Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets To Create Web Site Traffic

Article marketing is very powerful if you know how to do it correctly. Unfortunately most people write one or two articles and do not get a stampede of traffic right away and give up. So you have to have the proper mind set to make this work. Also you need to at least write a few hundred articles to really get the benefit. If you look at the top article directories you will see that there are a handful of people who make a living from writing articles alone. They have a few hundred up to a few thousand articles. When you write an article you are not sure which one will generate the most traffic. If you write a good quality article and it gets picked up by a very popular web site you could get hundreds of visitors in one day. However, you do not know which article is going to do this for you.

Now let us look at one of most overlooked parts of article marketing. It is very essential to track and test how many clicks your author bio is getting. In your article you give by writing on a topic that you are an expert in. You take when someone clicks on your bio and you get a visitor to your web site. It is very important to have your unique selling proposition as your bio. Now I suggest you track and test different bios. Initially I was getting very low click through rates on my bio, but then I changed it and found one that gets a much higher click through rate.

You can also get stuck spending too much time submitting to different article directories. There is software that does this for you, but I found that it works best to submit to the article directories by hand. Also stick to the major article directories. Submitting to the smaller article directories will increase link popularity, but they rarely drive much traffic to your web site.

Once you master this skill you will generate the highest quality leads for free. If you do this on a consistent basis you can drive tens of thousands of visitors to your web site.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Page Rank and PageRank (tm) - Google Toolbar PR vs Actual PR

I realized that there is quite some confusion when it comes to the Term Page Rank. People often referring to the Term in a way that it is ambiguous. The problem is, that the two meanings of the word are very different from each other.

The best way to avoid confusion is to extend the term Page Rank when you are using it in a conversation or article to indicate what you are referring to when you say "Page Rank". Use the terms "Google PageRank" and "Page Ranking" or "Ranking of a Page" instead.

But what exactly are the two meanings of the term and why is one of the two supposed to be inaccurate or incorrect most of the time, when displayed via a certain very popular browser plug-in or specialized SEO tools?

"Page Rank" (two words),
incorporates ALL Ranking criteria used by a Search Engine Algorithm to calculate the Value a page has for a specific Search Term. All Pages that match a Key Phrase are sorted by the Page Rank Value.

This is part of every Search Engine that displays search results by "relevance" and not just alphabetically.

"PageRank(tm)" (PR) - the Google PageRank,
is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the Web. PageRank is a trademark Term of Google and the algorithm named PageRank is patented by Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The famous PageRank algorithm allows the determination of each pages PageRank in relationship to all pages available on the Web (in the Google Index).

The Google PageRank is only one of over 100 criteria for Google to determine the "Page Rank" of a Page for a specific Key Phrase in Google's vast Search Index.

The Google PageRank(tm) value displayed in the Google Toolbar (the value between 0-10) is not the value used by Google Internally. That means that for example a Page where the Toolbar shows "0" as PageRank might has internally a much higher PageRank, between 3 and 4 for example. The reason for the difference is not clear and people can only speculate.

Even if the displayed PageRank Value would be somewhat accurate, so is it still not the exact number/value Google is using in their Algorithm.

The actual calculated number using the original algorithm is a floating point number with a lot of digits after the decimal point. A site with PR 1 could have an actual PR of 1.298245 another one with PR1 might only has an actual PR of 1.00123.

Integer vs Floating Point
The fact that the Toolbar value is rounded to the next whole number is important, because this invisible difference is making a bigger difference the higher the PageRank of a site becomes (a difference of hundreds of thousands of inbound links between 2 pages with the same displayed PR).

Furthermore, the "Google PageRank(tm)" is a number/value assigned by Google to a page/document, independent from the Keyword Phrase. "Page Rank" on the other hand is the number/value assigned to a page in combination with a specific Keyword Phrase.


Fact 1.
"Page Rank" is not the same as "Google PageRank(tm)"

Fact 2.
"Google PageRank(tm)" shown in the Google Toolbar is not the same as the actual "Google PageRank(tm)" number or value used by Google to determine the "Page Rank" of a Page for a specific Key phrase.

Fact 3.
"Google PageRank(tm)" value is for a specific Page or document on the Web and the "Page Rank" value is for a specific Web Page/Document and Keyword Phrase combination.

Carsten Cumbrowski is an Internet Marketing Entrepreneur with several years experience in Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Marketing as well as Search Engine Optimization. . He is also an experienced Enterprise Web Solutions Architect and Database Developer. In addition to various commercial Web Projects is Carsten also maintaining a vast collection of useful Web Resources which he made available to the public at his Professional Homepage.

Article Marketing - Target Specific Niches With Large Quantities of High Quality Articles

Some people get stuck on the quantity of articles required to drive highly targeted traffic to a website, when they attempt to beat out high-quality. The secret is in perspective.

A young man asked Santa for Parts to a Mustang GT, and on Christmas morning, he opened a muffler, an engine, and a steering wheel. Santa gave him what he asked for. But, the young man wanted more. He actually wanted ALL the parts for a Mustang GT so he could build his own car.

A business niche can be very similar to a Mustang GT. When you write articles within a specific niche, you may only think the reader is interested in specific details, but there are many details required to make a whole niche. Broaden your perspective.

By opening up your perspective to the whole niche, you can find many topics to write about. In the case of the Mustang GT, you might want to write about brake systems, a wide variety of tires available for the Mustang GT, or even all the different brands of oil available for the vehicle? Perhaps you'll want to write about colors, or different paint jobs? You might even want to discuss variables in driving techniques in different weather.

Once you've targeted your audience, broaden your perspectives to include all aspects of your topic. Using a simple 5 Step approach to Article Content can increase valuable content in your article.

Step 1: Tell your reader the importance of what you're writing about and give them valuable information. Explain the WHY of your article in this step. This portion of your article shares why they should read your article and can be used as the Introduction to your article.

Step 2: Tell your reader what you're talking about in the article. This is the WHAT of your article. Give them something valuable to digest here. Some call it meat, I prefer to call it spark.

Step 3: Tell them HOW to do what your article suggests. This is important. Without the HOW you're liable to have an article that doesn't have valuable content, with a stamp of REJECTED. This is easy to fix. Go back and add the HOW.

Step 4: This is often the filler space where you reiterate all the other information in your article, summarizing the viewpoints you've shared and offering substance for the content. When you read an article that lacks substance, it's often because the writer hasn't reiterated the concepts in a manner you understand.

The intro to this article offers a simile of concepts, diversely describing the difference between parts and ALL parts of a Mustang GT. When the request was for Parts for a Mustang GT, the giver didn't bring enough. But when ALL parts were provided, the receiver was happy. The same symbolism works with articles. Sometimes you have to give more detail - the whole banana, instead of symbolic concepts in order for the reader to comprehend your purpose.

Step 5: This is the Resource Box of your article where you give them the WHERE. Where do they go for more information, how do they find what you're talking about in earlier parts of your article? Give them something in this portion of your article that will bring them running for more information.

Are you looking for ways to maintain your Ford Truck? Visit for more information and a FREE Special Report on Ford Truck Maintenance. Article Marketing can drive traffic to any site depending on relevant topic matter.

If you're interested in marketing your website, visit and receive your TWO FREE article marketing templates.

Jan Verhoeff continues to promote article marketing for online niche and business development. For more information visit to gain insight and ideas for marketing your business.

Article Marketing - Marketing Your Articles

If you want to really market your great articles, you need to flood the market with your articles. This is the best way to get the highest results that you can possibly get. Flooding the market with your articles is the only way to do it.

When you flood the market with your articles, people are going to be reading your articles, I promise! If you flood the market enough, you will get the high results that you want! If you just write one perfect article, your not going to see great results from this. I promise that. You really won't. Think about it. If you had only one great article and put that article on the market with thousands of good articles, who do think is going to win over the market?

Who would you rather go to for help, someone wrote a thousand page book on cell phones. Or someone wrote a thousand books on cell phones? You have to truly flood the market if you want to see fast and good results.

To flood the market, you have to just keep writing. You have to pump out at least 5 articles an hour. This is how your going to win the market. Whoever can flood the market with their articles the fastest and the most, wins the market over. That is how the game works people! You can't just rely on one perfect article! You have to have hundreds of articles!

Make articles and have them flood your keyword, you'll soon get the traffic you want.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing - Search For Material for Writing Better Articles

It is important that you do a good amount of searching on the topic you would write. An article written after researching is a always a better article.

You must have come across half baked articles which seem as if author is not fully able to express himself. Such articles occupy unnecessary digital space and do not serve any purpose.

How to make sure your is not such an article?

The only answer is to gain a complete knowledge about the topic you write beforehand. If you do not know it from previous learning or experience, then you must search for the material you need to before you write.

There is ample material that you can use to enhance your subject knowledge. Not a long time back it was just books, newspapers, folklore, teachers, radio and TV.

Then came Internet.

Information arena was never same again.

At this time every information is available on internet. Apart from above listed resources you would also use this on a regular basis.

A novice might be daunted by the task that research on internet might appear. Because web is so large and interconnected, it is easy to loose the track and get astray.

Therefore it is prudent to know how and where to search for the relevant material.

Search engine would be the place where you would rush every time you need some information. They are free and they are good. Google, Yahoo and MSN are popular search engines that most of people use.

But it may be difficult to locate information sometime. Also, search engine would display only the pages it has indexed. Therefore you should also have list of other online resources. is an online encyclopedia where you would find information on almost anything. It is community driven non profit organization. You would find in depth information on this website.

Article directories are themselves good source of information.,,, are one of the good article directories where you may find the required info.

You can choose to subscribe to a newsletter on the topic you would like to learn. That way you can get the material in your inbox. But in this case you need to plan in advance.

Forums are great places to learn, find ideas and brainstorm. You would get forums in your niche by searching in a search engine. A beautiful thing about forums is that you can ask question and someone would definitely answer you within few minutes. It is kind if instant information.

Ebooks are source of learning and information. Both paid and free ebooks are available. If you do not want to search you can join our website where you would get plethora of ebooks.

It is a good habit to make record of the resource you visited and found useful. By and by you would create your own resource directory which would come handy when you need to search.

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products.

Visit to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.

Internet Marketing Tip - Create Recurring Income Streams and Not One Time Sales Streams

Look around and you will see that one of the most popular internet marketing models being taught is the create a product and sell it. In its simplest form, this business model says find a niche, find a problem in that niche, create a solution for that problem and sell that solution. While this is a good way to make decent money online, it has one big drawback.

What's the drawback, you ask? It's the fact that you only get paid once for your effort.

You took the effort to do market research and product creation. Next you went through a cycle of finding a prospect and persuading the prospect and getting them to open their wallets. Kudos to you. It takes a lot of time and effort to do that.

But here is the thing - they only paid you once. Just once! If you want to make more money from this product you have to repeat the prospect finding cycle and the converting prospect to customer cycle.

You create a list you say? That's great. But you still have to convince them each time you want them to buy from you.

So your list building cycle now goes as follows:

  • Find prospect
  • Persuade prospect to become a subscriber to your list
  • Persuade subscriber to buy your product
  • Maintain high quality relationship with subscriber
  • Keep persuading subscriber to buy your future products

Do you see how much time and effort you have to spend to get the same prospect to buy from you over and over again? And after all that work you will always have subscribers who will never buy from you.

Now what if you added a simple twist to this model. You work once and persuade the prospect to spend money with you month after month. How do you do that? By creating a product where they have to pay you every month to get more information. Yes, you got it - by creating a membership program.

Your membership program cycle goes like this:

  • Find prospect
  • Persuade prospect to become subscriber to your list (optional)
  • Persuade prospect to join your membership program

This is a great way to get recurring income. What this means is that you do the marketing work once and you have money coming in for many months in the future. You spend time and effort on one prospect only once and you have them opening their wallets for many months. Doesn't this sound way better than having to persuade your prospect every time you create a new product? So go out there and create your very own membership program.

Creating a membership program is not hard. There is a very simple easy way. You do not need any scripts, any forums or too much technical know how.

Click here to discover a simple easy way to create membership programs

Business Building Ideas

Sizzling Idea Hangouts For Article Marketers

No matter what kind of article writer you are, finding new ideas for articles is always a challenge. Well, here are some resources to help you accelerate your topic research:

Authority sites

Think Entrepreneur for the business niche, About for all topics, and the Warrior forum for the Internet marketing niche! There's always authority sites, no matter what topic you are writing about. So go use that wonderful tool called Google to find these sites if you are writing about a totally new 'alien' topic.


Find some cool ideas from niche blogs and run with them. Respected authors and Internet gurus often post some informative content on their blogs. I'm not asking you to plagiarize their content, not at all! But find some ideas you can spin article topics out of.

Yahoo Answers

This is an absolutely great tool for finding out your target market's problems. Just imagine, people are asking questions to their problems here! They actually took the time to type out a question in this site because they want a solution fast. Take a look at what kind of burning questions are being asked and write articles on them. If you go through Yahoo Answers for just 15 minutes, I'd bet you can come up with half a dozen article ideas right there.

And of course the article directories themselves. How could we forget them? These directories are a goldmine for quality articles. Don't copy the topics, but perhaps find some ways to create your own article topics just by browsing through the categories.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Targeted Article Marketing - 4 Explosive Secrets Towards Effective Article Marketing

Article marketing no matter how old and classic it may seem to be remains to be an effective and well-trusted instrument by many businessmen and marketing specialists. The dependability and reliability that it possesses makes it still well-loved and trusted. For this reason, article marketing continues to evolve and rejuvenate. Below are some of the explosive secrets of effective article marketing:

1. Know your targeted market and focus with them. The articles that you are going to market will be most effectively written when you know as the writer for whom the article is going to be. By knowing who your potential market is going to be you can immediately think about what is best to be written for them.

2. Prepare the article with the intention to inform and educate your potential market first and then market and advertise successively. By driving these forces to be your core reasons why you are creating these articles, you can make sure that you will be very effective in attaining your core objective - that is to market and advertise.

3. Allow for your articles to be relayed and conveyed. Now that the article has been made, make sure that these are properly published, exposed, and able to generate notice from your potential market. You can have these articles published on some of the leading article directories and sites or you can have these published on your own site. What is important here is that you are able to get the message properly relayed.

4. Monitor and track the progress of your article marketing strategy. This is just like any other marketing schemes should be properly tracked and monitored. By determining the progress rate of your mechanism, you can take appropriate actions whenever necessary. This will help you combat any possible loopholes on your plan and thereby preventing massive failure on your plan.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Building Your List - How To Use Short Articles To Build Your Highly Responsive List

Internet marketing is a way to reach people all over the world and let them know who you are and what you do. You need to build a list of the people you will stay in contact with.

List building is the process of adding more people to your list who want to know more about what you have to offer. There are many ways to build your list, but article marketing is probably the best way.

When people read your articles they get to know exactly what you have to offer. These people are highly qualified because they have taken the time to read your article. When they decide to join your list and to receive information and offers from you it is more likely that they will be very interested in what you are selling. This list is called a highly responsive list.

Over time your list is worth quite a bit of money to you. It is said that your list is your gold. If you lost everything on your computer, including everything you had ever written, but still had your list, you would be able to start over easily.

The more articles you write, the higher your opportunity to add people to your list. Your articles become workers for you, working around the clock to reach potential new clients 24 hours a day. And writing articles is free.

Keep your articles under 500 words. These shorter articles are better because there is more chance that people will read them all the way to the end and go to your resource box. Your link back to your website or offer page is in your resource box and you want to make sure people get there.

Write your articles like you talk. Make them conversational and not academic. People will get to know, like, and trust you when you talk to them like a friend. Offer good information in your articles. You don't have to give away the store, but you nee to give people information they will be able to use. They will want to find out more and will click on your links.

Learn more about writing short articles to build your list by visiting

Article Marketing Your Way To Success

Article marketing is a great way for an internet marketer to succeed. How can you do it? Easy. Just sign up for any article hosting website, they're all free, I suggest, and start writing articles. Not just 1-3 articles, I mean as many articles as you can. This is the best way to dominate a keyword and beat out your competition.

Whenever you have a subject that you want to talk about, break that subject up into 30 sub topics. Then do it again, then again, until you can't do it anymore. And when you think you can't do it anymore, do it again! Every sub topic is an article marketing gold mine! Every sub topic can lead you to the greatest traffic creating marketing asset that you'll ever encounter. Sub topics are the key to article marketing.

Once you have found your sub topic's, start writing, and writing and writing. Write about your sub topics like your a professional. Write non-stop. Don't stop, keep writing. Don't think, just write. Write write write. That is the article marketing secret. To write an endless amount of articles without stopping to think if what you just said would work or not. Just keep writing.

Why do you keep writing? That's the best way to dominate your keyword, to flood the market with your articles. Mind you, no spamming. Don't just cut and paste, this is a bad way to write an article, and your article hosting server will delete your account. So write unique and different content! But don't sit down and start writing rough drafts! Article marketing isn't about quality, it's about quantity! The more information you have to provide to the market, the more Google will think you're a valuable resource, and increase your page ranking.

This is the marketing secret of every successful internet marketer. Use this tactic and other internet marketing strategies and I will


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A Do It Yourself On How To Efficiently Get More Quality Link Partners & Exchanges With Your Site?

Requesting Links

Ahoy everyone! Here is my secret out to build a quality link exchange program for your site. Lets get straight to the point shall we?

Remember: Not every link you request requires giving a link back. Sometimes it is cheaper and more efficient to just to go target higher quality links. Sometimes you can just request a link and get it by being personal and empathetic. Other times links may require payment ( I personally never buy links cause I personally feel it is not really necessary for my niche and I have enough unique and quality contents in my site's portfolio).

Be Personal

The best way to go about acquiring links is to be as personal about it as you can. Look around their website and try to find personal information. The more you find, the better you are.

When e-mailing them, try to submit it to the person who runs the site, not a general info submission. If you can state where your link should go on their site and how it would improve their user experience, you stand a good chance of getting a link.

Off-topic, somewhat personal statements showing you share similar interests may make you seem more human and more connected with them and will make it easier to get links. For instance, if you found out that I like peanut butter, somehow mentioning that or joking about it in the e-mail will make me far more likely to link to your site.

Proper Link Request Buy Line

Another good idea is to make the buy line of the e-mail appear as a suggestion. If I see the subject line of the e-mail as "SEO Book website suggestion," odds are that I am going to open it. Feedback is a fundamental part of any successful business so I have to open it.

I like using the word suggestion versus feedback. If you use feedback, they may feel like you are tricking them. If you use the word suggestion, they are highly inclined to open the e-mail. Remember, getting someone to open the e-mail is half of the battle.

E-mail to Use

When building links, you are more likely to have a higher close rate if you use an e-mail address with the same domain name with the site for which you are building links. Hotmail and Yahoo! mail type accounts probably do not close as well.

Some people also send their link requests as though they are cute females.

Scouting Out Potential Link Sources

A good way to find candidates for links is to use the Yahoo! link search. Do a search on Google to find your top few competitors. Go down the list and perform a backward link check on Yahoo! for each of them. See the sites that link to them and see if you can get links from those same sites.

Also, look at the categories those sites are in and use the Google directory to get the best sites from those categories to link to you. (Once again, to do a backwards link check of a competitor's website, go to Yahoo!'s search box and type "link:")

The Cost of Links

Some people are afraid of certain links because they think those links cost too much money. An expensive link can also be a good deal though.

If a link is expensive, or if the cost of obtaining it is a significant amount of effort, money, a long wait, or the approval from a webmaster who is a stickler for quality, it means those links are not going to be easy to get. People who create $5 sites hoping to double their money will not usually be acquiring links that take hundreds of dollars or many hours to get.

As people continue to abuse lower quality links the high-quality links will only count more.

Finding Niche Link Sources

You can do a search for " + directory," " + add URL," " + submit site"...any of them. Start thinking of ideas like that and finding sources of inbound links should be no problem. You can search across multiple search engines and even search for various file extensions.

If you have a resource about the ASP language, it may be a good idea to search for ASP file types.

If you have a golf site with a Flash game on it, try to get golf links, but also see if there are some game sites or Flash sites that might be willing to link to your site.

If you have a beautiful site design or an XHTML and CSS compliant design, try to list your site on sites about beautiful web design.

If you are a site designer, consider creating free open source site designs and promoting them on

Let the Link Sources Come to You

If you know how to create and format truly remarkable information then you might be able to gain a top ranking by

  • Creating great content
  • Buying AdWords ads for related keywords
  • Letting bloggers and the media find your content via the AdWords ad
  • Watch them write about you, and see your rankings improve as you build links.

If you buy AdSense ads, you can run Google's position placement report to find where Google was syndicating your ad to. Webmasters who own these related pages might be willing to sell you links if you contact them.

Affiliate Program Links

Most affiliate programs redirect your links through third-party websites that prevent the link from parsing link popularity.

In addition, many other websites use query strings on the links. These typically will not parse PageRank to the destination page. A query string is something like "?affil=34565" at the end of the link. This identifies the affiliate for tracking purposes.

Even if affiliate programs do not provide static text links, they still help raise your brand awareness and build trust in the eyes of your prospective customers. A well-run affiliate program can also mean that some of your affiliates are crowding some of your competitors out of the search results.

Problems With SEO-Friendly Affiliate Programs (How They Can Hurt Affiliates, But Help Merchants)

If you build enough link popularity pointing to an affiliate page, it can outrank the regular version of the document. But if many good affiliates are promoting a product and those pages link back to the home page of the site they are promoting, then you can end up pushing a ton of PageRank to the home page of the merchant site. That PageRank can filter down to the regular (or non-affiliate) version of the page, which may eventually outrank all the affiliates.

You Do Not Need T

Ishtiaq Saddam
Theme Designer

Link Building Through Web Directories - 5 Tips On Submitting To Directories For Maximum SEO Effect

When submitting to directories there are several things you need to consider to make sure that you maximize the link popularity you receive from each directory.

First when choosing directories to submit to, look for ones that have been indexed by Google and have at least a page rank of 0. If their page rank is showing no data or a gray bar, you may want to wait before submitting to that particular directory. (You can see page rank and find out if a site has been indexed by Google very quickly by downloading Google's tool bar).

Second, be sure to choose the most relevant category to submit your site to. Browse through the directory and find sites that are very similar to yours and submit to the same category that they have submitted to. This will put your link and description with other similar links and descriptions thus making the link more relevant to your site.

Third, when choosing titles make sure you choose terms you want to rank in the search engines for. This is going to be the anchor text of the link that you will get in the directory. Anchor text plays a huge role in where your website will rank. So many times I see people submit titles that no one would ever search and for the most part I would say it is a waste. Choose titles that you know will bring valuable traffic if you ever ranked for the term.

Fourth, mix up the descriptions. It is easy to keep using the same description for every submission that you do, but easy is not always better in link building. You must always keep in mind that search engines want to see links that appear to happen in the natural evolution of the internet. In other words they don't want to see purchased links or links that have the same description attached to it over and over. Chances are that if they see either of those two things, your link will be discounted. Try to write as many unique descriptions as you can. Yes it can be tedious and boring but if you are willing to put in the hard work, chances are your competitors are not and that gives you a decisive advantage over them.

Fifth, try to make your submissions as random as possible. If you do 100 directory submissions every day, that doesn't appear natural to a search engine because they could see you getting 100 new links each day. Make it as random as possible so that you avoid any red flags being put up. (This suggestion is not as critical as the others because search engines wont find every link at the same time but its always better to be safe than end up on page 53 of Google's results).

If you are doing a lot of directory submissions a good resource is found at They have a list of about 2500 free web directories you can submit to and have a free tool that allows you to keep track of all of your submissions so you don't forget which directories you have already submitted to.

Adam White is the president of Website Breakthrough LLC ( an SEO consulting firm based out of Phoenix, Arizona and has done small business SEO for over 250 clients since 2002.

It's All About Building Back Links

If you have a website, it's crucial that you get it noticed so that people can find it and thus buy your product or service. Now, of course, you can pay for advertising, but the best way to get traffic to come to your site is to have the search engines recognize you and rank you highly in search results. One of the ways you can do this is to build backlinks. One of the best ways to build backlinks organically is to use Web 2.0, or social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking is basically the web redefined, organized by users. The most popular sites are "bookmarked" online, which means they get many more visitors because they're so much more visible both in the search engines and on the bookmarking sites themselves. With social bookmarking, you can go online to sites such as and not only save your favorite bookmarks there (similar to saving bookmarks on your own computer, but this is a website), but you can swap, share, and see what other users are marking is their favorite places, so you can visit, too.

This means that social bookmarking is a great way to get your site noticed. How do you use social bookmarking to increase the number of backlinks to your site and therefore increase traffic to your own site, though?

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your site through social bookmarking and therefore get backlinks is to write articles. In the article itself, of course, you include a link to your website at the end. That way, when readers finish reading your article, they'll also likely click on your website to go see what it's all about.

Then, you post those articles to social bookmarking sites such as,, and, as well as the aforementioned Technorati. These articles should have several things in common. With them, you should:

Write something readers really want to read, and make it fresh and original

Simply "spinning" articles really doesn't do it, nor does posting old articles from other sites. You need to write your own fresh, original content that readers really want to read, on a subject you are really knowledgeable about. If you play your cards right, this will fit right in with your website content and product or service, because of course, you should be an expert about that, too.

Have catchy headlines, so that readers are sure to click on your article because your headline caught their attention

This is pretty self-explanatory, but if your title doesn't catch someone's attention, they'll never read your article.

Your first paragraph should be killer

Again, similar to the headline, you want to catch and hold the reader's interest, so that he or she will want to read the rest of the article, too.

Make the entire article count

Your reputation is going to go downhill fast if people associate you with articles that have catchy headlines and great first paragraphs, but then have just "filler" content for the rest. Again, you can't skimp here. You have to write articles that people will really want to read and find valuable. If they like what you have to say, they'll not only bookmark it for themselves, but they'll pass it on to friends as well, which in turn will create more backlinks to your site.

Make it easy for people to bookmark you

Include a way for people to bookmark your article as a favorite, so that it shows up on the front pages of all of the social bookmarking sites. In just a little bit of time, you can have literally 20,000 hits or better to your website a day, which of course increases traffic and therefore sales for you.

Another thing that may happen is that if your articles truly are fresh content and a good read, sometimes even bloggers can start blogging about your articles, which in turn mentions your website and creates more backlinks.

In short, getting backlinks is pretty easy to do, as long as you do so honestly and truly want to provide good content and a good product or service as well. Of course, your products or services, too, will create backlinks as long as what you provide is quality. First, you have to get people to go to your website, and the articles will do this for you. Then, your products or services can create their own buzz, which in turn creates more backlinks, which in turn creates more traffic, which in turn creates more sales.

You see? Social bookmarking is relatively simple, as long as you keep it honest and work to provide a good product and service, as well as good articles, which will help keep you on top of the search engines' favorites list.

Building back links to your site is the most important thing you need to do to get traffic. For more information visit Internet Marketing Bytes.

What The Heck is This SEO Stuff, Anyway?

There are so many people out there that claim to know about Search Engine Optimization and who claim to know what it means to have an SEO-friendly website, it makes one wonder if all of these people really know what the process is all about. Chances are you, the website owner, hired someone with the idea that you were getting great SEO result and found that your results were only mediocre at best.

Oddly enough, it is not just smaller companies that are confused by the entire SEO issue, but larger firms suffer from SEO confusion. Also, higher priced doesn't always mean better service. Shop around and ask the hard questions before hiring an SEO firm.

The thing to remember is that SEO has changed since the beginning. Search engine algorithms have evolved and are far more sophisticated. This evolution means that the guidelines are continually changing.

A New Idea

SEO is a little more than ten years old. In the beginning, webmasters began optimizing sites by submitting a page or two to search engines that would then send out a searchbot or spider to crawl that page, extract links to the other pages in the site and gather the information found on the pages it finds.

The process involved a search engine spider downloading a page and storing it on the search engine's own server when a second application, known as an indexer, extracts the information found on the pages. The information about the pages, such as the words found on the pages, links, where everything is located on the page, is then placed into a scheduler to be crawled again at a later date.

Early versions of search engine algorithms relied solely on the webmaster providing information through the metatags, or index files. Metatags provided a kind of road map to the page's content. As soon as webmasters realized this was the procedure, it became an unreliable system because webmasters could manipulate keywords and descriptions so that they had nothing at all to do with the actual page content.

Google is Born in 1998

All of this changed when Google arrived on the scene in 1998. Not only was Google's simple page design appealing to Internet users, users liked the off-page factors such as page ranking and the on-page analysis of a website. This eliminated the keyword manipulation that plagued other search engines.

SEO Today

SEO today is improving the volume of website traffic and the quality of visitors to the site via the use of targeted keywords. An SEO expert has to think like their consumer, and they also have to understand how the algorithms work. SEO should involve the site's code, overall design, text-rich content, accurate navigation and eliminate anything that would prevent a spider from crawling the entire site.

In addition to organic searches to the site, a good SEO firm will establish a pay-per-click advertising campaign to boost site visibility. Google considers popularity a major factor when ranking a page.

A well-conceived plan will attack the web from several different angles at the same time. Social networking is an important factor as well as inbound links. The inbound links have to be chosen carefully and have a relationship to the website in some way. Otherwise, Google may consider the site simply a link farm.

Ciniva Systems employees the very best SEO techniques to assist the website owner in achieving as high a ranking as possible.

Karen Vertigan Pope writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Ciniva specializes in web design and SEO. Ms. Vertigan Pope is the Project Support Manager for Ciniva Systems.

Link Popularity - Buying Text Links on High Pagerank Websites

It is well known that major search engines rank your website based on the quantity and quality of links that are pointing to your site. Webmasters use various methods to increase their website's link popularity. One of them is using text links ads. These are ads that are very similar to newspaper's ads, without graphics. You just write a headline with a short description and include the link to your website. Visitors clicking on them are directly sent to your site. And obviously, the search engine spiders visiting those websites follow your link. And because these are one-way links (also called backlinks), they have a higher weight in the search engines's algorithms which determine your website's ranking.

The most important part of this method is to choose the website where you put your link. For obvious reasons, most webmasters prefer to place their links on highly ranked websites or directories. The higher the Pagerank of the website offering you a one-way link, the better for you. In fact, the most effective quality links are those placed on PR5 websites or higher.

Some webmasters buy text links at a monthly basis, what the advertisers call recurring billing. You place your inbound link on a high ranked website and you pay an agreed fee every month. This method has the disadvantage of tying you up for long i.e. if you don't pay your monthly bill, your link will be removed and you'll no longer have the benefit you were looking for in the first place: having a quality link pointing to your website from a high ranked website.

But there is nowadays another interesting alternative: some text links directories offer the possibility of placing your link with a one-off fee. You then have a permanent link to your website. No recurring billing! No link removal! And the most exciting feature is that those one-off payments can costs as little as $1-$5. This is a cheap and highly cost-effective method of increasing your popularity. Usually, webmasters who want their website to appear at prominent places, such as the homepage or the top of a category page, have to bid more than the others. They decide what they want to pay in order to appear where they want. A fair enough system, in my opinion.

How to identify such websites? Do as I did. Use Google. You can make a search via Google, using keywords such as -buy cheap text links- for example.

I hope that this article will be useful to those new webmasters who want to increase their link popularity.

Sim Mus is the owner of a making money online via internet marketing website. He recently discovered a PR5 - Web Directory specialised in high quality and cheap text links ads and is as always more than happy to share his experience as internet marketer.

Link Value - How Much is a Text Link Really Worth?

The value or worth of a link will vary from person to person, but the main objective of any link is to bring traffic back to your website. Of course, it must be real traffic rather than bots or programmed scripts that may visit your website but offer no opportunity for sales or advertising revenue. There are a variety of ways to receive links but it can be difficult to determine how much each link is worth because of the numerous factors that reflect a link's value. So let's take a look at some of the factors that make up a link's worth.

1. Traffic - the ultimate goal of any link is to generate traffic. Obviously, the more traffic a link can generate the better the link is.

2. Type of traffic - If you can receive targeted or relevant traffic it is much more valuable than non-targeted traffic.

3. Link Location - It is important that the link is easily accessed. If the link is located on a page that can only be accessed by clicking through 5 other pages the link isn't worth much. Also, if the link is coming from a "bad neighborhood" on the internet that will decrease the link's value.

4. Link Type - Is the link a one-way link or reciprocal link. A one-way link is much more valuable than a reciprocal link especially to search engines.

There are many other contributing factors to a link's value but these are the key points to consider. Just like anything of value, a link is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. While a link may not be actually purchased for cash, something of value is always exchanged. It be your time, information, a link on your site, or anything else of value.

To better understand the value of a link I have created a new project that will allow links to be traded in an open market environment such as the stock market. Through this project I hope to get a better understanding of what a link is worth.

To learn more about the project visit the link investment board at The free investment information website, 1stock1, was created by Alan Reisch. He has worked as a licensed securities broker for two large investment firms after earning a degree in finance. To learn more about investing and the stock market visit his site at

Directory Techniques for Link Building

One of the most time and cost effective methods of Search Engine Optimization is though the use of directory submissions. When online businesses want a way to effectively promote and gain exposure for their websites they turn to quality web directories. There are many other articles and blog posts all across the internet documenting the benefits of link popularity and the use of web directories. By submitting sites for review at quality web directories you can obtain relevant, quality inbound links to your website to help improve search engine results and traffic to your website.

What a quality directory does is human reviews of available websites to determine their quality and if the site meets directory standards list them in the most relevant category to the site content. When directory visitors are searching for sites based on content they will find relevant sites and be directed to them. This will result in direct traffic to your website. This results in increasing your sites reach and exposure to internet traffic.

Other benefits of quality directory submission include link building benefits.

When you increase the number of quality inbound links to your website through directory submissions, it opens more doorways to your website for traffic to find you. This traffic is more relevant which means higher conversion rates along with more visibility.

The increased link popularity you achieve with quality directory submissions will also help you gain better search engine positioning for relevant searches. Directories of quality are frequently crawled by all major search engines which will quickly find your link, follow it and index your site. By having a listing there your site will gain exposure to all the major search engines. Increasing the visibility of your site to search engines on quality directories will mean more frequent indexing of your site to pick up new content and improve search result rankings for those relevant terms.

If you use relevant keywords in your link text without spamming your link building efforts can be amplified as the keywords within the links will be seen as relevant to the content of your site and result in higher rankings for those relevant searches. That means the traffic that is directed towards your website will be targeted towards your sites content.

That means by submitting your website to quality web directories you can brand your websites products and services by using your brand in the anchor text of your links. Just like with targeting keywords, this targets and builds company and brand awareness to your clients and customers.

One thing you should be aware of when conducting a directory submission campaign is that there are many different types of web directories available on the internet. Most are of a lesser quality which will limit the results you achieve with them. If you focus on well maintained and promoted directories you will achieve much better and quicker results with less effort. We all know that in this day and age time is a valuable commodity. Just below you will find a link to another article that can further explain the different types of directories and how to tell quality.

You can learn more about the Different Types of Directories and the Distinctive Traits of a Quality Web Directory in these articles brought to you by the Authority Web Directory.

What is "Link Bait and How Do I Create It?"

This is a cool term that I picked up in an intense Webmaster's forum. I fancy myself a reasonably talented SEO marketer. I've never used Google Adwords or any other PPC advertising and I'm well-schooled on traditional as well as Web 2.0 search engine optimization strategies.

I can definitely say that Web 2.0 methods are a lot easier and a lot more fun than the tedious traditional methods.

What is the #1 thing that you need to get higher rankings in the search engines?

Backlinks to your site.

The more links to your site, the better your rankings, in a nutshell. There are of course other factors such as the linking site's pagerank, whether or not it's a reciprocal link, and the anchor text used--just to name a few of the biggies.

So what exactly is this "link bait" and how do you make it?

Link bait is the kind of content that makes people want to link to it naturally. No link trading, nothing in return. Just content so good that people just want to be connected with it somehow.

So how do you create this kind of content that we call link bait? Well, you can give them what they were looking for such as news and solid information. If you become known as a reliable source of information, people will link to you whether they use your articles, link to you from their blogs, or bookmark you in the social bookmarking sites for example.

Another way to create link bait is to stir your reader's emotion. Make them laugh, make them angry, scare them. Post the kind of content that makes people say: "Did you read so and so's article? I can't believe she said THAT!"

Create a controversy, if you can back up what you're saying on the matter. Go against the grain. It's ok to have your own opinions. As long as they're well-founded, you should tell the world about them.

That is what the "new web" is all about.

Now go start a commotion or share your wealth of knowledge and create some instant link bait.

Sheree Motiska is a single WAHM. She is experienced in the world of affiliate marketing and network marketing and shares her knowledge at and

SEO Ethics That Webmasters Should Know

In the existent market/business scenario, Internet marketing or web marketing has become the most important tool/s of trading your products or services effectively. Internet or web marketing involves differentiating your products and/or services in an organized manner so the users desirous of buying your product and/or services should come to know of you or your company with little effort.

Here the search engines are very important. The search engines have emerged as the most powerful and supportive tools in the hands of a webmaster to help users finding the actual search results with relevant context to the searched phrase or keyword used with respect to any online business goal, or website optimization.

The concept of search engines is as old as the 90s when it was conceived that it gives an option to search the web through a network of database for specific words or pages that match with certain criteria with the information desired. Later on it became regular practice to access information and do it easily. In fact, search engines help generate a different way to gather or reach for information on the net as well as help the searchers to explore other relevant and accurate sites on the net, meaning searcher can compare different sites for the product or service he is looking to zero in with one particular webmaster's site.

When used effectively and ethically, search engine optimization can play the role of a vital marketing tool in the hands of webmaster to fetch him decent returns on investment of his/her business. The following lines will update you of the SEO ethics you need to follow to derive maximum benefit out of SEO. These ethical search engine practices when followed diligently promise you of a commendable return you're your Internet business investments.

First off, invest time in making a good website with an original as well as unique content that has genuine value.

Invest time in identifying your niche because it helps your target searchers or users prospective but not the search engine.

Be realistic about the performing keywords and/or key phrases that your prospective users would be using and include them in the content of your web pages.

Include a site map of your website and it will help the visitors to take a peek into the desired web page rather than give a 4-second glance and jump off your site.

Give hyperlinks that will assist your website visitors to fetch the much needed information or relevant content when they wish so.

Ensure that the meta tags or the keywords and their description including the title are accurate and precise and most relevant to the web page content as well

Do not ignore the direct visitors of your website and add a dash of creativity to market and promote your site in general and products or services indirectly.

Never forget to include a fill-up-your-information box and gather the information of your visitors with a promise that you will not spam. It helps for additional marketing or promotion strategies by sending them newsletters if they are genuinely interested.

Do not use hidden text/links and/or sneaky re-direct links. This will amount to spamming which is unethical.

Last but never least, keep updating your website content on a regular basis.

As a new entrant into the online marketing industry, I acquired the SEO ethics from a self-motivated Internet marketing expert and an EDC Gold and EDC Diamond top earner. If you are keen to know more of his Internet Marketing Strategies he is ready to tell you.

The EDC webmaster also offers mentoring to his members and renders them valuable and workable strategies to generate targeted web traffic and help them convert the same into sales. If you are keen to learn about EDC as a home-based opportunity and how the top earner works along with his members visit this EDC Gold And Diamond Marketing and Training Site.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 3 No-Brainer Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is an expensive strategy that is highly recommended by most of the best online marketers in terms of traffic generation and product promotion. While this strategy can be effective, this can be confusing for first time users. If you are one of them, this article is for you because it includes the 3 no-brainer ways to improve your article marketing campaign.

1. Identify your objectives. Are you utilizing article marketing to promote your products and services? Or are you using it so you can generate more links from other websites and blogs? It can also be that your main goal is to drive traffic to you site. Establishing your objective can greatly guide you in writing your articles that you will submit on article submission sites.

2. Understand the process of article marketing. In order to benefit from this technique, you must know the elements by heart. Some writers fail to recognize that in order to succeed in article marketing they have to understand search engine optimization so their articles will get indexed. Other writers fail because they don't know the best articles submission sites where they can post their articles. To get maximum exposure I suggest ezinearticles and goarticles.

3. Use attention-grabbing titles. This is especially crucial if you would like to use your articles as link baits. Remember, without a compelling headline, it will not really matter if your article is well-written and useful because most likely, it will not be read at all. Great article titles are brief, concise, keyword-rich, and communicates the benefits they can offer the potential readers. If you are able to master the art of creating compelling titles, you have won half the battle of having your articles read.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Are You Wasting Time On SEO?

Onpage optimization is something many new marketers spend most of their time on. Things like keyword density, where they rank, why they are not yet indexed, how to get content, how many to add and many more questions.

Basically all that is useless, which does not mean you do not need content. The more content you have more pages are in the search engines, and more changes are there to people find you. However, it is a better idea to focus on optimizing your homepage to rank for one keyword at first. After all , your homepage is probably the page which must convert visitors into buyers. It's the best page you have to make money.

Some article pages on your website, may take a long time to rank anywhere. Remember that just because they are indexed does not mean they get any traffic. Far from it.

Even though blogger, the platform powered by Google is something you may use to create content. It is better than creating articles on new website pages, because blog posts on Blogger, seem to rank faster than any other blog platform like wordpress or your normal webpages. A blog offers your visitors the ability to add comments too, that is free content for you, even though little. It is easy bookmarked in social bookmarking sites, for free traffic and some more backlinks.

The other thing is keyword density. Basically even though I have many high rankings, I never do anything apart from meta tags. I used to do, but not anymore... I focus my time on link building and that's it. After all we have better things to do then searching for that perfect keyword density. It has little importance in the eyes of the search engines.

Meta tags are important though. The meta title and meta description is what people will read when they see your website in the search engines, and click on it to visit your site. The meta title is the title that links to your page. So those must not be full of keywords, because if so even if you get number one position your visitors will simple not visit your website.

It must be a good description, something that shows what your website main benefits are, so you grab peoples attention as quickly as possible.

It is also something search engines do not want, and known as keyword stuffing. So do not even try to use it not even in the meta keyword section. There are free tools online that create your meta tags, and once you do it once, you will understand how it is done. It is not rocket science.

I said many things about onpage optimization but I am going to mention the most important thing called Internal Linking. This is the other thing I do in my website, apart from meta tags.

Again, I do not waste time on it. Use it with caution, do not over use because with this method your website will appear ugly and your visitors will rush away not buy. Internal linking simple refers to when you link from one page of your website to another. Like from your blog or sitemap to your homepage.

Instead of the old way of using Homepage in the anchor text, which are those blue words in the link. You now use the keyword you want your homepage to rank for. Again pay attention so visitors still understand that links takes them to the homepage.

I like to use this method from my blog, within articles or blog posts it is more powerful, and your visitors will not get confused. Do not use it in your website menu, because your visitors are important as much as the traffic you get.

So do a quick, onpage optimization. Focus on meta tags and link building. That's how to optimize your website the right way without time.

How does this sound to you: Automatic link exchanges fast and easy, using a white-hot brand new seo software. Check it out now!

Article Marketing - Super-Charge Your Article Writing Style

Application marketing offers ideas and suggestions that make your articles sing with power and acclaim. Can you present your product in articles? Of course you can! If you can write a ten word Ad for your product, you CAN write an article that super-charges your marketing power.

SNAP ---

Give articles marketing magnetism with power-words. Evoke emotion in your reader by using words that sensitize there emotional reactions. Action words say it all. Do your verbs just lie there in wait, energize them with action filled gestures.


Showcase your articles with subtitles and sub headers that scream. Sizzle and shine come from showcase words that alert the press to your product value. Marketing power relates directly to the subtitles you use. If your subtitles don't reach out and grab your readers, they aren't doing their job. Make them earn their place in your article.


Content rich, well written articles captivate your reader, bringing them into the article and showing them how wonderful you are. You don't have to TELL them. When you make your articles about them, they FEEL it. They readily comprehend that you're all about THEM.


Put your reader into motion with an active call to action that demands response. Tell them to click your link. Tell them to fill out your signature form. Tell them what you want them to do. Don't leave anything to chance, give them explicit directions and activate them with a call to action they can't resist.

FREE ---

Give away the farm. Well, okay, perhaps not the farm, but a glass of milk won't hurt. They'll still buy the cow when they realize you only gave them a sample of orgasmic pleasure. They'll want more... Show them how much they can get. But only give them a sample.

Are you ready to make your copy sizzle with sensual pleasure?

Chocolate Marketing Concepts empowers copywriters with sensuality, orgasmic words that crackle with emotional energy. Sign up for a FREE Copy of The Chocolate Drop and Learn the Secret of sizzling sensuality and show-stopping voluptuous copywriting techniques.

Jan Verhoeff grabs the attention of potential clients with magnetic copy, marketing specialties, and dahliance! Learn more about marketing success at and claim your FREE Subscription to Jan's News & Updates.

Google Rules! No, This Isn't Another Glowing Report of the Search Engine Giant

Visit any forum or web page dedicated to the discussion of SEO (search engine optimization) and you will find scads of webmasters and SEO specialists obsessed with improving their Google placement and/or page rank. Why is that? Because Google is the most popular search engine, it’s the one that everyone uses to find what they are looking for.

My question is why? Does the public know that Google has a “sandbox”? The existence of the sandbox has never been verified by Google, but it’s widely believed to exist.

The sandbox is like a penalty box for new web sites. Most say that a new web site will have to do it’s time in the sandbox for about 6 months before ever having a hope of ranking well in Google. In effect, when you search for “widgets” in Google, there is little chance that you are going to find a new widget company, or even a 50 year old widget company that has just produced a web site for the first time.

What I want to know is; is that fair? Is it what the masses want? Do the masses care how old a site is or how many people link to it? Not likely. As a consumer, if I’m looking for a widget I want a good quality inexpensive widget and I want one that I can order online maybe or one that is local to me so that I can go get it. I could give a rat’s behind how long the website has been up or how many other websites link to it… I just want my widget!

I recently created a web site for my company which offers web design and logo design services. There are a gazillion companies offering that ok, well Google says 170 million but close enough! My chances of getting a top 10, or even to the top 50 are minimal, I have to rely on some more obscure keywords and other advertising methods to get anywhere. I can also rely on Msn search because in a matter of a month I’m now in the top 10 to 30 on three of my keyword phrases.

So what’s the difference? Msn doesn’t have a penalty box? They don’t care how long the site existed? They don’t care how many back links you have? My personal theory is that what they do care about is fresh content and a new website has fresh content.

So… what does this all mean? Not much really other than to point out that Google is a snob and Msn isn’t? That if you are looking for the latest on a topic, perhaps msn should be your search engine of choice? To point out that the average consumer doesn’t really care that there are 170 million websites found for their search term, what they want is relevance in the top 10 – 30 (most won’t go further than 3 pages before they try changing their search term or select a site within the top 30)

This has been mostly a frustration rant and perhaps a challenge to Google. What gives Google the power to decide what we as consumers want to find when we search? Who are they to decide that a new site is less worthy than an older established site? Isn’t the content what is important to us when we search? Is there a better way for Google, and the others to provide better more relevant results?

Perhaps Google should consider offering an option to its faithful followers. An option to search without their penalty filter, an option to search on new content, an option to search on the age of the website – giving us the choice to decide what’s important to us – giving us credit for knowing what we want. It would rock the world of the SEO and force us webmasters and designers to go back to working on unique content and service for our customers instead of obsessing on keywords and backlinks. I think that would be good for everyone.

Lisa Campbell is a participant in the currently running Ambatchdotcom Seocontest - you can see her entry at