the Ron Paul team has deployed a very solid website in a short period of time. Not that every part of the site is perfect, but the good points far outweigh the bad. In fact, with just a few slight changes, the Ron Paul website could serve as a great model for other political candidates.

One somewhat insignificant difference, but one that I personally like about Ron Paul's website, is that his team does not use an annoying Splash page as many other candidates do.

I know splash pages look good to the website owner, but they're almost always a waste of time since most people just want to get to what they came to the site to see - in this case, information about Ron Paul!

The 'home' page Ron Paul's team has designed is very intuitive and easy to navigate. They've placed breaking news, volunteer sign up, Blog access, and an excellent menu of choices that covers everything from Ron Paul's position on the major issues to videos and recordings of his major appearances.

Looking at the foundation of the website, Meta Title tags are the same for all pages. Concerning the Meta Descriptions, they're also identical across all the pages of the website, so the Search Engines choose their own descriptions to display with the Ron Paul listing. Not recommended, but it probably causes no real harm in this case.

Looking deeper, the site could use some fine tuning, adding Alt tag descriptions that contain more keywords would help; as well as adding unique Meta Descriptions for each page.

Links into the page are almost non-existent and I would recommend adding a number of related, quality inbound links to the site. It couldn't hurt and would probably drive even more traffic to the website and/or Blog.

The site could also use some additional keyword research to help Ron Paul key in on the potential voters who are not familiar with him, and to present his message to more of them.

The Ron Paul interactive videos on top of the 'Issues' page are a great addition. It seems to me if more detail were added concerning Ron Paul's stance on the issues, it would be a more valuable contribution to the site.

Although there are some obvious opportunities for improvement; given the website's presentation, the information available, and ease of use, I give Ron Paul's team very good marks in the SEO category.

Social Media Strategies

Ron Paul's team's approach to social media marketing has made him a Republican powerhouse. His campaign team understands social media and knows how to use it.

From photos and videos to networking, Ron Paul can be found across the Internet.

Most candidates' teams have begun to use social media sites but most of them don't seem to be very active on them. Ron Paul's team excels

here because they are very active - they make continuous updates on his social media profiles all hours of the day.

Increasingly, as new generations enter the voting ranks, social media is becoming an indispensable part of successful political campaigns. The current generation of younger voters has grown up using the Internet as their primary means of communication. It's second nature for them to use the Internet to gain and share information.

Currently on MySpace, Ron Paul shows over 273,000 friends, Facebook shows over 205,000, and YouTube has over 109,000 videos under his name.

On the Ron Paul Blog, links to submit posts to Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious and others are available. Also helpful, is the RSS feed button that's displayed in the upper part of the left column. Having an RSS feed signup on the blog helps to promote the blog even further in the social media outlets.

When you look at the popularity of Ron Paul on the social media sites and compare the other candidates to him, he is definitely using the social networks more than other candidates to promote his grassroots efforts.

Blogging Strategies

Ron Paul has a very active Blog. His team consistently posts new information and breaking news all hours of the day. The Ron Paul team knows they have a very active and captive audience on the blog and they actively cater to them.

There's an RSS button to easily subscribe to blog updates and links to YouTube and other social media are scattered throughout the page to promote Blog entries.

Overall, Ron Paul's campaign team has done an outstanding job developing and deploying a very effective Internet Marketing strategy.


Internet Marketing is quickly becoming an integral part of nearly every political campaign.

Increasingly, the Internet is becoming a news and recruiting source that is irreplaceable in major political campaigns.

Pressed for campaign funds, both Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul have used the Internet as a very cost effective way to get their message across to potential contributors and voters.

Without their efforts on the Internet, it could be argued that very few people would have ever heard of either candidate. While both candidates are underdogs, they probably would not even still be in the race without their well orchestrated Internet Marketing campaigns.

How much of Ron Paul's or Mike Huckabee's success is due to their Internet Marketing efforts? There's no doubt Internet viewers looking for information concerning these candidates have had no problem finding it on the Internet.

The real question is how many potential voters will actually be affected by the Internet Marketing they come into contact with? Judging from over a Million visitors to Ron Paul's website and the amount of contributors he's been able to inspire, there can be no doubt many potential voters have been directly affected by the Internet Marketing strategy his team has deployed.

It's now clear Political Internet Marketing is a very effective campaign tool and will continue to be an increasingly important part of successful political campaigns well into the future.

By Scott Porter


2008 All Rights Reserved

Ron Paul Page

About The Author

Scott Porter is President of MarketBuilders, a full service Internet Marketing firm. MarketBuilders uses targeted Internet advertising, top search results, sponsored advertising, Email marketing, Blogs, social media, Press Releases, copy writing, link building and optimized website design to provide businesses a significant competitive advantage on the Internet.

Scott Porter has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Marketing & Information Systems, and has over twenty years experience working with Fortune 100 firms to develop and promote marketing and information systems strategies.

by Scott Porter
Managing Partner

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 4 New Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

There are billions of marketers who are currently using article marketing as their primary marketing arm. With this number comes a stiff competition that every marketer must learn to deal with in order to survive online. In this article, I will impart the 4 new steps that will empower you to excel in this amazing marketing tool so you can take the lead and stand out from the rest.

1. Quality. This is the main element that will determine the success of your article marketing campaign. When you are able to write and distribute articles that are well-written, informative, and useful, people will most likely to pick them up and republish your content throughout the internet. This will boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to augment traffic and sales potential.

2. Quantity. There is never too much when it comes to article marketing. In fact, the more articles you write and publish, the more popular your website will get. Strive to write at least 7 articles per day which are enough to strengthen your online presence and expertise.

3. Titles. I missed a lot of good movies because they have lousy titles. My perception is, if the title is not that enticing, there is no way that the movie will be interesting. This is how most people think when they search for articles online. That is why, you must understand the importance of your titles and make them attention-grabbing so they can get more people to read and open you content.

4. Resource box. I have read a lot of good articles online but their great content wasn't enough to compel me to check the authors' website. Why? Because the authors did not take the time to make their resource box compelling. In fact, I have encountered some that has only the website's URL. No information about the author or why should I visit the website, so why should I?

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Over Optimization and the OOP - Does a Penalty Exist?

If you have questions about whether or not the Over-Optimization Penalty (OOP) exists or not, then you obviously haven't pushed the limits enough with your own website optimization or organic SEO efforts to have experienced the joys of running into the OOP (Over-Optimization Penalty).

I'm sure you're probably thinking: "prove it". If that's what you're thinking, let me tell you about a specific example of what I call the Over-Optimization Penalty, or OOP:

Over-Optimization penalty because of too much anchor text. You decide that your site is not ranking well. So, you change the navigation on your site so that all the home page links say "keyword keyword home" instead of "home". A few days later you lose your rankings, which is a serious blow to your traffic. Since that was the only thing you changed on your site you change those links to your home page back so it says, "home" instead of "keyword keyword home". BINGO! All of your lost rankings and your lost traffic comes back a few days later.

If that's not proof of an over-optimization penalty then I don't know what is--I would call that an OOP: you do something to try to boost your rankings by over optimizing some element of your website, something that backfires and causes a loss of rankings.

I personally can name tons of other examples just like this that prove that there's an OOP.

One more thing--I think that you can over-optimize a web page or site without going as far as actually spamming. In the example above, I truly believe that having too much of the same anchor text isn't spamming, it's just over-optimization. Spamming, in my book, would be something like keyword stuffing or something like repeating a keyword over and over again. Over optimization is different than spamming.

White Hat, Gray Hat, and Black Hat Whether or not you think the OOP (an over-optimization penalty) exists depends on what type of "hat" you wear.

If you're a true "white hat" SEO that won't dare test the limits then you're going to believe that the OOP doesn't exist. After all, you'll never experience any over-optimization penalties because you won't dare do anything that would possibly have a negative effect on search engine rankings.

If you're a true "grey hat" SEO then you've definitely experienced the OOP, just like I've described in a previous post. For example, you've gone a little too heavy on your anchor text so you have to "back off" on using your keywords in the anchor text. Or, you realize that your keyword density on a page is too high--OOPS! you've just experienced the over-optimization penalty (OOP).

If you're a true "black hat" SEO then you definitely know that there's a difference between an over-optimization penalty and being a spammer. If you've never had a site banned in a search engine then you're not a true "black hat" SEO. And if you've experienced rankings that have suddenly vanished because of too much over-optimization then yes, you probably believe in the OOP, just like I do.

There is a very big difference between over-optimization and spamming. Spamming will get your site banned. Over-optimization will not. The "penalty", if you will, is a loss of search engine rankings due to over-optimization. Thus, that's what gray hat and black hat Search Engine Optimization Specialists call the OOP.

Bill Hartzer is a successful writer and search engine marketing expert who has personally created hundreds of websites over the years. Bill created his first website back in 1996 to help promote his former database software business. It was then when he learned about the power of the search engines and web search, which helped potential customers find his business online.

Bill Hartzer has over 15 years of professional writing experience. He has survived stints as a writer for television, as well as a technical writer for several computer software companies in Florida and in Texas. Mr. Hartzer combines his writing and online skills to create compelling and useful websites for corporations worldwide. Mr. Hartzer focuses on the optimization in the business to business arena, but applies these optimization skills to business to consumer websites, as well. He currently is the one of the Administrators at the Search Engine Forums website.